Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sorry Anonymous

Just a quick note . . . I have decided to disable anonymous comments.  I am sorry to those of you that are actually commenting on my blog this way but I am just getting pummeled with spam mail and some of it that is really not very nice.  I wish there was another way to solve the problem while still allowing fellow readers to comment anonymously but I don't know of one.  So . . . for now . . . I am going with this solution.

Make sure to check back tomorrow for                                                   It's sure to be fun :)


  1. I always figure if you don't want someone to know you said it, you probably shouldn't say it.

  2. Good plan ;o) And you can actually set up a blogger account without even having an account if you wish to comment on people's blogs, so no-one on the 'nice' list should have a problem :o)

  3. I know, it's gotten a lot worse lately! I wondered if it was just me. I think I'm going to have to do the same.

  4. Hey Melissa, the one way to do it that I have found is to 'moderate' the comments. Then the comments have to be approved by you to be posted. You can delete the spammers, and still allow others to post.

    Not sure if this helps!

  5. Good choice - I switched mine off because I don't want to moderate profanity!

  6. I just did this recently, too. None of the spam was offensive, I just got tired of deleting it all the time. I actually kind of miss it, some of them were so nonsensical as to be pretty funny!

  7. Yes, I have my anonymous comments switched off too. It did decrease the amount of spam. You do still get the occasional commenter who leaves a load of links (spam) and their comments don't even relate to your post.

  8. I did the same thing a few weeks ago. I put up with the spam for awhile, but it was just getting ridiculous. I didn't want to do it, but I felt like I almost didn't have a choice since it was getting so bad. You aren't alone in leaving out anonymous!

  9. Any thing I get from the blog that is anonymous and has links I just delete it strait out (blogger blocks it even if you still get email) I have been tempted to do the same some times but boy do I hate to fill out that dumb code to enter text.

  10. I've never understood why anyone would want to post comments as anonymous anyway. Too bad about the spam. It can be quite annoying!

  11. I have anonymous blocked on mine and I rarely get spam now.

  12. Yep, I switched over a little while ago and the spam has stopped.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
