Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Celebration Continues

**** Note - If you are looking for the Intrepid Thread Fat Quarter Bundle Giveaway you will find it here :)

What better way to celebrate one's Blogiversary than signing up for an awesome conference!!!  I have wanted to  attend the Sewing Summit since I heard about it but have put it off because the timing was a bit off for me (more on that below).  But yesterday I decided (after a little discussion with my sweet husband and my mother) that I am Going!!!!!  I am so excited!!!!

So what was holding me back . . . Well, I am due to have our 5th child some time around the 25th of September.   But I decided that gives me a good 2 weeks to recover before the conference.  And my wonderful mother, who happens to live just outside of SLC has agreed to watch the wee little one during the day for me.  Ya, I really want to attend this conference!!!

I wish I could stay up late at the hotel with all of you ladies and run around in pj's gabbing with everyone but I will be content with attending the conference in the day and taking care of my newest little bundle of joy in the evening. (and probably most of the night :)   So if you see me there and I happen to be falling asleep just give me a quick nudge :)  Can't wait to meet some of you in person!!!!  Yippee Skippee!!!!

P.S. Check back tomorrow for another fabulous Sponsor Giveaway :)


  1. Sounds like fun but with a new baby. You are really brave.

  2. agree with suemac ;) ~ pray it will be a great time for you!!

  3. Wow, that really is a tight schedule!! Hope to bump into you at the Summit, I'm really looking forward to it!

  4. Yea!! How fun!! haha, that IS a tight schedule! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yippee!! I'll be there too- so excited to meet you :)

  7. Hey, maybe the wee one will decide to give Mommy a break and show up a few days ahead of schedule to help with the time crunch!

  8. What fun! You'll have a blast! How nice of your mom to care for the little one.


  9. Thanks for letting me enter your great contest.

  10. Thanks for sharing the fabric wealth! Love your blog.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
