Friday, January 24, 2014

Goal Gone Insane

So each new year our family sits down and makes "goals" for the year, family goals and personal goals.  One of my personal goals was to exercise more this year.   In my mind, this goal meant trying to work out 4ish times a week instead of the two times a week I am currently doing.  Not amazing, but for me  this was a goal that would be hard, but manageable. Oh, and it should be noted, that for exercise I go to the pool.  

So a random little fact here, all of my husband's siblings and most of their spouses were and are runners.  Their father is the High School Cross Country coach and has been since their first child was in High School.  A lot of them still get up early each morning to run.  Even my kids love to run.  I am the odd ball in the family when it comes to choice of exercise . . . can you see where this is going???

Back to the story.  Unbeknownst to me, my Brother-In-Laws were making similar goals.  Their goals were to run a race this year.  Well, my husband's older brother took that goal and went to the extreme with it.   After a few emails and some gentle prodding, the family is now preparing to run the Redrock Relay.  A 187 mile, 36 hour,  Relay Race with 12 members on a team that run from from Brian Head to Zion.   Hoolay!!!

When I first contemplated this idea, I was excited.  I figured this was a great way to meet my goal and have a ton of fun in the process training with my BIL's and SIL's.  So I was all "I can totally do that".  Sure, I have never ran a 5-K (I have swam that far, but never ran) but  I can run 3 of them in a day and a half.  Then I looked up the actual  course and found it is a lot more like running 3 10-K's.   What have I gotten myself into?? My excitement is turning into some serious nervous excitement.

 So here I am  . . . a blank page when it comes to running.  So, all of you quilter/runners,  do any of you have any great running training methods????   I don't think I could run a 400 without getting winded so I am talking like super beginner training.  Do I just go out and start running???  Should I start now????  

I think this means I will have to adjust my "schedule" some more, I wouldn't want running time to interfere with quilting time ;)   Maybe I can convince everyone that our team name should be something quilty related like "Running with Scissors" or "A Running Stitch".    We could even wear cool patchwork shirts. Look how cool this patchwork shirt from Oki-ni  is.  I could totally make 12 of those and maybe use Riley Blake neon's so we won't have to worry about getting hit in the middle of the night ;)

Have a Happy Quilting   (and possibly running) Weekend!!!


  1. I am not a runner. But I do do the occasional 5k. Google, couch to 5k. It's a good slow method to get into running. Used it to get my best time in a 5k which was 35:55. So not a fast runner here. Good Luck!

  2. You'll be fine! There are some great free running training plans available on the web as Hollie mentioned. I think starting the sooner the better - just start slow and don't get discouraged (maybe even keep track of your times you will be amazed how you progress over the weeks ie. the amount of time you can actually run for and the time it takes you to go a certain distance). You can do it! Have fun!

  3. You can totally do this! I agree with the above comments. Also, my advice is good shoes, gear, and an iPod with music or books on tape. If I have to run, I don't want to hurt because I'm wearing the wrong shoes. Also, I hate running in clothes that I wear around the house. I didn't think wearing running/workout gear would make that much of a difference from my old college tees and yoga pants, but it totally does. Also, I can keep myself occupied for a 5K, but any further than that, I need something to distract me.

  4. awesome goal! You can do it!!! Cant wait to hear your progress.

  5. I am definitely not a runner, but I think it's awesome you've set the goal. I've thought a number of times, that's it's too bad that we can't burn calories for each step our sewing machines take.

  6. I started running last year using couch to 5k. I highly recommend it to anyone thinking about starting running. If you have a smartphone, there are multiple c25k apps available (if you have an iPod you can use that). I used zen labs couch to 5 k, and have since run multiple 5k races, a 10k (with another coming up) and a half marathon.

    Good luck with your goal! I think it's great you are doing this as a family!!!

  7. Have fun! I run a little - 5k being my limit - but my Mom has run half and full marathons. She trains with The Running Room and has found their method to be exactly what she needs.

  8. I wish you luck! I have no advice, I'm from a mixed-marriage, he's the athlete, and I'm his cheerleader and ambulance driver. Love the shirt idea!

  9. Check out You input your goal and current running ability and My Asics will create a training plan for you. It's a great website. Good luck!

  10. I'm worn out just reading your post LOLLL. I've always been an athletic person since I was little but the last 7 years I've stopped everything. I really need to get back in shape too but I just gave up smoking on the 1st January and at the moment need to concentrate on that. You can do anything you put your mind to. Best of luck to you.

  11. I read on another blog about the Couch-to-5K running plan. It looks doable, but I haven't gotten motivated yet.

  12. Totally doable! The couch to 5K is a GREAT method and it starts out at only 15 minutes worth of exercise! It transitions beautifully into the 10K program. Al together they are a 12week process! You can do this! My best girl friend (who is NOT a runner) has now begun to do this and has ran 5 5k s! Our goal is to run the Bix this summer (which is a 7K with a killer hill for hell!) On what tends to be the hottest weekend of the summer!

  13. Agree with all the above....Couch-to-5K is great. That is the way I did it. I started training in May 2009 and ran my first 5K in Sept. 2009....Ran my 1st 10K in Feb. 2010 and my 1st Half Marathon in April 2010. You can do it. Just don't have to run the entire way or fast. Run at your own pace and stop and walk a little bit if you need to.

  14. How exciting! Our family has run several races together...5 K's to marathons. This relay looks fun! You have time to get in shape and could start with the Couch to K and a good pair of shoes. Your tops would be perfect! One of the best races that we ran was the Walt Disney race. That might be a future race for your families. No one but the runners and characters in the park before it opens. Your kids would probably love it! Have fun!! We will look forward to watching your progress! You can do it!

  15. I'm very excited for you, I'm sure that you'll have a training program up in no time. But, as for me the only running you'll see me doing is a running stitch. Have fun.

  16. Another recommendation for the couch to 5K app, and the couch to 10K app too. I started running with these apps in August 2012, and have since done a 5K, 10K and a half marathon. The shortest distance I run now is 5K, and it's very addictive. I think it's really cool that you are doing a family run.

  17. I'm with you here. Hubby runs ultramarathons. I have only ever done 5k through a running app. Great way to do it. Back to it again soon as I was almost through it but my dad passed away and now hubby away for two weeks. Impossible to train when solo parenting with three little kids. I need to go into a zone when pushing my body. Not worry about children! Good luck.

  18. The British national health service (NHS) have a fantastic FREE app called coach to 5k. Designed for non runners who want to run

  19. A few years back I did "Couch to 5K" - and for a non-runner it was really painfree. They now have another app - 5K to 10 K which takes the training even further.

  20. Melissa! Yay for you! You're going to do awesome. I second (or third) the recommendation for the good shoes. And I definitely think some cute workout clothes make it easier to be motivated. Under Armour loose-fit v-neck tees come in a billion colors. They're cute, and they're the best. Plus, have you see those new running skirts? I don't have one, but I really want one. :) And you can do this. For sure. (And your kids? How did they get so huge?)

  21. Any couch to 5K app is good to get you started. I have used the 5kRunner (free, I'm not a fan) and also Ease into 5K (free, I liked this one). Other trackers are Endomondo and Runkeeper. Good luck! It's easier than you think. :)

  22. check if any of your BIL or SIL's gave any of the garmin training watches and don't use - the garmin system has training plans that you can load into the watch and then the watch goes with you. It is great for interval training as you can make it beep at the changes and you can get over mental blocks of "I can't run for a whole 5 minutes" things. I found it a great help in going from couch potato last Feb. to running half marathons in July.
    Also running in the cold (15 to 20 f) is fairly nice as you don't sweat much on the longer runs (not really an excuse until around 0 f). I'm Canadian though - we're a bit odd when it comes to what "cold" is.

  23. You go, girl! This is a great challenge and a wonderful goal to be met.

  24. Wow! That relay is definitely going to help you keep your exercise goals. It's definitely going to be an accomplishment that you can pat yourself on the back for when you are finished. I don't have any advice since I'm not a runner, but I'll be cheering you on as I read any posts you put up about the race.

  25. How fun. I am using the app c25k, and it's free. Good luck!

  26. You can do it!!! I tervals helped me go from 'staggering' (also known as death avoidance) to running five miles in two months. You go 30 seconds at as fast a walk as you can and the. 30 sec of running and so on for a set time or distance. The next week you increase to 45 sec and so on until you are ur. Ing longer and longer distances. If you do this uphill, then any run on the flat is just that much easier. It is such a joy being able to move with freedom more and more as you go. Have fun and get on out there! :)

  27. I was a long distance runner a lot of years ago. I started out with small runs ~ run a mile, walk for 5 minutes, run another mile (or 1/2 mile), etc until I was up to about 16 miles a day! At my best I was running about an 8 minute mile!
    I say ~ take it slow and work up to long runs and have someone who already is a runner to go with you ~ someone who can encourage you! I'll be rooting for you!!!

  28. Lol, keep your mind on the outfits, it'll help blot out the pain ;o) j/k, but I do find thinking of something else entirely when I'm exercising makes it all go much faster!

  29. Oh my you are a brave one. None of my family or my husband's family are runners. Then there is our youngest daughter (the 16 year old). She is a major runner- all by herself. She said that it is a stress reliever. She has completed three half marathons and is still going. She started out using an app called something like Couch to 5K in some amount of weeks. Good luck.

  30. If you have a fleet feet sports near you check out their no boundaries coah to 5k programs. I love the support and have done the program many timess. Core work is important to do too

  31. Good luck! I don't have any advice at all, but I look forward to following your journey!

  32. Good luck!!! I don't run: too hard on my knees, so I walk up the local hill to get my heart rate up. I'd say, just make sure that wherever you run, make sure you enjoy the scenery to help the time go faster! I hope you do end up enjoying yourself!! My cousin does marathons and loves them, so maybe....:-D Hugs!! H in Healdsburg

  33. you can do this! I am a runner and a quilter - we are a rare breed but we are here. Our athletic gear is covered in little threads. we dream of quilts when we run, and we sometimes think about our runs when we quilt. Just leave the scissors at home when you head out for the run ;) Time management becomes a priority, but as the saying goes, if you want something done, give it to someone who is already busy. Good luck!

  34. I guess never say never. I didn't think I'd ever see my son-in-law run. Last time I went to visit my daughter, he and one of the other teacher at her school, ran a partial marathon. She and I took their two sons (2 and 7) to cheer daddy and their friend on to their personal victories at the finish line. He made a comment that now that he has lost quite a lot of weight, he can't understand why people are overweight. Thankfully, he didn't make that comment when I was greatly overweight. My doctor didn't think I could lose the weight because of medication I need to take that causes weight gain. He said the weight was the least of my concerns. I got a blood infection from having my teeth cleaned and started losing weight. I've lost about 50 pounds. I don't think you'll see me running. I do need to exercise as I have fibromyalgia. Congrats on setting a goal. I would guess running training is a quite a bit like FMQ - practice, practice, practice. Now, FMQ is one of the things I have on my list for improvement this year. Thanks for being vulnerable to tell us about your goal.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
