Monday, May 6, 2013

Celebrating Mom and Sew Mama Sew

It's Day 1 of Celebrate Mom here at Happy Quilting!!!  If you missed the intro post, Celebrate Mom is a week long event that will include daily guest posts from some of my good friends on their mom/quilty adventure and a fave dinner recipe as well as daily fabric giveaway's for you !!!  So be sure to pop in each day this week so you don't miss any of the celebration!!

Today, is also Sew Mama Sew Giveaway day!!! When I originally scheduled Celebrate Mom I didn't realize it was over Sew Mama Sew Giveaway day.  Now I haven't missed one of these in years, and I wasn't about to start.  So today's post is doing double duty!!  (*giveaway is at the end of the post :)

I am so excited to start the Celebrate Mom event off.  I have gotten so many email from you all letting me know how much you are anticipating this week, and I have to say that and I am too!!!  So, let's get going!!!

I am a wife of almost 13 years and a mom of 5 :)  Our children are Spencer (10), Jessica (7), Kristian (6), Kamryn (4), and Jocelyn (18 mo).  So ya, things are always hopping over at the Corry household.   I am often asked, "How do you manage all the quilting with so many little ones?"  We'll, today, I am going to tell you a bit about how we attempt to do that :)

I like structure.  I was an accountant before I was a mom so it's not surprising, lining things up is just in my nature.   I have a daily routine that I stick to pretty much every day.  (with the occasional bend for craziness ;)   So, here's a typical weekday to give you an idea of how it works. (sometimes :)  

6:00 - 8:00- exercise / computer time  (ie blogging, designing, emailing, ect.)
8:00 - 11:30 - tidy up, run errands, homework for K guy, and general play and silliness
11:30 - 12:30 - Lunch time  (the kids eat while I catch up on email, why does it take kids so long to eat??)
12:30 -  1:00 - Afternoon Transition. ( take to K, Wee ones lay down, and lunch break with husband ) 
1:00 - 2:30/4:00)  NAP TIME aka SEWING TIME
4:00 - 5:00 homework and prepare dinner
5:00 - 6:00 - dinner time
6:00 - 8:00 - family time - (aka yardwork, games, walks, chores, sports, run around real crazy like time :)
8:00 - 10:00 - Unwind - Press and Pin time
10:00 - Go to sleep to start it all over again :)       

I find that when I try to stick to this schedule, as much as possible, that I have lots of time for my sewing, but still make lots of time for my kids.  (but it should be noted, I have no spare time for anything else, I don't remember the last time I watched tv in the daytime, and I listen to books now instead of reading them)   For me, It comes down to making time for what I like to do :)  

Okay, so are looking at the schedule and wondering how Unwind - Press & Pin go together??  This is a great way I have found for maximizing my sewing time!!!  I guess you could say it is my little Time Tidbit :)  

You see, I have a limited nap time and didn't want to waste a second of it, and I have tried to work in the evening but honestly,  I am tired in the evenings and not very productive.  So now, during my nap time sewing, I rarely press or pin.  I will cut for one project and then set it aside.  I will chain stitch up a huge pile and then set it aside.  I will do this for as much time as I have sometimes working on 3-4 projects.

Then . . . in the evening, after the wee ones go to bed, I bring up my ironing board, set it over my bed, and remove pins, clip threads, and press the massive pile I stitched that day.  Once the pressing is done, I pin the pieces I want to sew the next day.  Both pressing and pinning take next to no brain power,  so while I prepare for the next day of sewing, my husband checks sports, while we both watch a movie or some tv, or just chat about life and so forth, all while spending time together and unwinding from the day. Fantastic!!!

Now . . .  just so you don't think everyday runs perfect, here is a little taste of what happens when we get off schedule a bit.  Deadline looming and I find sewing time is spilling into morning or evening . . .  Well then I have assistants who hand me pins, put away pins, or use my chair to make pin cusion designs.  (they have not poked me once . . . so far)

Or, if they are not in a helping mood and want to be artistic, out come the designated scraps for scrap collages.  (Yes, I have scraps for me and scraps for them.)

Or, the good old fall back, just turn my sewing room into a toy room ;)

And if I find I have to finish a blog post, or I just need a few more minutes to finish a design, I get a musical pot symphony around me, and/or a computer typing buddy.  

And of course, on those crazy days, you need a quick fixing meal.  Our family loves Chicken Kisses.  It's just like campfire tinfoil dinners but done on your bbq :)  And you can totally change it up for whatever you have on hand.  Any meat, potatoes, any veggie, a little sauce (everyone likes different, a few BBQ, a few Ranch, and one Fry Sauce) and 30 minutes on the grill to perfection!!!  A family favorite that is easy to cook and fun for the kids to eat :)  
Image courtsey of
So in summary, what works for us is to try to be structured as much as possible, and really make the most of the good days, so that on those other's day we can be flexible and know that things will be back to normal soon :)

And with that, let's get to our first giveaway!!!

Today's Celebreate Mom/Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day is sponsored by Green Fairy Quilts.  And Judy has a fabulous giveaway for you indeed!!!  One lucky winner will have this beautiful Posy Fat Quarter Bundle by Aneela Hoey for Moda as their Mother's Day gift!!  The prints in this line are just adorable and the colors are swoon worthy!!! 

So what do you have to do for your chance to win???

Leave a comment here of your favorite Fat Quarter Bundle Judy carries in her shop, Green Fairy Quilts.

That's it.  Up to 1 entry per person.  Giveaway is open to international entries.  It will close on Friday, May 10th and a winner will be selected randomly and announced shortly after.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to come back tomorrow when Heather and Meagan from Quilt Story will be stopping by and Fat Quarter Shop will be hosting another fabulous giveaway!!!
Pin It!


  1. My favorite is actually Posy....I do have the charm pack but am planning a quilt for my new great-niece to be born in August!

  2. Wow, you are super structured! I guess you'd have to be with all those little ones running around! Thanks for sharing. My favorite bundle would be In from the Cold - Kate Spain's new Christmas line. I think I need to get my hands on some! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  3. Structure is good, as long as we don't turn into dictators. We can accomplish so much more. And kids need that structure too. My favorite bundle is Everlastings, by Sandy Gervais.

  4. Melissa, I am liking the boo crew. Thank you for the chance,

  5. Thanks for sharing an insight into your day, now I know how you do it! Although I often think if I want to get something done I can usually manage it somehow. My favourite bundle is Shuffle by Riley Blake - thanks for the giveaway

  6. You're definitely busy. Love the ironing in bed. =) LOL. I love BOHO...great bundle. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  7. Thanks, Melissa for this wonderful post! Thanks for sharing the structure of your day! Totally interesting and inspiring! You go girl! My favorite bundle in Judy's shop is the Halloween bundle by Sweetwater (Boo something. I've forgotten the whole name) Take care! Have an awesome Mother's Day!

  8. There is so much discipline and structure in your day I admire you! My favourite bundle is Shuffle by Riley Blake.

  9. Thanks, Melissa, for sharing your day with us! Inspiring. My favorite bundle from Judy's shop if the Halloween bundle by Sweetwater (Boo something or other) Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  10. Scheduling is so important! It really helps when you have a handful of kids. I homeschool my bunch, and have found over the years, that a schedule is the key to getting things done...for us :) I really like the Padstow line by Cabbage and Roses. This is going to be a fun week! Thanks.

  11. Wow, what a busy days! It has to be, with 5 little ones. Thank you for sharing your busy schedule.

    My favorite bundle... that's a hard one. Maybe Happy go lucky or Winters lane.

  12. Love seeing your schedule and how you fit in sewing with all the children. Love the idea of pressing and pinning at night. My favorite is Christmas Countdown. Thanks for the chance!

  13. I love mod century!
    My husband woke up Sunday and said, "happy Mother's Day love" and I immediately was kicking myself for not going along with it :) I could have had 2 mothers days :)

  14. You are a busy mom! Have a great Mother's Day! My favorite is Simple Marks.

  15. Thank you for your daily schedule. My favorite bundle is Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Color Splash Batiks. I love batiks!

  16. Wow! I didn't really realized what a luxury it is to have kids out of the house. I don't think I could handle all you do, but I am an accountant, too, so I get the structure thing.

    Love Simple Marks Summer and love Judy's shop!

  17. My favourite would be Serenity from Riley Blake Designs. Luscious fabrics there! Love the idea of those Chicken Kisses! Thanks for the chance to win some fabric goodies!

  18. There are quite a few in her shop that i wouldnt mind getting my hands on, but the number one would be Oh deer. Oh and btw, i have those same pj bottoms, and hubby loves it when i sew and iron at bedtime while he watches tv. Says it relaxes him :)

  19. Well, there were a bunch of bundles that caught my attention, but honestly I really want to expand my solids collection, so I think I would get a solid bundle. There were several great bundles of solids to choose from!

  20. I love Boo Crew and Posy. Thanks for the glimpse into your day!

  21. What a great schedule you have set up. I am still trying to work out the kinks in mine. Being a WAHM definitely has it's challenges!

    She has a ton of great bundles over there but Oh Deer! would be my tops since a close friend is decorating her nursery in a woodland theme and deers are on the brain LOL.

  22. Loving Everlastings by Sandy Gervais

  23. The only time I have to sew is when my daughter takes a nap and goes down for the night. I also have a bin of scraps that she gets to play with and my own personal stash. lol I love the Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Oh Deer by MoMo, those seers get me! Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. I would have said Happy Go Lucky but looks like that's out of stock so Posy, it is :) Thanks for the chance...I think you look like a very organized planner! Neat that you can get so much sewing done and enjoy your family too!

  25. I could use some Moda Bella solids. I use to get alot more done when my kids were little. For some reason now that they are gone I don't seem to get as much done

  26. The Gingham bundle.

    Organization is the key! I am organized in my sewing,but need to be throughout the day more so. Your pressing time at night with the hubby seems like a great time to unwind! Thanks sew much for sharing Melissa:):):)

  27. Without a doubt, it is MOD CENTURY!! I love it..
    Thanks! I grab a few minutes here and there to sew -- i really appreciate the discipline it takes to stick to a schedule.

  28. Bella solids colors, it's so versatile.

  29. Sew Stitchy has caught my attention. thanks for the give away!

  30. Boho is my favorite. I can relate to the symphony.

  31. I think Simple Marks. I love the color saturation of that line.

  32. Melissa, we should be friends! I've been married 13 yrs and have 5 little guys running around like crazy too! I haven't felt I had the time or energy for sewing much until recently, but I've totally caught the bug and I'm looking to open an etsy shop soon!

    My fave is happy go lucky - there's just something about that Bonnie and Camille

  33. Wee Woven Brights really caught my eye. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Beautiful family! I like Riley Blake's Dress up Days.

  35. You are amazing to manage all your activities with family. I have three children and my sewing time is at 10 PM or sometimes on Sundays.

    I love Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Simple Marks Summer by Malka Dubrawsky.

  36. I love Boho by Urban Chiks! :)

  37. Love how you schedule your day Melissa... I do not have a little one any more but am currently working on a weekly schedule. I need it desperately to avoid wasted time of thinking and procrastinating what to do next! ;)

    My favorite bundle is Bear Country. I love children's literature and the Berenstains are one of my faves! :) Thanks for the terrific giveaway. Look forward to more stories this week!

  38. Oh my goodness! Ihave loved Posy from day dot - but still yet to get some! Thanks for the giveaway! Oh and I love Boho! ps. I'm a Melissa, I have four kids, and I have a blog too - yeh!

  39. Wow, I am impressed! You manage your time well. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  40. I love the Keep it Sassy collection.

  41. You really have a great schedule. One that works for you. I don't have any young children now. I now have 3 young grand newphews that I now enjoy but they live 3 hours away so their visits are every now and then. Since I just love Kate Spain and have some of her quilt patterns. I am choosing In from the Cold fat quarter bundle. Of course, I would be so happy to receive a squishy package in the mail of the Posey Fat Quarter Bundle by Aneela Hoey for Moda indeed. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Sandi Timmons

  42. That is a seriously organised day - I love the sewing in bed pic :)

    I love the Momo Oh deer bundle and it is on sale!

  43. In from the cold looks pretty nice.

  44. Naptime is my sewing time too :) I love Happy Go Lucky!

  45. I love Aspen Frost. I love the pictures of your day with the kids. It brings back happy memories.

  46. Adorable! And my answer is probably the Wee Woven brights- go with anything :)

  47. Thank you for the great giveaway, I love the Christmas Countdown bundle and Posy of course!

  48. Posy, seriously I LOVE this line!! Thanks so much!

  49. Very pretty fabric bundle. Excited for a chance to win!

  50. What a great giveaway! My favorite is Maritime by Riley Blake - I love the cool color scheme. Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. Melissa you are so organized! Thanks for the great giveaway. So many pretty fabrics at Green Fairy, but I always like Camille and Bonnie, so I would pick Happy Go Lucky.

  52. I have a hard time juggling it all, too. Looks like you do a great job!! I think Winters Lane is beautiful!! Thanks for a lovely giveaway!!

  53. Posy is actually my favorite! I love everything Aneela does and I don't actually have any of this line so Id adore a FQ bundle of it! Thanks for the chance!

  54. I love Sew Stitchy! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  55. Right now it is Posy! Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  56. I do some hand sewing at night while we watch TV too. Not dedicated enough to bring up the ironing board though! Riley Blake Dark Cotton Shades would be my choice.

  57. mod-century is definitely my favorite :)

  58. Wow - that quilt on your bed is fab and I love all the real life pics. I love it that you let you kids play in the sewing room!

    My hubby and I were both accountants also before we gave it up for fabric - too funny! Yep - the key to sewing success is limited TV time and maximum efficiency, LOL!!

  59. Great giveaway, I need to be more organized and maybe I could get more stuff done.
    Love the Mod century

  60. Such a cleaver way to get your pressing done....I love the idea of pressing in bed! My favorite is into the cold, would make a perfect Christmas quilt!!

  61. I have several Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Marbles Citrus in my stash and love them. You are an inspiration. What a crazy schedule.

  62. What a wonderful post! Thanks for inviting us into your hokme so we can see how a younf mom can do it all. You are a perfect multi-tassker! I love the Sassy fat quarter bundle at Green Fairy. Thanks to you and Judi for the chance!

  63. I love the Mod Century pack!

  64. I love Happy Go Lucky!

  65. I love Sew Stitchy! It has been one of my favorite Moda designs by Aneela Hoey for a long time.

  66. I love Riley Blake's chevrons! I'm not sure why I don't have any yet!? Lol

  67. I love Green Fairy Quilts! I love the Happy Go Lucky line or the Boho Chic. Thanks for the chance!

  68. Sew Stitchy by Aneela Hoey would have to be my pick but I have been dying to get my hands on some Posy so I am loving your give away prize. Thank you for sharing.

  69. Posy is so cute and I loved hearing about your day.

  70. Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Sew Stitchy by Aneela Hoey just gorgeous!

  71. Ooh! Oh Deer or Sew Stitchy! Thanks for sharing how you get so much done- with a toddler and one on the way, I'm always looking for ideas!

  72. Ooh - lots of lovely bundles. I choose...Savonnerie by American Jane!

  73. I'm tired just looking at your daily schedule and I work full-time and get up earlier than you! I like Kissing Booth and any of the batik collections. Thanks!

  74. Oh, can I say Posy? I just love this one!

  75. Love the Aspen Frost. I love anything really.
    You have blown me away. All your kids and lots to do. You are amazing. I find it hard juggling my two kids.

  76. This line has some awesome basic prints (and that's mostly what's in my stash). I love it :)

  77. Great post! I always wonder how other Moms schedule their time. Mine are getting a little older (easier, but with no naps!), and I'm constantly adjusting. Thanks for a the chance to win!

  78. Love the oh deer bundle. Hope you have a fabulous mother's day. Thanks for a chance to win the posy bundle it looks as sweet as can be.

  79. My favorite right now is Boho by urban chiks!

  80. I love the riley Blake chevrons!! I love your routine - I wish my 2 1/2 year old would nap!!

  81. So many great choices! I'd go for Maritime from Riley Blake. Thanks for hosting a giveaway.

  82. Blake Riley's "Remember" bundle is so darn cute. I love fabric bundles no matter what it is. I'm really loving the one you're giving away. Thanks for sharing.

  83. I am always interested to hear how my favourite bloggers fit so much into their days! Thanks for sharing. My favourite FQ bundle is Happy go Lucky.

  84. For myself, I like Mod Century by Jenn Ski, but Posy looks like it would make some lovely sundresses for my girls. :) Congratulations on being able to stick to a schedule - I have trouble and I've only got two! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  85. I think posy is actually my favourite of hers!

  86. thanks for the giveaway! My eyes were immediately drawn to the Bella Dark Solids FQ Bundle.

  87. That's quiet a schedule!I wish I was that organised but I'm a procrastinator myself !! I love oh deer by Momo!! Thank you so much for this giveaway!!!

  88. I think I like the windsor lane fat quarter bundle. Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. I think anything by Kansas City Troubles is GORGEOUS. . . but. . I'm kinda liking the baby flannels right now. . (I'm having a baby girl in September!)

  90. I love Posy! So perfect for little girls and big girls! Thanks for the giveaway!

  91. What a wonderful post and scheduling does makes things run smoothly! Boho by Urban Chiks is my favorite.

  92. Thank you for sharing about your day, I love the idea of ironing in bed! The colors in Boho by Urban Chiks is one of my favorites!

  93. Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Simple Marks Summer by Malka Dubrawsky
    So bright and colorful!

  94. I love all the fat quarter bundles, but especially the marbles, solids and batiks of both the Moda and Riley Blake lines. The Beedy Bye flannels caught my eye as well. You have a beautiful family and I admire how well you have structured your life.

    senstrings (at) yahoo (dot) com

  95. I love Boho by Urban Chiks.Great giveaway..thank you.

  96. I love Happy go Lucky! Thank you for the giveaway!

  97. I love Mind your P's and Q's by Keiki. Thanks for the giveaway.

  98. VERY hard to choose a favorite. But I am going with the Aspen Frost patterns. Beautiful! And that you for the offering. b(dot)moews(at)gmail(dot)com

  99. I really love Happy Go Lucky! thanks for the giveaway :)

  100. I like Riley Blake Designs Fat Quarter Bundle - Pieces Of Hope
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. Definitely Posy, it is my current obsession. Thanks for the great giveaway

  102. My favourite would be Simple Marks Summer... thanks for the chance!

  103. My Fav is Ticklish by Me & My Sister Designs

  104. My favorite bundle is the Riley Blake Large Chevrons.

  105. I can certainly relate! Though, I only have three children ;) It's so hard to pick a favorite. But, since you're making me, I really love Over the Rainbow Batiks Blue :)

  106. It's a tough choice. I like Apple Jack a lot, but I think my absolute fave might be Over the Rainbow batiks.

  107. I really like the Icicle Kisses. I love Christmas!

  108. I love the Apple Jack! So cute for a little boy!

  109. Ooh LaLa caught my eye immediately. Love it.

  110. I like aspen frost. It matches the colors I am using in my new beach house, so I need to win!

  111. I I love Happy go lucky! What a sweet family! I am the mother of 6. I totally understand the need for a schedule/routine!

  112. I love Aspen Frost! Thanks!

  113. I found myself quite drawn to the Snow Days Batiks. And a Happy Quilting Day to you as well... what a nice sentiment!

    Thank you :-)

  114. Are you kidding? One fav? I love everything in that shop.... ok I will try to pick one. How about Bear Country. I have just been thrown into everything kids :)

  115. Enchanted Pond by Holly Taylor has been tickling my fancy :)

  116. Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Happy Go Lucky by Bonnie & Camille is so gorgeous.. and out of stock!

  117. I really like the look of Windsor Lane by Bunny Hill Designs, thank you for the giveaway!

  118. Those Riley Blake stars are adorable, I love the wee wovens too. But Posy is my favorite. thank you for the chance to win!

  119. It's lovely to read about your family life, I had wondered how you manage to quilt & sew with 5 children! I really like Boho by Urban Chiks. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  120. Panier de Fleur is my favorite as I am trying to find 'manly' fabrics for a couple of quilts for men.

  121. my favorite would be the Mod Century bundle... at least at the moment! they are all lovely

  122. Love all the Kansas Troubles... probably Pheasant Hill is my favorite.
    Loved your helpful hints about finding stitching time!

  123. I admire you for sticking to a schedule. It really helps with discipline. I need that! My favorite in the shop is Happy Go Lucky by Bonnie and Camille!

  124. Definitely Eat Your Fruits n' Veggies by Pat Sloan!

  125. Very impressive scheduling! I need to get the exercise part back into mine!
    My favorite bundle is Shuffle by Riley Blake.

  126. What a great post! I like your system. :) As to the FQ bundle, I love the Riley Blake Chevron bundles. Thanks for the chance to win!

  127. I love Happy Go Lucky! And what a lovely family you have!

  128. Wow! Melissa! You accomplish so much on your busy schedule.I am a big admirer of yours. I like Kissing Booth by Basic Grey. Thank you for a great giveaway.

  129. While I do love Posy, I think my very favorite would be Boho by Urban Chiks!

  130. The Apple Jack Flannel because I can make all kinds of cool stuffies for the kids at the hospital! Awesome!


  131. Great schedule! I wish I was that disciplined :)
    My favorite is Boho by Urban Chiks

  132. Love this one and Sew Stitchy by Aneela Hoey.Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.

  133. Honestly, Posy tops my list of fq bundles right now! Drooool!

  134. I like Over the Rainbow Batiks. I want to make a quilt in all Batiks so I am stocking little by little

  135. Happy Go Lucky is a great looking FQB. I love Green Fairy. Thanks for a chance to win! (Love your blog.)

  136. Sew Stichy by Aneela Hoey, becaus I really like her fabric lines. Thanks for this giveaway.

  137. Believe it or not, this is my favorite bundle in her shop! Posy is so cute and I don't have any kids but I've been wanting some so bad to hoard for the day when I do have a little girl and can make her a bazillion cute quilts and decoration :)

    Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

  138. Boho, Happy Go Lucky or the big solids bundle would be great. Thanks for the chance!

  139. I think it is always great to have a schedule in mind but be ready for things to take their course as well. My favorite would have to be Bella Solids Colors. Thanks!

  140. Organisation is the key to smooth family life too in my house, but I only have 3 little people!!!
    After Posy, my favourite would be Happy-Go-Lucky.

  141. Icicle Kissses looks wonderful! I love your system...I'm the child of two CPA's but it didn't really pass down in the genes! lol

  142. I enjoyed reading your post! My fave is Boho.

  143. Pheasant Hill by Kansas Troubles Quilters - it's really not fair to have to chose just one.

  144. Over the Rainbow Red batiks. My sons (now 21 and 25 years old) pulled out the old VHS videos of themselves when they were 1 and 4 years old and theres a short segment of them crawling and walking around on the living room floor where I had a quilt laid out and was measuring for borders, wow! it's amazing I ever accomplished a finished quilt! So reading your strategy brings back old memories! Hooray for moms!

  145. my favourite is Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Boho by Urban Chiks
    visit me at

  146. I pick the Enchanted Pond bundle.

  147. The Boo Crew by Sweetwater jelly roll - Yum! Thanks for the insight into your day. We do something similar here, but my youngest is coming out of naps and the other two are at school so I'm losing that quilting time. Gah! Thanks for the giveaway!

  148. My favorite in the shop is Mod Century by Jenn Ski. Thanks for the great giveaway and sharing your schedule.

  149. Wow! You make it happen! Awesome! I have 2 children and no schedule... Maybe a schedule would help! My favorite is The Enchanted Pond by Holly Taylor. Thank you!

  150. I love the Odds and Ends bundle by Cosmo Cricket. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  151. I have to choose just one?!? Ok, Kissing Booth.

  152. I'm thinking Riley Blake solids! Thanks for sharing your daily schedule. I love some of your ideas!

  153. I love the Everlastings bundle! I'm starting my first quilt...I really need some more fabrics! :)

  154. Tough choice as there are 2 that she carries and I really want but I will pick Sandy Gervais' Posh Pumpkins. Thanks for the chance to win.

  155. My favorite bundle is Pheasant Hill. audiodropzone (at) gmail (dot) com

  156. Gosh- so many to choose from. Mod Centry or Kissing Booth.
    Happy to have come across your blog. Seems like you pull it all together well. Such a cute family!

  157. So many to chose, but I have my eye on BoHo - but Posy would make me happy too.

  158. Christmas Countdown. Love the photo of the pins next to your legs and of ironing over the bed.

  159. Oh Deer is one of my favorites. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  160. Riley Blake One for the Boys (so far all I have is adorable little boys, so we do lots of boyish sewing around here!)

  161. Fab giveaway and I'm in awe of your schedule! My fave bundle there is Sew Stitchy :-)

  162. So many beautiful ones, but I'm going with Christmas Countdown by Deb Strain


  163. Press and pin night ROCKS. Genius! Shall implement asap... I love the Mod Century bundle but I'd never seen the wee woven brights before, they look really cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

  164. BoHo has been one of my favorites from Moda recently. Thanks for the chance to win!

  165. I love Oh Deer! Thanks! julia.glotova (at) gmail (dot) com

  166. Oh, my favorite is Posy! I can't help loving little girl things when I have two little boys running the house!

  167. I love the color splash batiks bundle! So many options!!
    I love the iron board next to the bed idea...

  168. HOW do you do it??? you must be wonder woman or something. I love the Riley Blake- too cute to spook!

  169. What to choose.....!!! I think I like the "Keep it Sassy" bundle.

  170. I love Moda - Aspen Frost is my latest favorite!

  171. Christmas Spirit by Holly Taylor is beautiful! I admire your organization, when my kids were little I was very organized. Now that they're grown, I've lost that and get much less done! Go figure...

  172. I love so many but would really like a bundle of solids as I have none and my LQS doesn't carry solids. Thanks for the chance! I also sew around nap time and bedtime, kiddos are 5 and 2.

  173. Hello! Wow! You are devoted to quilting with that ironing board next to the bed! I like the 3 Sisters Lario. Just perfect! thank you!

  174. I love the Oh Deer by Momo!!

  175. So many choices, but I would have to say that I like "Small Dots" by Riley Blake Design!

  176. I'm in love with In From The Cold by Kate Spain! Thanks for the chance ~ fingers crossed!

  177. Posy would be my favourite. Thanks for the giveaway, and happy mother's day!

  178. I would love in from the cold for a Christmas project.

  179. Kissing Booth by Basic Gray is my fave bundle.

  180. Schedules save the day! Your Press and Pin evenings are brilliant - I'm always making mistakes if I try to sew or cut in the evenings. I have a big cutting day twice a year so I can prep a lot of projects at once. Helps a lot!

    As for my favorite FQ bundle - I'm wanting to make another Christmas/winter quilt and I've got my eyes on In From The Cold. My nine-year-old loves the cocoa prints in that collection.

  181. Moda Fat Quarter Bundle - Independence Trail WOOL (blue) - i love the warm colors and the feel of wool - its like sitting in from of a fireplace on a snowy day :)

  182. My favourite is pat Sloan's eat your Fruits and Veggies batkiks. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on the draw.

  183. My favorite bundle would be the boho from Moda. I like the modern/60's feel of it :-) ml_wilkie(at)hotmail (dot) com

  184. I love Kissing Booth. Colors and patterns are so sweet.

  185. Mod Century is pretty cute! Thanks for the chance!

  186. I love Mod Century!

  187. In from the cold by Kate Spain... I think. I could easily get lost over there! I love the idea of an evening ironing party while relaxing in bed... nice idea!

  188. I am working on time management myself so that I can do all that I have goals to do. It is a process!

    My favorite is "Apple Jack"

  189. I like the Moda Mod Century. What days you must have! Makes me glad my children are grown!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
