Saturday, May 14, 2011

WIP Update - Boy or Girl????

So my big 9 month WIP got an update yesterday.    I went to  the doctor's yesterday morning to get the 21 week ultrasound that told us if we should be looking at Blue and Green or Pink and Purple.   With 2 boys and 2 girls already, this little one is the tie breaker.   What's it to be, Girl or Boy???????


It's A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. woo-hoo Congratulations Melissa!

  2. That is lovely news. Both are beautiful. Now you will have a quilting companion.

  3. congratulations! pink is good. we only had the blue variety so we measured the years tick by by counting busted bed slats, broken bones, bottles of green slime (for bike tires, not nasal discharge), and patio ping pong tournaments the police would bust up because of bad karaoke sung by changing voices. pink is good. hair dryers, modesty lessons, dolls, and BFFs.

  4. YAY! bust out the pink and purple! Congrats!

  5. congratulations!!! Pink is really good.

  6. Congratulations!

    I find out what my first grandbaby will be in a few weeks.... that is if the baby decides to cooperate.

  7. Awww, congratulations!! We have a boy grandchild, but I'm looking forward to the future when one of my children maybe gives me a girl. Not that the boy is second class mind you!!

  8. congratulations - my daughter is expecting two girls and one boy - triplets - after waiting 8 years I guess they want to get it all done at once. Boys are great, but Daughters are special

  9. Congratulations!!!.....:)

  10. I'm sure you would have been happy either way.. but to be honest as a mother of 2 boys and 2 girls myself.. the two girls were much more fun to shop for :)

  11. Congratulations! ANd I'll just say "tired" right now. I have 4 grown sons, don't know how I would have done with 5 children. And you quilt, too! You are awesome.

  12. Congratulations! We have five grandsons, love them dearly, but are thrilled we are having our first granddaughter this year! Best wishes to you!

  13. Wow, you're expecting #5? We have 5 too. How old are yours?

    Girls are fun. Fun to dress anyway... :-)

  14. awe!!!!!! yippeee!!!!!! congrats!!!

  15. FIVE kids?!!!!! You DO know what is causing this don't you? Just kidding - congrats and blessings to ALL of you - Laurie :)

  16. Congratulations! I'm partial to girls since I have three.

  17. congratulations! And, WOW! Five kids!! Hats off to you :-D

  18. YEAH!! Congrats! So excited for you!

  19. Congratulations!!! So exciting! :) :)

    How are you feeling? I think we're still not going to find out... though Jay might be wavering. :)

  20. congrats!!!! More pink is great!!!

  21. YEA!!! Congratulations on your new little girl1! How fun!!

  22. Congratulations Melissa. How exciting for all the little pinks, purples, and ruffles. YAY! You can feel free to send me the blue quilt. LOL I have a grandson due on Sept 2nd. :)

  23. Congratulations! Either way it was sure to be wonderful! Wow 5 children you have more energy than I do :) (just catching up on my blog reading)

  24. OH how exciting!! Congratulations.

  25. Congrats to you! Hopefully she will like the same flavor ice cream as you, as the women will now have majority vote in your family :)

  26. Yay for you! I have five of my own of the blue variety. They're all grown up now, and I still have most of my sanity - just waiting for someone to produce grandchildren - hopefully a few of the pink variety. In the meantime, I have my job as a neonatal nurse!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
