Monday, March 31, 2014

Just In Time

So ya, it's the last day of the month, and I am mailing out my bee blocks today.  But hey, at least they are still in this month, even if it is just barely ;)  And this month brought two very fun bee blocks to work on.

First up, for the Bees Knees group, Amy asked us to make some framed square blocks.  I love the fabrics she sent and had so much fun putting this block together.  I was trying to embrace my inner improv skills and not plan this one out beforehand so I just starting adding strips.  Sadly, I missed and made the larger square another 2 frames larger before I realized it was to big for the size block requested.  Oh well, a little trim trim solved that.  But I have to say, it looked pretty cool with the additional frames ;)

And for the Beejeebers group, Erica asked us to make something a little familiar.  Yes, she is making a Star Light Star Bright Quilt and asked each of us to make a block.  She asked us to use shades of grey, teal, navy, and green and I can't wait to see it come together.  It is going to be so pretty!!

So now it is off to the post office to get these in the mail ;)  Just in time to start next month's blocks :)  Please tell me I am not the only one that procrastinates :)

Oh, and just to keep it real, Here is another little thing I procrastinated.  Hello Laundry!!  It is time to conquer this mountain, should be a fun day :)

Have a Happy Quilting (or maybe laundry) Day!!


  1. You had to remind it was the last day of the month didn't you? No you're not alone. I finished my second block yesterday at open sew but won't have a chance to mail it until tomorrow. Up until these last couple of months I was good about getting them in the mail before (shall we say by) the end of the month. I think I better get back to mailing in the month of again otherwise it's scary to think how far things could slide. Now I guess I better go find out what's up for April.

  2. great bee blocks: Love the star block!! :-)
    And that laundry pile reminds me of ours when I was growing up:(6 kids!!) I was so young when I started doing laundry that I don't remember being taught! And my mom would give us assignments on Saturday morning: Daughter #1: do 6 loads, D.#2: do 5 loads, D#3 (me)do 4 loads, and I can't remember if the two younger ones had to do loads too, but even after that, there were still clothes in the pile!! Hope your day goes well, and the pile goes down easily!!! :-P Hugs!!!!

  3. Gotta hate it when your improv gets away from you ;o)

  4. Ah yes, it is finish up laundry day here too. It never ends!! Plus it is FINALLY warm here in Ohio so all kiddos big and small want to be outside in the mud. Ya! More laundry... Love the blocks for the month.

  5. Beautiful blocks! Love the laundry shot! We all have laundry and it never seems to go away, no matter how much we wash, dry and fold. Me? I'm pretty good about the wash and dry part, but my boys have learned that when there are no clothes in their drawers they should go look in the laundry basket or the dryer because there are probably a few loads hanging around unfolded. I figure if they're taking stuff out and wearing it, that's less I have to fold, right?

  6. I just did 2 loads of laundry, that is the max I can do since we dry with the sun, so it takes some time, for a procrastinator you sure do get a lot of things done!

  7. Weird as it sounds, thanks for sharing the picture of your pile of laundry. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that all these quilters don't always take care of the kids, quilt for hours and keep the house spotless as well. They're human too. Love your blocks!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
