Monday, January 13, 2014

Vintage Quilt Revival Blog Hop

This morning I am super happy to get to share with you a little peek into Vintage Quilt Revival, a new book written by the ever so amazingly talented Katie Blakesley of Swim Bike Quilt, Lee Heinrich of Freshly Pieced and Faith Jones of Fresh Lemons Quilts. All three of these ladies are wonderful friends, amazing designers, and beautiful writers.  If you have followed along with their blogs you have seen this.  So I knew that a book written by them would be amazing and this book is just that, amazing!!!  It is jam packed with wonderful design advice, insightful mini history lessons, fresh layouts, stunning photography, and helpful tidbits.  This book will be a fantastic addition to anyones quilting library :)

As part of the blog hop, each participant was asked to make a block from the book.  My block is the Mosaic No. 19 block.  I know, fancy name right ;)  I had so much fun pulling some wonderful bright and happy prints from my stash.  The block went together quickly and you know how I just love a block with lots and lot of points ;)  

You can follow along with the rest of the blog hop as listed below.   And then, on Friday be sure to check out Katie, Lee, and Faith's blog where they will take this block and a block from all of these super-talented quilty friends and turn them into 3 beautiful sampler quilts for charity.  I can't wait to see them ;)

January 13th (Monday): 

Crazy Mom Quilts - Amanda Jean 
Don’t Call Me Betsy - Elizabeth 
Film in the Fridge - Ashley 
Happy Quilting - Melissa 
Noodlehead - Anna
January 14th (Tuesday): 
I’m A Ginger Monkey - Katy 
Quilting Is My Therapy - Angela 
A Quilting Life - Sherri 
Sew Mama Sew - Kristin 
Tall Grass Prairie Studio - Jacquie 
January 15th (Wednesday):
Christa Quilts - Christa 
Diary of a Quilter - Amy 
Quilting Gallery - Michele 
Sew Take a Hike - Penny 
V and Co. - Vanessa 
West Coast Crafty - Susan 
January 16th (Thursday): 
Bijou Lovely - Holly 
Don’t You Know Who I Am - Sukie
Lily’s Quilts - Lynne 
One Shabby Chick - Amber 
January 17th (Friday): 
Swim, Bike, Quilt - Katie 
Freshly Pieced - Lee 
Fresh Lemons Quilts - Faith


  1. Perfect points, Melissa! I can't wait to start making quilts from this book :)

  2. That is so pretty! I love all the points & the colours just POP! Super job on that. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Super fun, the book, the blog hop, and the square! I'm excited that this will be part of a charity sampler. What a great ending to a fun blog hop!

  4. That sure looks like a lovely book. Your block is so happy, cheerful, fun, and bright! Great job!

  5. I bet that is a really fun book! What a great way to dive into it with a QAL!! Have a blast.

  6. I love how your block turned out Melissa, so bright and happy! Thank you (!!) for making a block for our charity quilts. :)

  7. What a lovely idea to turn all the blocks into charity quilts :o)

  8. I love the colors of your block Melissa! So fresh and crisp and citrus-y! And seriously - those points are to die for!! I can't wait to see how all the blocks combine together into the charity quilts :-)

  9. Thanks for being a part of the blog hop, Melissa! I loved working with your block (and keeping tabs on all of the many things you are doing!)

  10. Your topic is very interesting for me to learn and then could be a reference
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  11. Your block is beautiful. I love the bright colors.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
