Friday, February 7, 2014

Kitchen Stitches Apron and Giveaway!!

As part of the Kitchen Stitches Blog Hop we were asked to make another designers project and add some Valentine's flair to it.  So that got me to thinking, Valentines is all about love.  Well what our family loves to do more than anything is camping.  (The dirty faces attest to the joy here ;)

And one of our family's favorite thing about camping is camp food.  (Well, maybe not the kids favorite but it is mine for sure :)  And when we camp we go all out on the cooking.  We have even made dutch oven pies before, yummy!!

One of the big reasons I love camp cooking (besides the fact that it is delicious!)  is that I am not the cook!  I do a lot of the preparation but this guy is the cook.  And so what could be better than making a project for the guy I love to use while camp cooking with the family we love.

So I pulled out one of Jacob's flannel camp shirts  (I bet when he sees this I will be buying him a new one :)  and whipped it up into this super fun Shirt Tales Apron. Isn't it so fun!!!  It was super easy to make.  I think I spent more time ironing out the wrinkles before starting then I actually did making the apron :)   

The original Shirt Tales Apron was designed and made by Linda Turner Griepentrog and can be found in Kitchen Stitches.  What a great design!!

And now, I just can't wait to go camping so Jacob can give his new Apron a try ;)  Now he can be the master camp chef and look the part!!!

Oh, and one last little surprise.  Jacob isn't much for embellishments on his clothing so I didn't add the ric rac under the buttons, but I couldn't help but add a little hidden heart lining in the pocket.  It will be so much fun when he finally finds it ;)  I love that guy!!

And before I sign off, I believe I mentioned a giveaway!!!  I have a copy of Kitchen Stitches up for grabs.  Just leave a comment here telling me what your family loves to do together and you will be entered to win.  One comment per person please and all comments are welcome :)

I will draw a winner on Feb 13 one lucky reader will get a little Valentine's Day treat :)  Good Luck to everyone ;)

And be sure to check out all the other stops on the Kitchen Stitches tour.  There will be great projects and more opportunities to win :)

2/3  Heather at The Sewing Loft 
2/4  Becky at the Patchwork Posse and  Kim at My Go-Go life
2/5   Amy at FormWork Designs and  Deby at So Sew Easy
2/6  Rebecca at Ruby Blue Quilts  and Jackie at Jabot Quilts
2/7  Melissa at Happy Melissa Quilting
2/8  Kari at Fresh Cut Quilts

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

I am linking this happy little apron finish up to Sarah's, Amanda's, and Fort Worth Fabric Studio.


  1. Our family loves to go to market places.

  2. DH and I love to camp also, although our 3 (grown) sons don't consider it camping since we have a 5th wheel. When I retired, we bought a truck camper and used that for 2 years, then switched to the 5th wheel. Sometimes we miss the truck camper. My BIL does the cooking when they camp, but no such luck for me. The apron is so cute! I would love to win the book!

  3. Our fun family thing to do at the moment is ski, and we are nearly all at the same level! Love the apron :)

  4. We love to take trips to see extended family. We live all alone here, about 500 miles to or nearest family. The kids are always being too go over spring break and summer.

  5. Our family loves to get together and make cookies. I know it sounds silly. But we have a ball rolling and decorating and teasing each other.

  6. Our family likes to go to the movies. We take the whole night out with popcorn, milk shakes, and all.

  7. Read story books all in one bed as a way to end the night.

  8. My kids are both teens now (19 and 14), so times together are fewer and fewer. We do have a pizza tradition; we make our own pizzas and watch Doctor Who reruns whenever we are all home together on Sunday nights.

  9. We have movie nights with great snacks and special drinks!! Love that apron!!

  10. One thing we really enjoy doing together, that we haven't been able to do since we moved into this house :(, is sit around watching their dad play Zelda. There is an actual timeline that involves but all the games in chronological order, which wasn't the order in which they were released. We've played through I think 3 whole games so far and now we're working on the 4th, but I may be one up on myself. We even used it as our Halloween theme one year. I really hope he gets the Wii back up soon because we all miss that.

  11. Love to go out to eat together and maybe take in a movie.

  12. My children are all grown and gone and raising their own families now, but MY family growing up loved camping too! We went all the time, and I mean ALL the time. It was one of those low-cost things you could just decide to do as the weekend rolled around and we'd jump in the car, hook up the little old tent camper, and off we'd go, whether it was a local lake or farther down the road. Such great memories!!

  13. Weekend breakfasts together are the best. And long walks outside -- whether it's just around the neighborhood, or out on a trail.

  14. We love to dance! Every night after dinner, we have a dance party. It's our way of bonding as well as getting a little physical activity in the evening.

  15. My husband and I love to play tennis together!

  16. We love to spend time watching each other play sports, both kids and parents, and also going to the beach together. We live quite close to many beaches.

  17. We also love to camp. I'm looking forward to it this year as my youngest will be a little older and hopefully enjoy it more than he did last summer :)

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. We love to play board games and take walks in the woods.

  20. We love to go shopping at Sams Club and Cabela's together. It's our favorite family date night. We never buy much, besides milk, but we spend time together.

  21. Our children live across the country from us so when we all get together we love to just hang out together, eat good food and talk.

  22. We love to have a "movie night" on the weekends. My 4 year old thinks it's the best thing. And my son loves the popcorn.
    Campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  23. Playing in the snow, sledding, throwing ourselves into snowbanks and making snow angels. Thanks for the opportunity.

  24. Unfortunately, I no longer have a family....however, we always camped for our vacations, even camped in the winter in the snow. Great memories.....

  25. When our family gets together it is all about the FOOD!! My sister is an amazing cook and we gather and eat eat giggle laugh eat some more!

  26. We love to browse the farmer's market each weekend.

  27. When my family gets together it definitely centers around sharing a meal.

  28. Camping is fun with the family when weather is good. But indoor fun is Scrabble, Monopoly, and Dominos, and sometimes putting puzzles together.

  29. This has got to be one of the best ideas for an apron . . . especially for a guy. BTW, I'm with you on the not cooking part. I always say I'd rather be sewing than cooking. Trouble is no one else in the family wants the job either.

  30. When my family gathers, it is all about the food. We love to cook and plan meals for future gatherings. We plan our Christmas dinner months in advance so we can brainstorm and try new recipes before the big day.

  31. love, love, love the pocket. perfect sweet addition.

  32. Almost every Saturday, we like taking drives in the country up to old mining towns.

  33. That apron is such a clever idea! We love to golf and go boating.

  34. my husband and i are movie buffs (freaks) so we love to go to the movies and own over 500 dvds

  35. We love to go camping! There's nothing like eating food, especially breakfast cooked outdoors!

  36. My children are grown and gone so it's just the two of us but in the old days it was head to the beach.

  37. Our family loves. to watch movies. We are so lucky to have a fireplace. So we roast hot dogs, and popcorn and for dessert we make smores. The dog gets in on the goodies too. Looks like a great book. Thanks for a chance to win.

  38. My children are also grown and have moved away but when they were younger we loved to camp with another family. Camp food, dirty faces, fishing, hiking, etc. Good times.

  39. Our family loves. to watch movies. We are so lucky to have a fireplace. So we roast hot dogs, and popcorn and for dessert we make smores. The dog gets in on the goodies too. Looks like a great book. Thanks for a chance to win.

  40. We love to watch classic movies, go for car rides looking at old barns and beautiful trees, shovel snow, laugh at our dogs's goofy behavior.

  41. I love that apron! Our family used to go camping but now grandma can't do that sleep on the ground stuff. Now I just love going to the lake for the day, fishing, cooking out and loving the sunshine. This winter has been so long I can't wait until we can do this! Thanks for chance to win the book.

  42. We love to go camping too. We have a favourite spot and reserve it every year!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  43. Game night at grandma's house (that would be me) is always popular in our family. Simple food...pasta or pizza and then it' time for UNO.

  44. We love to go snowmobiling, four-wheeling, horseback riding, kayaking, snorkeling, traveling and I'm getting more and more of the girls in the family (7 of them) into sewing and quilting!

  45. When we had 5 kids at home we liked to camp, also & have such great memories of those times. Now with grown married kids & grandkids, we still like to camp & hope to do some this summer.

  46. We like bike rides, walks by the river, tobogganing, ice skating, games night, the beach, camping, and movie nights.

  47. Our family loves to watch rugby matches together!!

  48. my husband and 4 sons are sport fans, so me making football food and hanging out is a big thing......... But I have a dream I wanted to share, I have met through blogging a friend, Mara at Secretlystitching and she lives in Greece, Her MIL owns a bedandbreakfast its 35 a night, so I am planning a trip to visit her, I met her through quilting isnt that exciting...........

  49. We go garage saling. Used to love to go camping, but not anymore. Maybe a picnic once in a while.

  50. We have a cabin where we spend our weekends. It's right on the river, and in the summer, we love to go tubing down the river together.

  51. Love the Shirt Tales Apron! I'm thinking my 15 year old son needs one. He loves to cook. As a family we most enjoy our bike rides together. But in this weather, it's "Family Movie Night". Friends are always welcome too, of course!

  52. The kids are grown with families of their own, but when together, we just love to be together!

  53. The family living in my house consists of me and my dog, and we love to run agility! :-)

  54. We love to go to the park, walk the trails and picnic.

  55. Oh that is a brilliant apron! Very cool idea! My little family (just three of us) loves to go out together for a nice restaurant meal every now and then - a chance to sit together with no pressure to cook or clean up afterwards, sigh...

  56. We have dance parties, a lot. Your apron turned out great and I love the lined pocket.

  57. You will find our family playing cards almost every time we get together. Love it!

  58. Hi Melissa, That apron is awesome!!
    Our favorite family activity is playing board games. Even with the "kids" 19 & 23 years old in college, over Christmas break at home there were many games played by request from the kids! A very fun new game was PowerGrid this year. Fun for all!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  59. My girls and I love to knit together. One Thanksgiving we even taught their cousins
    how to knit. Thanks for the giveaway!

  60. Very Cute Aprons! We like to hike and snowshoe and ride horses... but not at the same time lol

  61. We love to go boating! It is the only time my husband cooks! I will need to make him an apron from one of his Hawaiian shirts! I love your idea!

  62. Our family cheers on the Clemson Tigers!

  63. Now that my children are all grown and we are empty nesters we enjoy spending time traveling and staying home and reading. When are children come back home we play games.

  64. We love to go up north in Ontario, Canada and enjoy campfires, great food and wonderful company!

  65. We love to eat popcorn and have a movie night. So nice to relax at home.

  66. One of the things we love to do since we moved to Mexico is visiting different street markets, All if the neighboring towns have their markets on different days so you can hit an outdoor market everyday.
    thelady at

  67. HI, we love to picnic together!
    Thanks for sharing!

  68. Love the apron! We love to go hiking and camping together. Our fav memories are always of these adventures; big and small :)

  69. Great apron, Melissa. Our family likes to go away in our camper when we get the chance. It's not very often as there's always sport on the weekends. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  70. My husband loves to grill on our the winter I have to compete with him in the kitchen. He needs one of these aprons...Greetings from Oklahoma, USA crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  71. I am planning on making a few of these aprons for a lady out of her husband's (he passed away this past year) shirts, need a pattern so I would love to have this book.

  72. Melissa every weekend we hit the farmers market or the flea market then have lunch at our favorite deli

  73. We like to travel to National Parks and other scenic places. We've seen some gorgeous things while hiking on these trips.

  74. We like to go to our family hunting cabin in the off season. This cabin has been in our family for three generations, so it is a special place for us to go and be together as a family. We hike, build camp fires and just enjoy nature and the company of family!

  75. Our family loves to play board and word games together.

  76. When we were younger we always went camping and my husband was the cook too. We always went over Memorial Day weekend since that was our anniversary. Miss those days.

  77. We love going to our local aquarium, singing and dancing around our kitchen island to KLOVE and since our kids are so young and it's winter, we watch Daniel Tiger.... and at the end, our kids look forward to all of us singing "it's YOU I like!" and hugging and tickling each other.....LOL (If you watch the show, you get it)

    1. my original comment didn't post.... I absolutely LOVE the little heart you snuck into the pocket :D

  78. My children are all grown now but we love to get together at a restaurant to celebrate everyone's birthday. It is so much fun. Just love the apron especially your little heart lining.

  79. EAT, we just love to eat! Sometimes we all get in the kitchen to help make the messes to make the food and clean it up, too.

  80. With my children all grown now, occasionally when they all come home together they challenge each other to a cookoff of some kind. It can be anything, best pizza, pasta, hamburger etc etc. I am amazed what great cooks they all have become. I love that they don't follow a recipe but just their imagination.

  81. Recipe night!!
    Pick a recipe for dinner. Shop, cook, eat and clean up together!
    It truly is so much fun : )
    And a great idea to get your kids to enjoy trying new foods!

  82. We have dance offs, they are a load of fun, your hubby is hubba hubba, not wonder you guys have a passel of kids, spread the good looking genes.

  83. We like to go to flea markets and yard sales to look for treasures. Your apron is really, really cute, Melissa. Thanks for the giveaway.

  84. We're starting to get into board games as my kids get older. My husband isn't really one to play board games, but I love them, and he'll play them because our daughter loves him. (Such a good dad.) We only have a few that our 3-year-old can play, but he loves them, too!

  85. Our family likes to play badminton and table tennis together :-)

  86. My family likes to have MOVIE night...we turn off the lights, put in a rental, pop some popcorn and have a blast watching the movie together.

  87. Family meals are important to us and I love when we're all cooking together - lots of laughter.

  88. Most often "family" time is spend on the farm. The kids and GRANDS come home and partake in the farm/ranching activities. The little cousins have a great time together. Thanksgiving is our "together" holiday. This years we spent most of that week together in Steamboat Springs, CO. Everyone thoroughly enjoy the time, so I looks for that to happen again.

  89. We love to go to the beach or on a nature trail. We also enjoy camping and I have to agree with you that there is just something about food cooked over a campfire after a long day of camping activities. Completely yummy! Your apron is so cute and the heart lining is so sweet. Your silent little message of love...

  90. We love to enjoy the outdoors together - hikes, photography walks, snowball fights, etc :)

  91. This may sound odd but my family loves to eat. Since we all live in different parts of the country now, when we get together it's all about the food and what my mother and I cook/bake for my children and grandchildren. After we are all 'fed up', we sit around and reminisce, which of course the grandkids love because they hear all the stories about when their parents were young. When my kids were young we loved to spend snowy winter afternoons outside sledding. It was great fun and I so miss those days.

  92. Our family loves to camp and fish together, even though our kids are grown now we still enjoy camping and fishing trips together.

  93. We love taking a road trip with our girls. Snowboarding is great, fishing, anything long as we are exploring something together and making memories.

  94. My little family loves to get together for barbeques and games - lucky we live where we can bbq most of the year! I might have to make a few of those aprons for the sons-in-law! Thanks for the opportunity.

  95. It depends on the weather for us. If it is could we love to have family film nights with special treats, or if the weather is reasonable and my husband has been working in the garden we like to have a bonfire and a BBQ. Thanks for a fun idea of the apron.

  96. We love to go on road trips OR cook together. We have fun doing both.

  97. We love spending time together. My children are grown and have their own lives but we get together for birthdays and holidays. It always turns into sharing stories, which leads to laughter. There's always great food and a whole lot of fun. The book looks like it would add some interesting gifts to my giving. Thanks for the chance to win!

  98. Melissa I love SO MUCH about this post! CUTE apron! I LOVE the kids with all their dirt and the frog is priceless! We camp ALL THE TIME! And hello is there any other way to cook than a Dutch Oven? LOL I do a slammin meatloaf!

  99. We love to hike together, garden together - outside stuff I guess!

  100. Currently, the fun is teaching my 11 and 7-year-old neices how to play Scrabble - with big bowls of ice cream! And the apron - Oh, thank you so much for the Valentine's idea for my guy who loves to cook, too!

  101. My family loves to travel together. It's great to share new places, sights, food and experiences that you wouldn't have at home. The apron is awesome! Thanks for sharing with us!

  102. Current fun is camping with the family. Cute apron! Thanks for sharing it.

  103. That apron is so much fun!! We like to go on long walks--thanks for the chance to win!

  104. We like to cook and bake together. thank you for the chance to win

  105. We love to cook together, play games, and watch movies --- thanks for the fun giveaway!

  106. pramuditahandaristi at gmail dot com

    We like eating together! It's nice to be able to talk with your family while enjoyng good food!

  107. What a fun apron! We like to cook together... everyone in the kitchen. LOL Thanks for the fun!

  108. Our family loves to get together for a big cook-out. The guys do all the cooking so the shirt apron would be perfect for them. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  109. My family loves to have movie nights together. We all have dinner together and then pop some popcorn and pick out a movie! (there are three of us sisters and my mom against my dad and husband so we usually win!)

  110. Our 4 grown children and grandchildren like to come home for KState football weekends to go to the game, hang out and eat.

  111. We camp every summer with our grandkids in our Coleman Travel Trailer bunkhouse. Love camping. :-)

  112. Our family has cooking challenges! We judge each other's dishes on creativity, taste and appearance. My kids take it very seriously and come up with the most amazing tastings. They also have a new appreciation for cooking.

  113. We go camping regularly in our caravan (you may call the trailers in your part of the world) down here in New Zealand. It's a great way to explore the countryside. I usually take some hand stitching with me to do, or not, as the mood takes me. It's certainly better to be prepared for a rainy day. Oh, and we take our beautiful Birman cat Muffy away in the caravan too, she loves it, and we love to have her with us.

  114. Love this idea for an apron! As a family one of our favorite activities is to star gaze and watch meteor showers!

  115. I was telling my daughter about this cute apron as we looked at men's shirts at Goodwill yesterday. So glad you have this great photo so she can see the finished product!

  116. Game nights. Any games that are loud and rowdy or we make em that way.

  117. We are not much of a camping family, but we do love to eat. Just had dinner tonight at DD's and she made chicken tetrazinni (sp?). with arugula and tomato salad, rolls with warm brownies, ice cream and chocolate sauce for desert.

  118. We enjoy camping with friends. Every year we try a different location in upstate NY and plan day trips to see the sights nearby. Another we enjoy doing together is cooking. Would love to have this book to sew up some fun campy/cooky items as gifts.

  119. Cute apron, the flannel should wear well too. I miss camping, we did more of it when the kids were smaller.

  120. I love this apron. I have made aprons for men and used novelty fabrics but this shirt is even better.

  121. We usually camp for a week every summer and I love it! Beth @ Words & Stitches,

  122. Our family likes to go to the beach towards evening and eat clam chowder at our favorite restaurant Mo's then as it gets towards dark we like to light a fire and sit and talk and watch the sun sink below the horizon and watch the stars come out. One summer during a full moon we spent almost the whole night sitting around a fire on the beach and we were not the only group that night.

  123. We are a camping family as well. I had to show my husband that dutch oven photo. So awesome! We split the meal prep. If we have more than one night out we do a lot of dutch oven stuff. One night usually means a quick easy dinner and a dutch oven dessert and/or breakfast. I am pretty sure hubby would not wear an apron though. :)

  124. We love reading, when I read to them. Now I only have one left in the nest, the other two are already grown ups. But I have always read to them. A lot.

    jachelno at gmail dot com

  125. We love to head to the beach and stare at the ocean! Thanks for the chance to win!

  126. My family all likes to hike together! This year we hope to do a "leg" of the Appalachian Trail. Thanks!

  127. We live in the beautiful MO Ozarks so we love to canoe together on our nearby rivers. Thanks, Kathy

  128. Our family loves to cook and eat together, so sewing aprons for all would be a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win.

  129. My family loves to eat together...this apron would be perfect for those get togethers!

  130. My husband and I like to go out exploring the little towns on weekend drives. The apron is just great. It would make a great apron to wear while quilting.

  131. One of my siblings lives in a remote area of BC. 3 generations go up for a week in July and camp, rv,etc. we call it Christmas in July! Swimming, boating, skiing, campfires and good times! I have a jean shirt that was my Dad' could well become my camp apron since he passed away last July!

  132. My family loves to go on nature adventures. We live in a larger city area so going to nature park, treed area. Can't wait for it to warm up and bring our newest member. Our third daughter was born on January 30th. :-)

  133. I love to get together with my sister to work on home improvement projects often for our mother.

  134. Game Nights with my husband, 6 adult children and 15 grandchildren are the BEST!!!

  135. Our family of four loves to go to different places and travel (not far). It is a joy to see our two kids enjoy our family time.

  136. The one thing that we really enjoy as a family is our yearly holiday (vacation) daddy's phone is switched off and I let them eat what they want so no arguments!

  137. My hubby and I like to take walks together or go hiking together.

  138. When my kids were a bit younger, we loved going to the Drive In together. A movie and the chance to spread out and relax - it was a winning combination! Thanks for the chance to win!

  139. Our family loves the outdoor, camping plans are already in the works. Wonderful apron! Thanks for a chance to win the book.

  140. Every Sunday during the summer, we spend the day at a local park taking in hurling (Irish field hockey). This apron would be a fun addition to the festivities-I'd love to make one-thanks for the opportunity!
    mmckee at wi dot rr dot com

  141. My husband &I go garage saling on Saturday mornings. He looks for fishing item & I search for sewing items.

  142. We love to all gather at our house and have a great big cook-out! I also love aprons, and would love to hang this on hubby's neck as he smokes all those boston butts! so cute!

  143. I love to do dutch oven cooking. There is a big group of us that goes camping every summer - several times - and let me tell you the food is fantastic! And because I can't be away from my sewing machine for long, I take it with me. Ya they all give me a hard time, but I just love to sew and what is better better than sewing in the mountains? well besides eating? Nothing. Love the apron - will be making a few of those.

  144. Our family went camping also, my girls are all grown up now and taking their kids camping. We used to stop at all the "brown" signs (historical information), I would read the signs, they would complain, but I would overhear them talking about what they had learned. Fun times, I miss the days of the kids at home, enjoy your time - it goes by way too fast.

  145. Our family enjoys Sunday dinners together and long walks.

  146. We love a good cosy saturday afternoon movie! thanks for the chance to win!

  147. We love going out to dinner together.

  148. We love going out to dinner together.

  149. We are big campers too...I can't wait to get the tent out again this year. Our big vacation to Florida last summer (5 weeks away from our own house) meant we didn't camp at all. This year we plan to make up for that!

  150. We love snow showing on the mountains, or hills, or around the block....

  151. Our family lives a quiet evening at home watching a classic movie and eating homemade popcorn.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
