Friday, January 31, 2014

Judy's Bag!!!

Okay, if you have been around for anytime at all, you know that "3-D" sewing is way out of my comfort zone.  So I decided to stretch myself a little and take Jud's Bag making class as part of the Cedar City Retreat that I am teaching at.   And guess what, I did it!!!  And I even finished the entire purse before the end of class.  Yippee!!!!

Barbara was kind enough to take the class with me and hold my hand throughout the class.  I was super happy to find that things actually made sense.  I think my understanding of all things sewing 3-D is growing, and I was pretty excited about that ;)  Barbara got a few snapshots of me.  I am glad she missed the ones of my tongue sticking out in concentration :)

When we finished the outside we hung them on the wall.  It was so fun to see everyones different fabrics all in a row.  I used my beautiful True Colors Damask for the outside and finally decided (thanks for the help :) on the  Grey Lodge Lattice for the pocket.  Barbara also choose a Joel Dewberry print.  What can I say, we are huge Joel fans :)

And here is a snapshot that you might never ever see again.  Yes, that is me hand stitching.  Can you see how I don't even know how to hold the needle correctly.  I am not a be fan of hand stitching, but luckily this stitching will never show as we were just securing the fabric where the grommets would go ;)

I opted for the grey pocket on the outside (thanks for all of the great advice) but still loved that mint, so there is a happy punch of Turquoise Lodge Lattice on the inside pocket.  It just makes me smile each time I open the bag :)

I have been having so much fun stuffing it full to take to my classes.  I just love it!!!   And the crazy thing was, when I was done I thought, "Hey, that wasn't so bad, maybe I could make another".  Yup I just might get into this whole bag making thing after all ;)

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!

Linking this finish up to Amanda's, Sarah's, and Fort Worth Fabric's :)


  1. Funny how conquering one bag leads to more and more and more. I used to wonder why anyone would be needing so many bags, but now I realize I don't need the bags, I just want to keep making them! Yours looks great! Congratulations on your 3-D project.

  2. Now that is a great bag! I love the pop of mint on the inside! Laughed about hand stitching - feel the same way about it!

  3. You did it Mel! Love the pics of you working that bag!

  4. I'm right there wiht you on the hand stitching, although I have recently started carrying around some had work to meetings and stitch nights. I need 400+ yo-yos for a quilt project.

  5. beautiful!!! But I agree, I struggle with bags, love them, but just the 3d stuff is beyond me

  6. Great job on your first bag…love the touch of mint on the inside!! I started making bags a few months ago at my daughter's request and now I look forward to making more.

  7. I took a bag class last August (Pink Sand Designs Bahama Bag) and got so fired up at my success that I tackled two other bag patterns I'd been wanting to make the same week! You need to ride that wave! :-)

  8. Way to stretch yourself. The bag looks great!

  9. Your bag looks great, and I think we might have caught a glimpse of your tongue in the hand stitching pic! ;-) How fun to have a finished bag to tote things around in!! Have a wonderful weekend!! Hugs, H

  10. Great job, Melissa! It is really cute! I have a kit for a bag, but I have never done 3-D sewing either. I've got to grab my friend and have a sew day so I can try it!

  11. Lovely bag! I love the fabrics you used!

  12. Your bag turned out great! I also have a fear of 3-d sewing! You did a lovely job and I like the fabric combination! Thanks for sharing at Fabric Frenzy Friday! :)


  13. Your bag is great and I love the look of concentration on your face.

  14. Love the bag, but I'm really nervous about 3D sewing too. When you make your next bag, could you give it to me? You can choose any colors because I like them all. Please? (insert puppy dog eyes here)

  15. Well done you, you'll be a bag lady in no time ;o)

  16. Congratulations! It's great to have a successful step outside your comfort zone.

  17. This is so great! Totally professional. I have come to love bag making and Joel Dewberry recently yoo! I have some bungalow waiting to be a bag soon.

  18. AWESOME bag! I'm so glad you used the grey on the outside. And that little pop of the mint on the inside is fantastic.

  19. Your bag turned out beautiful and I love that you put the mint on the inside. I love a surprise like that inside a bag.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
