Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Need the Sun

I finished quilting up and binding my "Jo-Anne quilt contest" quilt this morning (and some of this afternoon).  You know, the earthy tones one that I will probably call A Nature Walk or Natures Pathways or something along those lines.  (by the way, thank you for all of the great suggestions, I really am having a hard time picking a favorite, but that is a good thing :)

Well anyhow, now that it is done I just want to get outside and take some wonderful pictures of the beautiful earth tones and Argghh, it is all muggy, wet, and nasty.  No sun at all, just total cloud cover and threating to rain again.

What ya gonna do??  I will try to get outside tomorrow and take some pictures because I really don't want to reveal the finished quilt with pictures taken inside that just don't do the colors justice.  So, I will leave you with a little sneak peak and show you the new quilting design I tried out .

I figured since it was all "nature-ish" I would try to create a "nature-ish" all over design.  I played around for a bit on paper and ended up coming up with this.  I'm going to call it leafy vine.  I did it rather small scale so yes, it took quite a while to quilt up but I am so super happy with the outcome.  Until tomorrow, Happy Quilting


  1. I love the leafy vine quilting! I hope the weather cooperates for photos soon!

  2. Nice quilting. Works very well with the design :)

  3. Congratulations on another finish. Beautiful quilt.


  4. It was a completely gray day here today and you sure couldn't have gotten a picture. I really like your vine quilting - it's simple but the eye is drawn to the leaves and it's perfect with those nature colors. blessings, marlene


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
