Friday, July 6, 2012

BasicGrey Pattern Giveaway!!!

I love BasicGrey!!!  Their fabric lines are fantastic.  Their mixture of colors is always stunning and I love how they add grunge prints with their lines.  I am currently working on a Braided Irish Chain using Hello Luscious and am just starting a new bed quilt using their soon to be released line Little Black Dress. (Which is totally drool worthy!!)

So . . . You can imagine how excited I was when I contacted by Shara of BasicGrey.  She is just amazing and I am so happy to have gotten to know her better.  And I was  thrilled when she offered to let me give some of her patterns for their new upcoming Blitzen line away to a lucky reader!!!  (And I am sure you are equally thrilled!!)

BasicGrey's patterns are fantastic!!!  Their directions are so easy to understand.  The layout is super easy to follow and the diagrams are full color and absolutely fabulous.  And with lots of size options for each pattern you are sure to find the quilt that will work for you.

 Don't you just love these patterns!!!!

Would you like to win your own copies???  Just leave me a comment.  You can tell me if you have any Christmas in July projects planned :)  I will choose 2 lucky winners on Wednesday the 11th!!

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. I love their fabric lines also! Ugh, I am at a standstill with projects right now. But once I get motivated it will be on my sister's wedding quilt. So no, no Christmas in July projects.

  2. I love these colors. We are working on starting our advent calendars and I am starting a Christmas candle rug swap. It's kind of scary to think I only have 6 months to get all the Christmas gifts done as well.

  3. This is awesome!! I'm in the middle of making a Christmas pillow from an old sweater of my Mom's, and I just did a guest post on LilyPad Quilting for some Christmas ornaments. I also intend to get started on a Christmas table runner this month. I hope I can follow through!!

  4. The Blitzen line of fabric is beautiful. Currently I don't have any Christmas projects planned for this month but it's still the first week so I could have something started before it ends.

  5. No Christmas projects just yet but am working on my pile of WIP to finish as many as I can this year, wish me luck and like you just love anything Basic Grey.

  6. I love their fabric! I'd like to put a dent in my Christmas sewing this month. I pulled out the fabric and sorted it in June. Nothing too crazy, some bags and wallets for the kids on my list.

  7. Thank you for the chance to win. I have just finished a Plus quilt using Joy fabrics. I began machine quilting it and then spent 6 joyful hours with my seam ripper! Thank goodness for recorded tv shows! Now I'm 1/3 through hand-quilting simple lines and I love it. I am always challenged in quilting when there is a huge difference in the colors of fabric used -- what color thread, etc. Anyway, all is well. After all, it's just quilting and not life altering!

  8. LOVE BasicGrey's line of fabric. Decided this was the summer to finish some UFO'S. Have finished 3 quilts already and am currently working on a UFO Christmas Quilt!
    Would love to add Basic Grey to my summer projects!

  9. ciao,grazie per avermi dato la possibilità di partecipare al giveaw.ei.ho pronto un piccolo quilt a tema natalizio da quiltare ,è il mio primo lavoro natalizio nel mese di luglio saluti dall'Italia lory

  10. Love anything Basic Grey!! No, don't have any Christmas in July projects going at the moment. I'd love to win your giveaway!

  11. I don't have anything specific planned, but I desperately need to get started!! December comes so fast!

  12. I always think I should do Christmas in July, but I guess I never do. Too many summer & early fall birthdays in the family is my excuse!

  13. Gorgeous colours and patterns!! Yes I would LOVE to win!! I am about to make something Christmasy for a Christmas in July thing here in blogland so I am getting into the spirit of the season (a few months early!!).

  14. I am making a Christmas swap for my quilt guild. Thanks

  15. I would like to finish the tree skirt from last christmas (only binding left) and I plan to make 2 more stockings. Beautiful patterns.

  16. what fun quilts. right now I don't have a christmas quilt planned....

  17. No Christmas project so far, I've got too many projects still in work, and as soon as my table is free again, I'm going to tackle the Farmer's Wife...

  18. As wedding presents, I make personalized Christmas stockings. We just received an invitation for an August wedding. Looks like two Christmas stocking in the hottest part of the summer

  19. Beautiful patterns! I hadn't heard of this line before. I've got a couple of quilts in the works for Christmas...never to soon to get ahead!

  20. Christmas projects...yes! I have a couple of last year's wall hanging projects to finish so I can start a new project for this year!

  21. I'm working on a couple of Christmas quilts this July. And I hope to get my new Christmas tree skirt done this year. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. I have no christmas projects so far. But I am already thinking about it and have some Ufo's I want to finish as gifts. Great patterns, love them!

  23. I am hoping to start a couple of doll quilts for my granddaughters for Christmas.

  24. Oh wow!! I love the quilt on your table..adorable. I have absolutely no Christmas in July projects on the go. I don't even want to think Christmas right now....hahaha. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway Melissa

  25. I especially love the wrap it up quilt pattern. I am hoping to get a Christmas quilt made this year. We will see.

  26. These are so cute! I really like the wrap it up pattern too.

  27. Nothing especially Christmassy, but boy I am a total Basic Grey fan. Love, love, love their Grunge fabrics and cannot wait for Little Black Dress to be available, it looks fantastic!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  28. I'm not currently working on any Christmas projects right now but would really like to make a Christmas tree skirt-still looking for just the right pattern!

  29. This year I am determined to finish my Christmas quilt, which I started about 5 years ago. Other projects keep pushing it back!

  30. Love basic Grey, I was just eyeing that Christmas line this morning. No Christmas projects yet but should start thinking of some!

  31. I'm gathering...for the Merry, Merry Snowmen quilt. May not get it done for this Christmas, but one of these Christmases!

  32. I do not have any Christmas in July projects planned so far. I usualy start in Aug/Sept/ Though I do need to start thinkinh of what to make everyone this year.

  33. I LOVE their grunge prints too! In most cases you can use them in place of a solid, but they're so much more interesting. I've bought a bunch of them (along with their other fabric). I have no plans to start on Christmas quilts this months, because I'm trying to concentrate on reducing my number of UFO's. Or at least I'm hoping too. However, I do need to make a bunch of Christmas quilts, 'cause I don't think I have even one.

  34. Thanks for the giveaway. My Christmas project -- dolly quilts for grandnieces. Perhaps this is the year to make a Christmas quilt for my mother.

  35. I am planning my very first Christmas quilt, but I have not decided on a pattern. I have the fabrics already.

  36. Tenho algumas caixas com tecido selecionado para o natal,mas não decidi o que vou fazer primeiro,os planos são

  37. I have so many projects PLANNED. I just hope to get the time to actually DO them.

  38. Those are gorgeous pattern! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm in the process of finishing a quilt, but that's about it.

  39. I AM planning on Christmas in July! I have Blitzen charm packs here just waiting - waiting for my daughter to get married next Saturday so then I can start on a Christmas quilt (for the newlyweds!) among many other projects. LOVE these two patterns you are giving away.

  40. I don't have any holiday projects planned but I could always finish up the tree skirts I started last year!

    what a fun pattern! thanks for the great giveaway

  41. I'm trying to finish Alex Anderson's Xmas Tree quilt. I only have to put the string of lights on it yet.

  42. I'm not even thinking about Christmas - perish the thought! I have a birthday party to plan, a vacation to get ready for, and then less than 24 hours after we return from vacation, school starts. I'm struggling to keep up with my block swaps!

  43. I don't. Have any holiday projects planned yet. I need to s
    Finish a baby quilt first

  44. I have started a table runner...I plan to do some wallhangings from Christmas panels also. Some may even be gifts!

  45. LOVE these patterns! I haven't started any Christmas projects yet, but need to get on it!

  46. I like the wrap it up pattern. I have some Moda Christmas fabric from two years ago I need to sew up into a quilt. This is giving me some incentive. I would like to have a Christmas quilt out this year when all the family will be at our house.

  47. Great patterns! No Christmas projects being done here this month! I'm gearing up for a couple of craft fairs in the fall though, so I am making items that would be great for gifts, just not out of Christmas fabrics!


  48. Those are great patterns! I love the colors of the quilts. I always love making gift quilts.


  49. love those patterns i just ordered me some christmas fabric

  50. No Christmas projects planned right now, but I am making a few birthday presents.

  51. I don't usually do christmas in july projects
    frankly I am lucky to do a christmas in december project
    but, I would like to make a tree skirt for my mother
    maybe i should think about july or august?

  52. I have recently discovered this fabric line and am excited to get some and play with a project. I do like the 2nd pattern. It would be fun to use to make a holiday table topper. I have fabric I bought to make some nice holiday napkins as we use cloth napkins, so I'll be doing those over the summer. Oh and I want to make a new tree skirt!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  53. I agree, the colors are gorgeous. That peppermint frenzy quilt is beautiful, too. I am trying to finish last Christmas' gift in this July...does that count as Christmas in July?

  54. I have red-and-white blocks to put together into a quilt top and then quilt the whole thing. For July. My July UFO. So, it will be done for Christmas this year!

  55. I know I should be thinking about Christmas but I can't wrap my head around it yet!

  56. I'd like to quilt a tree skirt. I'll be in a new house this Christmas, so I think I'll need lots of new Christmas decor! I like that Peppermint Frenzy pattern.

  57. No Christmas in July projects, but I do have a couple of retirement quilts to get started on. Cool patterns!

  58. I do like those patterns. I do have a table runner planned to make for my DIL.

  59. -awesome quilts, I like them!
    I want to sew a tree skirt, but not nesseary in july ☺
    Have a nice weekend,
    liebe Grüße

  60. I actually just sorted through my scraps to start a Christmas in July project last night. I am going to make scrappy Christmas trees. LOL
    Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  61. No projects planned, but it's always good to have a pattern in reserve!

  62. I would really like to finish up the Christmas quilt I started about 3 years ago.

  63. No Christmas projects at all except for myself. To maybe finish my Bunny Hill Snowbound.

  64. I'm a big Basic Grey fan (from my paper crafting days)...and now I love their fabrics! A good friend requested a Christmas table runner for a charity event and I want to make some for my grown children and their spouses as well.
    Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  65. What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance. Unfortunately, I don't usually begin thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I NEED to think about it in July.

  66. Thanks for the giveaway chance! I'm currently working on some Christmas table runners for gifts for my sisters. Of course, I have to finish them in time!

  67. Love those patterns. So amazing! Summer is busy so just piecing on an on going scrappy nine patch and hexagons when i sit. Thanks for the chance!

  68. Nothing planned yet but need to find something!

  69. I am working on a christmas quilt right now. A pattern from the fussy cut-starry eyed quilt. But I also love Basic Gray and made a couple of pillows out of hello luscious! Thanks for the chance at one of their patterns.

  70. Love Basic Grey (have a Hello Luscious layer cake waiting to be cut into!) I am following the Christmas in July posts and actually purchased some Christmas fabric today!

  71. No Christmas in July plans yet. I do have some ornaments to put together. Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. No Christmas in July plans, but I'm always open to temptation!

  73. Thanks for the giveaway!
    No, I do not have any Christmas in July plans.

  74. Love Basic Grey as well! I am working on Christams Tree wall hangings for myself (surprisingly), my sister and my mom (not so surprisingly)!

  75. I am a big fan of Basic Grey and can't wait for Little Black Dress to come out. No Christmas projects just now but am starting my Autumn and Halloween quilts. I'm hoping they will take my mind off the heat wave.

  76. I don't have any Christmas in July projects planned but I have some sewing in July planned. Thanks for the giveaway.

  77. I don't have any Christmas in July plans but I am preparing for Christmas in December! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  78. I am sorry to say, no I don't have any Christmas projects planned. I just don't have the time this year.

  79. I'm trying to finish up some UFOs this month....then I can start some new great stuff in the fall when the kids start school again!

  80. I love Basic Grey :) and yes I have Christmas sewing in the works.... a table runner, for my getting re-done dining room!! and quilts for my grand daughter, and a niece.......for starters.

    thanks for the give away.

  81. Well I am working on an EPP Christmas table runner. It is taking a while; it probably won't be done until November.

  82. I am starting a quilt for my sister...hopefully done by Christmas ;)

  83. No Christmas projects going yet.We farm and this is a busy time for us.

  84. I am new to quilting and am hoping (my fingers crossed) to knock out stockings for my husband and wee ones! Thanks for sharing and hope I win!!

  85. Thank you so much Melissa for a chance at the give-away! These patterns are wonderful!
    I'm planning on making a quilt for my bestest friend's birthday which is Dec 24th. It will be done with snowpeople & in her favourite!

  86. I want to decide on some Christmas table runners or mini quilts and get them started this month. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  87. Those patterns are so cute. No, no Christmas in July planned. It has been too hot to do much of anything. I need to decide on something and start a project. Thanks for the giveaway.

  88. I love their fabrics and these patterns too. I'm doing hand quilting and embroidery on a Christmas wallhanging, and I'm hosting a Christmas in July fabric swap. Thanks for the giveaway.

  89. I love their fabric! I want to start a quilt for my oldest daughter that will hopefully be a Christmas present this month. Thanks for the chance to win.

  90. Ooh i like the peppermint frenzy quilt :)

  91. Fun patterns! I'm working on a braided quilting pattern for Christmas this month that I'm excited about. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  92. I'm a new quilter or should I say learning via internet and old magazines. These patterns look very cool to do for the holidays.

  93. Such great patterns! I'm actually announcing a Christmas quilt along on Monday...can't wait to get started!!

  94. I love an easy to follow pattern. As for projects, they're dancing like sugar plums in my head, but I have no idea for sure what to make. I need to keep it simple this year and just get started!

  95. I have already started on Christmas presents. I love to sew Christmas in the HOT summer. And while I sew Christmas I watch Christmas movies.... HEAVEN

  96. I've found some X-mass fabric, need to decide on a pattern. I have a Thimbleberries tabletop pattern that I'm looking for a couple more fabrics for. Plus I'm trying to get some UFO's finished. Then I came across a bag for the handlebars of my bike that I'd love to make out of oilcloth.

  97. I love that pinwheel quilt! No particular plans. I did finish up the 241 stockings that a group of us sewed for a local non-profit. I think I finished up around 60 or so. Kind of tired of Christmas fabric at the moment! :-) Working on a jungle quilt instead! Thanks for your wonderful ideas and quilts. K-

  98. I'm working on a snail tails cat quilt for a present, not sure how it's going to turn out...SO glad I got started early on!

  99. I love the peppermint pinwheels pattern. I have already made a Schnibbes quilt with the Blitzen line and love the aqua and red combo.

  100. Oh please pick me! I have 2 layer cakes and a jelly roll of Blitzen for my Christmas projects this year! Right now I'm working on 4 stockings for a Christmas in July swap :) I better get moving, I have 5 days to finish! Thanks.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. I did have a Christmas quilt in the making...then something else came along that had to be finished in October. Love these patterns!

  103. We had twin grand boys born last year...if I start now I might get stockings made for them! I'll pop " Christmas in Conneticut " and start quilting! Thanks for the chance to win some great patterns!

  104. I'm finishing up a Christmas tree skirt. I won't be using a hunk of yardage this year.

  105. No Christmas projects going on here; now would be the time to start though. Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful patterns.

  106. I have 9 baby quilt to finish before October, so no Christmas in July fir me.

  107. i have no projects started for christmas yet. Thanks for the chance to win!

  108. Yes I would love to win a copy and no! Havent even thought of Christmas yet! What is the 'days left until Christmas' countdown anyway?

  109. I haven't started any Christmas projects yet but I have been thinking about them. I love the wrap it up quilt!

  110. I was a scrapbooker before beig a quilter. And Basic Grey was my all time favorite line! So imagine my pure joy when I found out that they have a fabric line too!!! Thank you for the chance to win!

  111. Love your blocks!!! :-) If I can make myself get started, I would like to make a set of potholders, dish towels and placemats for my daughters (and maybe one for our Dirty Santa game)--- but I've also got a lot of trees to plant, and curtains to make for our home.... so, my Christmas sewing may end up being done closer to Christmas.. Thank you for the chance to win!! :-)

  112. I love Basic Gray also.As to Christmas in July, I am barely keeping up with Easter in July. My goal before I die is to make a Christmas quilt, but that is as far as I have gotten in planning. Sigh.

  113. Love the fabric :) I am doing a wall hanging and a mantel cover for christmas....and 3 quilts for grandsons :) far!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  114. I like Basic Grey also. Sorry to say I don't have any Christmas in July projects planned but it's so hot here today I wish it was snowing!

  115. I plan to make an In The Hoop Stocking- embroidery on my Viking.

    legato1958 at aol dot com

  116. Love Basic Grey. Never have I made any type of Christmas quilt or place mats, table runner, etc. This year I thought I would start early though and make something. Not sure yet what fabric, am still waiting for things to come into the stores.

  117. I am going to make wall hangings for my daughter and daugher-in-law for Christmas. Basic Grey's patterns and fabric look like just what I need for those projects.

  118. I don't have a Christmas in July planned for now, but I might have to change my mind if I won these patterns!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  119. I love the fabric. I am working on a table runner for Christmas.

  120. Their patterns look fantastic. I'm new to quilting so Basic Grey are the first patterns I will be buying. I don't have any Christmas in July projects planned - I'm still trying to catch up on my May and June projects!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  121. Lots of Christmas in July ideas - now to get going on them! I love to make gifts early so I can enjoy the holiday season stress free.

  122. I am in the planning stages of quilts for my 3 grandchildren for christmas...

  123. Oh, that Peppermint Frenzy Quilt pattern is just fantastic! I was just thinking that if I want my family to receive their gifts on time this Christmas I better start sewing now ;0)
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! Happy Quilting!

  124. I love Basic Grey and especially the new Blitzen line coming out. But,, no Christmas projects this summer, I'm working like mad on a wedding quilt for my son and new daughter :). Wish me luck to finish by the middle of September.

  125. I do love those patterns! I am currently working on a christmas tree quilt that I started last November. I'm almost done with the binding (YAY)! Thanks for the chance!

  126. Just finished a Christmas table topper and ready to keep going! LOVE Basic Grey. I hope I win!

  127. These are great patterns! Doing the Free Spirit QAL for Christmas in July!

  128. Love those patterns! They look like they would be fairly easy! Currently, I'm working a Christmas sampler using Moda's Sentiments fabrics. I cut it out last month so I'm ready to start sewing!

  129. I love these patterns. I am currently finishing up graduation and wedding gifts. Then I have plans to start two full size quilts for my daughters. Those will be for Christmas.

  130. Love the patterns. I have a Christmas quilt that I need to finish, but probably not in July. Thanks for the chance to win.

  131. Trying to get motivated to work on snowman bom and it is hot and hard to think of cooler weather when it is so gorgeous outside ! Love the Basic Grey fabrics and patterns are wonderful !

  132. Oh, I would love to win these patterns! I don't know which one I like the best.

  133. Thanks for the chance at great patterns...I am doing Merry Merry Snowmen BOM with wool so slow going this month, lol! And a Christmas theme blog hop at the end of the month.

  134. Oh I do like basic grey!! There hello luscious is just that and great eye candy! Can't wait to get awhile of blitzes. I'm seeing some
    Tree skirts and table runners!! Yup started the quits for Christmas in July :)

  135. I havent started any Christmas projects yet .. they are still formulating in my mind :) seriously, some table toppers are part of the plan! Love BasicGrey, too! thanks for the chance :)

  136. That Wrap It Up quilt pattern is cute.
    I am working on various Christmas presents this summer.

  137. I know I will regret it as the year flashed by, but I haven't even thought about stitching for Christmas yet.

  138. Yes! I am working on a Christmas/Winter sampler quilt to cover a queen sized bed. Trying to focus on winter more than just Christmas so I can use the quilt all winter. I want to make a table runner and tree skirts too...but that may not happen this summer.

    beulahcdot [at] yahoo [dot] com

  139. No Chirstmas in July projects but trying to clean up UFOs that may end up Christmas in July projects.

  140. I have a jelly roll of Joy that I am planning on making into an Xmas quilt for the family.

  141. I adore Basic grey, cant find it in the area here. But love to make pinwheels and that pattern is also devine. thank you for this great offer. July have lined up to make DH a batik quilt for Christmas


  142. I'm working on a holiday throw using BG's fruitcake fabrics! Thank you for the opportunity to win ;-)

  143. I am working on some Christmas zip bags and probably some mug rugs after that.

  144. Love the Hello Luscious and the fabric and pattern are already in their package for a quilt for ME!) I'm launching a new Etsy shop soon (webpage being prepared) and am making some machine embroidered advent calendars -- thanks for the giveaway !)

  145. I love that the quilts look fun and simple :) No Christmas in July projects yet... need to get through some more things first lol

  146. No Christmas projects going for me now. But I would love to win these great patterns. Thanks for the giveaway.

  147. I saw the pics of the patterns before I read your write-up and thought "hey, I really like those patterns!" glad I read further! I REALLY like those patterns and would love to win your giveaway!! Thx for the opportunity!


  148. No Christmas projects going for now for me neither. But I love those two patterns and sure would love to win them. Thanks so much for the chance.

  149. I'd love to win these Basic Grey patterns, they look amazing. I haven't started on any Christmas projects yet but I'm already feeling a bit anxious about it so I should start soon. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  150. Great patterns--thanks for the chance to win! I'm still working on Merry Little Christmas (embroidery part done) from a long while back--like the last summer Olympics when I spent 7+ hours tracing, coloring and basting on the backing! So, "Nope" as the piggy in the puddle would say to any new July Christmas projects.

  151. I love these Basic Grey Pattens. I have started to make some fabric Christmas Cards to be given out later this year. Thanks for the chance to win!

  152. Great patterns and fabric! No Xmas in July for me. Too many other things on my plate. :(

  153. Great patterns! I love the chance to win. I haven't started any Christmas projects, but I've been feeling the urge, and looking at some!

  154. I have and unfinished quilt using Basic Grey's Fruitcake fabric, a layer cake. I want to finish it to put on our bed this year! It's queen size and I don't relish the thought of putting it into the sewing machine to quilt.

  155. My aunt actually recently gave me a charm pack of Blitzen and I've been wanting to make a holiday table runner with it ! Looking forward to a Christmas in July bloghop that's starting soon for some inspiration.

  156. Blitzen is one of my favorite new fabrics & the Basic Grey patterns are beautiful. I'm working on finishing a twin size quilt, but would love to do a Christmas project next. Thanks for the give away!

  157. July is when I start my handmade Christmas Ornaments every year!! That way I can't procrastinate...LOL!

  158. I'm not doing Christmas in July, too many other things that need doing like curtains and a modern quilt for eldest son.

  159. I have Basic Grey Christmas projects from 2011 and 2010 that I still need to make! Love their stuff!

  160. I love the peppermint frenzy quilt. All of my Christmas decorations are candy themed, so this quilt would be a perfect compliment.

  161. Oh what a lovely give a way. Thanks for the opportunity. By the way how is your little girl and how is the family doing? Been keeping you all in my prayers.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  162. Oooooo, the Peppermint Frenzy quilt is to die for! Love the new patterns. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.

  163. Oh i love to have one of them patterns and the colors are so so so what I like : ) Christmas project? Yes my 1st Christmas Quilt .. ssshhh it is a secret : ) Sisca at

  164. I'm beginning to look at the new Christmas fabric lines and really like some of them! Christmas table runners and table toppers are favorite gifts. That pattern would be perfect!

  165. Love those patterns!! I am making a Christmas Tree Skirt! But I may have to go get that Wrap It Up Pattern. I think that would be great done in my Christmas Scraps!

  166. No Christmas in July projects for me...thanks for the giveaway!

  167. I am a long arm quilter so Christmas is hectic for me. I should start projects in JULY! But I don't. I do however have an obsession with all things Basic Grey. Seriously... its a sickness!

  168. I'm busy finishing up a few swap projects. So no xmas in July for me!

  169. Downunder we love christmas in July because it means we can really enjoy the hot food - turkey with trimmings, pudding, so much to tuck into. If it is about 100 degrees or it is usually salads, seafood, watermelon.... Thanks for the giveaway from Basic Grey, Melissa

  170. No Christmas in July for me... I'm sewing shorts for my kids right now... Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  171. I am participating in the Christmas in July online retreat held by Quilt Fabric Delights, so I am surrounded by Christmassy inspiration right now. I can't decide what to work on first!

  172. I always participate in this event in July -
    So I am planning to get at least something done during July that is Christmassy.

  173. It's incredibly hot here in Spain to deal with large pieces of fabric! No big projects for Christmas for me either, but I think I'm going to finish quilting some Christmassy mini quilts and wall quilts I've been working on for ages... never getting them finished to be given to my patient family at Christmas! ;)

    BTW thanks for the Basic Grey giveaway! You totally rock!

  174. Anything with Peppermint gets my approval!

  175. I definitely have some Christmas in July plans!! I am working on 2 quilts that will be given as gifts this Christmas, as well as a growth chart for my niece and nephew, and Christmas tree napkins for aunts/uncles, grandparents!! All along with other random and various I decide to make!!

    Thanks for the giveaway! The patterns are just super cute!!!

  176. I love you site..... I have a quilted table runner cut out and waiting on my will be for my mom for Christmas...and I have two quilt tops ready to be quilted that are for Christmas also....

    I love the patterns...hoping you draw my name.....

  177. I'm still waiting as patiently as I can for Aneela Hoey's Cherry Christmas line to come out to start my Christmas in July project. I'm planning on making a quilt.

  178. I'm working on a Christmas wall hanging and thinking about a tree skirt.

  179. Those patterns are adorable! I was just thinking about getting started on some felt ornaments...I can't believe it is July already!

  180. I began loving their lines when the gray/yellow/lime colors came in. I haven't even begun thinking about Christmas yet! I have company off and on all summer, so won't start sewing for a while, but I do need to sneak in two baby girl quilts for this fall...two more granddaughters are due!

  181. Those are both awesome looking patterns. I love the wall hanging.

    I am working on other things now but plan to start Christmas things in a few weeks; probably into August.

  182. I'm working on several summer projects right now, but in my non sewing time I am planning out my Christmas gift sewing theme for this year. Thanks for the giveaway!

  183. I love BasicGrey!! I would love to make some Christmas gifts this year, and now is the time to get bisu! I always wait too long to get started, and then it's too late. Thanks for the inspiration!

  184. I have really enjoyed patterns with this block in it. I would love to win one!

  185. I have planned to make quilts for my children's friends. They came over and helped refinish our basement. So we own them big time!

  186. Those patterns look really cute! Thanks for the opportunity!

  187. Love the Wrap It Up Pattern. I'm a big fan of all things Basic Grey, I'm hoping to make a few little beachy Christmas trees full of shells. A quick little break from the two quilts I'll be working on in classes this month. Thanks for the chance to win.

  188. I am currently waiting for my sewing machine to be serviced. when it returns to home all nice and shiny, I plan to continue free hand quilting the QAL Stars quilt I did with you last fall. (still learning how to do free hand quilting on a large quilt) I plan to give it o my mother this Christmas... I had hoped to have it ready for last Christmas but other sewing projects took more of my time than expected... I'm sure you Never have that issue! lol Your ability to move your many quilts through their various stages amazes me. I am not so steadfast. Thanks for inspiring me to continue.

  189. I love blitzen! I haven't started anything yet, but I need to make a Christmas lap quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

  190. Yes, I do plan on making two Christmas in July projects. I'd better hurry though, it is already the 10th! I want to machine applique/embroider a set of 12 snowman ornaments all attached by one garland. After finishing that set, I would like to machine embroider "the twelve days of Christmas" ornaments. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  191. I have to get my bottom on a Christmas in July something right! LOL One of my bloggy friends is having a christmas in July swap and I am thinking maybe...! I also LOVE BasicGrey!

  192. Well I think I'll attempt the Christmas quilt I never started last year, hmmmm, make that 2 quilts.

  193. I haven't started any Christmas projects yet. I have surgery scheduled for the end of July so I can work on some during the down time.

  194. I just found out about Basic Grey's patterns. I have ordered my first and can't wait to get it. I would love some more of their patterns!

  195. Ooohh!! love that pinwheel pattern. I do have a Christmas in July project...need to finish a quilt for Christmas 2011, just needs quilting. Yea, just quilting. Thanks for a chance to win a Basic Grey pattern, love them.

  196. Eek! I have NO Christmas projects planned! I need to get on that!

  197. I do have a Christmas quilt in process. It's been in process since before last Christmas. I'll probably pick it up again in November. :)

  198. I'm working on a quilt for my Mother that will be her Christmas present. I also have fabric for my MIL and SIL's Christmas too! I hope I can at least finish one of them in July. Thanks for the giveaway!

  199. I am working on a table runner for my mother in law. Since my husband and I will be in Hawaii for Christmas, I want to make sure she knows we're thinking of them! While we're on the beach ;)

  200. Thanks for the opportunity. There are so many suppliers on the internet, it is nice to have some recommended.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
