Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Star Light Star Bright Quilt-A-Long - It's Coming!!!!

It's Official, the Star Light Star Bright Quilt-A-Long is ready to go!!!!   I am so super excited!!  I just love Quilt-A-Long's and I am so loving this pattern, especially since so many of you had a hand in choosing it out.  We are going to have such a great time.   I have written it up in lots of size options so there is sure to be a quilt that fits you and your time ;)

Just like in previous quilt-a-long's, there will be easy step-by-step weekly directions, stunning Quilt-A-Long kits (which you can see a peek of here and maybe even win one :)  fabulous fabric prizes that include weekly progress prizes and Grand Prizes at the end, and most importantly lots of fabric fun with friends!!!   Here's the schedule . . .

Jan 15 - Intro, Fabric Requirements, and Prizes Announcement
Jan 29 - Cutting
 Feb 5 - Flying Geese
Feb12 - Half Square Triangles
Feb 19 - Building Block Centers
Feb 26 - Building Block Sides
Mar 5 - Building Block Corners
Mar 12 - Piecing Top and Grand Prize Linky
April 2- Star Light Star Bright Parade and Grand Prize Winners

So what do you say??  Do you want to Quilt-A-Long with me???  Grab a button and get ready for fun!!


Oh, and for easy access, I will be updating the weekly links on the Quilt-A-Long Page as well as this post ;)


  1. Hurray!! A new quilt by Spring. In theory, anyway. :) Excited to get started. Thank you so much for doing this. I can't even imagine how much work you must put into these quilt alongs and patterns. Off to check out the sneak peek of quilt kits! :)

  2. I wasn't going to even think about starting another project, but oh, my dear, it's so pretty. So, even if I don't keep up, I'll be following! Thank you.

  3. It is going to make a beautiful finish.

  4. oh geez...why do you have to make them so gorgeous and enticing!!! I have my star surround waiting to be basted still lol but this is beautiful!

  5. Are you going to have different sizes or what size is the finished quilt? It looks really cute!

  6. I've never participated in one, and this pattern is adorable, so I think it's time I tried it. Looks fun!

  7. You make it so hard to say no. I think I will wait on the announcement post to order my bloc loc ruler so I can use it for the flying geese.

  8. totally beautiful, i didnt vote for this version, but Im sure in,

  9. I've been tossing fabric ideas around in my head for the last week because I knew the announcement was coming.

  10. Yay--I'm excited for this one. Maybe I'll actually be able to keep up.

  11. Awesome. I can't wait to join in. I have been wanting to make a "new bed runner" and think I will use this quilt along to get me one:) Quick question, is their anyway that on the flying geese section you can also give the measurements of the finished flying geese unit. I will have to do them the old fashioned way because I happen to be somewhat flying geese impaired:) Thanks. I am so excited to quilt along with you!

  12. yipee!! lol can't wait, i have my fabric all ready picked and i am super excited to get going, first quilt of the new year

  13. Looking forward to the post on fabric requirements so that I can go stash shopping!

  14. It's very nice and I look forwards to seeing the process and everyone's progress pics.

  15. Yay! I love making quilts with stars. Looking forward to joining in on this one.

  16. Ya! Peeked at the fabric bundles. OMG! Love, love, love. Planned on using fabric from my stash. Now I'm rethinking that plan. Can't wait to get started.

  17. It looks amazing. I've already committed to so much this January I'm spreading myself thin but for me that's what 2014 is all about. Learning new techniques and spending less time procrastinating and more time doing something productive so it's a big YES from me. I'm in. It's even nicer than the ones you showed earlier.

  18. I am in. can't wait to get started. this is a great pattern. trying to entice friends too... thanks so much for all you do.

  19. I am in. can't wait to get started. this is a great pattern. trying to entice friends too... thanks so much for all you do.

  20. I am in!! I love the QAL'S I have followed from you so far and I love how you did it in the Red,White and Blue.

  21. Yippie!!! this is going to be so great!! I was wondering if you had a colour-in page for this quilt? I want to make it it solids and i just want to check my design. (I mean I could just draw one up...but you know.....I'm lazy :)

  22. Wohooo, put your button on my blog and am ready to join!
    Thanks so much for organizing yet another quilt along!

  23. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.....

    M.U.S.T.....R.E.S.I.S.T!!!!!'s just toooooooo cute to pass up as a QOV.

    Markin' the calendar! Thanks for the QAL!

  24. Yay! So looking forward to this, learned so much from the last one. Thanks!

  25. This will be fun to try out. Thanks!

  26. This will be my first QAL and I can't wait! I'm part of a local group of girls doing this together. Fun fun fun!!

  27. Gee, I think I'm going to have to jump in on this one!

  28. Can't wait!! It starts after I get back home, so the timing is perfect!! Can't wait to see you in St George!!

  29. I know I commented on this post, where did it go? Alas, life with an almost 2 year old...
    That said, I AM SO EXCITED! I want the fabric reqs NOW! I have to wait a whole week? Oh, what to do, what to do? (Because in real life as a SAHM to 3 small children I don't have enough to do, right?) Maybe I should get my craft room in order so I can actually work in there, eh?


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
