Monday, November 1, 2010

November Surprises!

Well it is November!!  Where is the year going??  Halloween is over and it is time to start thinking about a Turkey Celebration!  It is only 3 1/2 weeks away.  I am so excited.  We have some family and good friends coming over so I best start planning!  My husband loves pies and so we normally have 6 - 9 pies for Thanksgiving.  (Ya, for 5 - 7 adults and a handful of kids).  It only comes around once a year so ya gotta live it up, right :)

I woke up this morning to a wonderful November Surprise!  My Chubby Stars in Fall quilt is being featured on Stash Manicure's Banner!  I am so excited I have been doing a little dance all morning, even while doing laundry, and that is saying something :)  If you get a chance, click on over to see it and other amazing quilts!

Then I went out to my mailbox to find 2 more November Surprises.  The first was this!!  I won this Charm Pack in a giveaway from 21st Century Charm School.  I can't wait to work with this line, it is so pretty!!

The second mailbox surprise was these!  Aren't they just adorable!!  My sister-in-law is absolutely amazing at crochet.  I saw these slipper a while ago on line and asked her if she could figure out how to make me a  pair.   She didn't just make me 1 pair she made me 4 pairs!  She sent me 2 black and 2 white.  I just love them!  Don't worry, you don't have to be left out.  Just click on over to her etsy shop, Salutations, and see what amazing crochet goodies you can find for yourself!  You can also read about her crochet adventures at her new crochet blog Salutations The Blog.

So all in all, a great start to November!!!


  1. This quilt is stunning. You are so talented!

    I love your giant I-spy quilt, too - what a great idea!

  2. Wow! The post office was FAST! I just sent those off on Saturday, and they made it to you already? Nice!

    Thanks for the plug Melissa. I'm glad you like them.

  3. Uh, Melissa...? Are you saying each adult gets one pie to them selves? Each? LOL!! I love pumpkin pies but I don't think I could eat an entire one..hee hee!

    Your quilt is gorgeous! Great job!

  4. Melissa I saw your quilt just a little while ago on Stash Manicure and it's just wonderful...Congratulations! Blessings, marlene

  5. I really like your chubby stars pattern. Do you have the pattern available for sale? I would love to purchase one.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
