Monday, September 26, 2011

Finally got her Check-Up

Okay, so is it just me or does anyone else find it extremely hard to take their sewing machine in for it's annual cleaning.  Most of the time, they tell you a week or two out.  I can't go a week or two without my sewing machine.  I find it hard to go 2 days without my sewing machine.  That probably sounds pathetic but it is true.

So . . .  On the eve of going into the hospital, I called up my local sewing machine repair shop and decided to check my little lady in.  I figure, If I am going to be in the hospital for 3-4 days then maybe I should let my sewing machine get her turn at the "sewing machine hospital".  And you can imagine how thrilled I was to find that she was ready for pick-up this morning!!!  Yippee Skippee!!  The tech said she was "very, very, very dirty", emphasizing the very's :) I figured as much, I do what I can to keep her clean but she was overdue, to say the least, for her little tune-up.

So now we are all home, me, the baby, and my other little baby :)  Welcome home Burnadette the Bernette Bernina.   I can't wait to try her out during nap time :)


  1. Yeah for a clean machine. . . I hope you enjoy nap time.

  2. Tune_ups can be very quick or very traumatic, I'm procrastinating as well... What do you think of your Bernadette? Have you seen the black Bernadette 46? I want one just because it's so cute!

  3. Oh, I've been putting this off for so long :-( I really hate to be without my machine.

  4. I always schedule my tune-ups for vacations. Since I'm out of town, I won't need it! Sending it in while you have an adorable little baby sounds like a pretty good plan, too. :)

  5. Sounds like you've both survived your hospital visits - welcome home!

  6. Congratulations on the baby and the sewing machine! I completely hate taking mine in as well.

  7. I am the same way. The thought of spending one day without my sewing machine is painful. Recently it kinda "lit on fire" - AHHHHH It was in the shop for two weeks while they got in a new mainframe to replace the melted one! It was the longest saddest two weeks. I almost cried when I took it in to the shop and explained what happened.
    Glad you are all home. Have a great nap time!!!

  8. Mine is at leat 10 days to 2 weeks, I got so frustrated I went out and bought a spare, so now I have twins! Yayy for a clean, serviced and work ready manchine :)

  9. It is hard to part with them! =) Glad she's home safe and sound. =)

  10. Yep... I had to plan in carefully so that I dropped mine off the day we left for a 10 day vacation. It worked perfectly!! :) Glad yours got home pretty quickly!

  11. I am going to have to take my Janome in too soon!

  12. Glad you and the baby are doing fine.

  13. I hate taking my sewing machine in. Even if I'm not using it, I want it at home so I can sew if I have the urge.


  14. You are amazing Melissa.Already have the new bub in a sleeping routine with the others. Great!!
    I also miss my machine when it goes for a service BUT I am lucky and now have my Mum's machine as a backup.

  15. Congratulations on your new baby! (And on having your sewing machine serviced so quickly..)



Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
