Friday, March 22, 2013

What Quilting Rut??

Remember how I had that little quilting rut where I couldn't decide how to quilt my "book" quilt??  Well that  evening I was having a little discussion about it with Barbara (my sweet MIL) and after some back and forth, I had my quilting vision.  I just love how being able to discuss my ideas and concerns with a fellow quilter always seems to get the creative juices flowing and the brain blocks broken down.  It's the greatest!!  I am fortunate to have my MIL so close so we often help each other out in creative ruts.  Do you have someone that helps you out when your feeling the creative blank??

So after I had my quilting vision, I headed back home and got to quilting.  And two days later, I am done!!!    The quilted is bound, washed, and ready to be loved!!  And oh my goodness, this quilt was so much fun to quilt up!!  I am so excited with how it turned out, and I promise to show a full reveal next week,(hopefully Monday) along with that tutorial I keep promising :)

But for today, here is some of the fun I had with the quilting.

Some square tile action.

Good ol pebbling.  

My first attempt at wood grain, not great, but not bad.

Some vines and leafs, so much fun!!

And one of my personal favorites, scroll work!

So, from all of these little peeks, can you guess what kind of quilting concept we came up with??  Can't wait to show you the whole thing :)

Linking up this quilting finish to Amanda's :)


  1. Now I am the edge of my sewing chair seat waiting to see!! I am having a great time with quilting experimentation am curious!

  2. Wow! What amazing quilting! That's inspiring!

  3. These are so fun - can't wait to see the reveal :-)

  4. Looks exciting!!! I like the idea of a quilting book.

  5. I think you did a great job on the wood grain! I would never have thought it was a first attempt.

    For some reason, I'm thinking Jack and the Bean Stalk....I think it's the vines and the woodgrain.

  6. such a TEASE... I want to see the book quilt... I'm thinking something woodlike on the books maybe and hmm don't know about the background

  7. No clue but it will be interesting to see in the end. The only idea that comes to mind is a Wizard of Oz theme.

  8. Very excited for the reveal!!!

  9. Looks like you had lots of fun with the quilting :o)

  10. I love the colored thread on the white. You've definitely piqued my interest. Can't wait to see the whole quilt.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
