Monday, November 19, 2012


Where do you store your finished quilts that aren't gifts???  I find my stacks are growing lately, and having them sit on the shelf in my sewing room isn't the greatest "display" of them and it makes me sad because they don't get "used" either.  

In the past, I have pretty much given away most of my quilts. (and even sold a few, wish I could take that back but we were in school and every bit helped :)    Then I got this teaching gig in January and realized that I no longer had the quilt (one of those school sold ones) that I would be teaching.  So I had to make up new ones.  Not horrible, but it has made me realize that it is kind of nice to have a sample on hand.    (Although, I still have given away some of my pattern quilts, they just were given with the disclaimer that if I ever teach a class on them that I get to "borrow" the quilt for the weekend :)  P.S. These are my samples for my class in January, I am so excited!!

 And in general, I find that it is just getting harder to part with some of my quilts.  Like for instance, the ones that have been published.  They just seem special and hard to give away.  Probably crazy sentimental to get attached to a quilt, but there you have it.  And let's be honest, it's not like I don't need a lot of excuse to make a new quilt when ever there is a special occasion on the horizon.  I always have another idea in my head to try :)     And all of this leads to big stacks.  So what do I do with the stacks???



  2. I haven't made that many, but I keep them at the end of my bed and use them when I get cold at night or grab them to watch TV in the living room. Your stacks are beautiful!

  3. I don’t really have this problem—I’ve given away almost all of the quilts I’ve made so far. But, I do have two ideas:

    1. Get a quilt rack, or two for bedrooms (something like this one… there might even be wall-mountable ones). It lets you show off more of the quilt, and they are easily accessible to be used if you want them used. I have one in my sewing room for quilt tops and other partially-finished projects, too.

    2. If you’re a many pillows on the couch kind of person (we are), just add two or three folded ones to the back of the pillow pile. We have two of mine like this in the living room… if it gets cold, we just unfold them and use them. Folded up behind two other pillows on each side, they aren’t that noticeable. Maybe eventually I’ll even have ones that match the colors of our living room ;)

  4. A cedar chest maybe? Or better yet, a cedar lined closet.

  5. Oh, and I wish I had that problem! But I'm working on it. I still have to many people who want one!

  6. Melissa, I am at the same point in my quilting as you. I generally give away my quilts as soon as they are finished, but now I want to have a stack of "ready to hand off" quilts. Amber at "A Little Bit Biased" has a lovely cabinet in which to store her quilts: Wouldn't this be great with UV-protection glass?

  7. Your quilts are beautiful, Melissa. I have no suggestions.
    I give most of my quilts away, but I'm trying to make a stack of quilts ready to give. Also I'd like to have several quilts around me to use. Since it takes awhile to make a quilt, I think it's going to be long time before I have your problem : )

  8. I've seen ladders used as quilt racks.

    I like this idea for these reasons:
    1) A ladder would use up very little floor space, as opposed to chest or a bookshelf.
    2) It could be fasted to the wall at the top so the kids can't knock it over onto themselves.
    3) The quilts function as wall art without having to be hung--they're still easily accessible.
    4) The ladder could be rustic or smooth--any kind of ladder for any kind of decor, and Jacob could whip one out for you in an afternoon. (I know he's handy like that.)

    I know you've missed being bossed by me, Melissa, so I thought I'd give you my ideas. :)

  9. I think switching them out on your bed and to cuddle up with on the couch would definitely get them exposed and they would still be a part of the family!!

  10. No matter where I stack mine, the cats sleep on them.

  11. I got a shelving unit from IKEA (only $20 !) that is great for folding and displaying quilts. And the quilts are easy to grab when you need one to use. I've started giving the shelves to family members as gifts so they can stack the many quilts I've given them over the years.

    Here is a link to the shelf

  12. Oh, I can so relate Melissa. Just recently folded a big stack that I thought would be going into a cabinet. Cabinet was too heavy for us to move so the plan was scratched. Now I'm thinking of a system in the hallway kind of like multiple ladders so several quilts an be hung/displayed with minimal folding. Then I could see them and they wouldn't be folded too much. Will love to hear about what you end up doing.

  13. Lap sized ones are throw over the back of chairs and sofas to use when needed. Bed sized ones are in the closet with the sheets, a new one or two this time of year gets put on the bed every week while the one just taken off gets washed and added to the bottom of the stack. Since I have different sized beds in the house they are in what room they fit the bed.

  14. I LOVE all of these quilts and have pinned some.

  15. :) I so relate..... Time to start dreaming of a White Christmas...blanket tents, movies, books and cocoa! My goal, is for everyone in the house to have 10 quilts... :) and a few for 'visitors'.

  16. I wish my stacks were finished quilts not flimsies :( I can only aspire to have quilted, bound stacks. I think I'll go sew now.

  17. Not a problem I have with quilts, but bears, that's another story! I had a lady buy one the other day completely unexpectedly, and I kind of regret it now :o( Still, I know she loved him deeply, and that he's going to help her through her first Christmas without her husband...

  18. You can store them at my house :-D

    Marj in Mexico

  19. What about either quilt racks or perhaps a cabinet (from a thrift store?) with glass doors where you could stack the quilts but see the pretty quilts through the glass.

  20. I would be more than happy to store any one of them (or all of them) at my house...anything to help you out with your storage problem!

  21. Put two on each bed. Reverse sides facing each other. Then everytime you change the sheets, flip the quilt to the opposite. You get a new look and it means 2 quilts get used at once, but not have to get laundered as often.
    Something else is you could talk to your local seniors centre, and ask they if they have a "safe place" where you could display your "artwork". Many seniors love(d) to quilt and you could switch them out once a month. Share your joy without giving it away!

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  23. I was going to suggest an old ladder to to display them somewhere too. I'm lookign for a great ladder now for myself. You'd be able to see many at a time and use the one that appeals at any given moment.

  24. I have the ones I am keeping on an old changing table. Its makes a great shelf for the stacks of quilts and it is easy to go and grab one, if you want to cuddle.

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Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
