Saturday, September 17, 2011

Winner of the Burgundy Button Sponsored Giveaway!!

Thanks to everyone that took the time to enter the Burgundy Button's Sponsored Giveaway.  It is so much fun to read all of your comments.  And speaking of reading them . . . I try to respond to all of the comments on my blog but recently decided to no longer reply to giveaway comments.  It was just getting to overwhelming.  Sorry.  But know that if you ever comment on any other post on my blog I will surly reply to you :)

I am also still trying to find the best way of doing giveaways.  I know some of you responded with the idea of just leaving one comment.  And I agree that makes it fair for all, and makes it super easy (no hoops to jump through).  However,  I also feel like it really isn't fair to my sponsors who are the ones graciously providing the prize for the giveaway.  I really like to try and help generate interest in their shops while doing giveaways (as honestly, that is the entire point behind giveaways, right :)  So I don't think that is an option right now.  But if you have any other suggestions, I would love to hear them :)

So . . . Let's get to what everyone really wants to hear about . . .The Winner!!!  If  Our Good Friend Mr. Random.Org will hand me the envelope . . . . .   And the Winner is . . . . .


Congrats to Shayshap!!!  Please email me your mailing address and your lovely hometown pack will get sent out to you asap :)

Thanks again, all!!  And have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. Congratulations to the winner! This is just beautiful fabric.

    Happy Stitching!


  2. Congratulations to Shayshap! What a lovely prize to bring home :)

  3. Congratulations to the winner. Thank you Melissa for hosting the wonderful sponsor give away.

  4. Congratulations to Shayshap!! And to the host, Melissa for hosting!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
