Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mini Me

Last night I was totally blown away when I brought up the idea of getting an ipad for my birthday or Christmas or something and my husband informed me that the sooner I get it the more use it would be to me.  Twenty minutes later we were on our way home with this little guy.  Yippee!!

I later found out that he had been thinking for some time that I would benefit from one and was just waiting for me to decide I would be happy with it. Side Note - I was an accountant before I was a mom so I have this silly process of having to weigh the "value" of each of my purchases before I can make up my mind and know I won't have buyers remorse. Silly but true.  Anyhow, back to the topic at hand.  I decided on the Ipad Mini because I want it to be easy to travel with, super light (I have been having some issues lately with carpal tunnel, no fun), and honestly, I just think they look so cute!!!   And with the bubblegum pink cover . . .  ya I am loving it!!

Oh, and now look what I can do . . . see that little camera on the bottom!!!

Yes, that is right!!!  Now that I have a device that actually has apps  (Yes, I still use a flip phone) I can finally join Instagram!!!  I am so excited.   I am happyquiltingmc and you can find me here ;)  I can't wait!!!  So fun!!!

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. That is exciting, I haven't joined Instagram because I don't even have a mobile phone at all, how backwards in time am I, :) Love the color of the case you got, Happy Pre-Birthday/Waybefore Christmas!

  2. Don't worry I have the same accounting syndrome you do. I think it is inherent with accountants. Congrats on your purchase though:)

  3. YAY -- welcome to IG. I added you and created a tag for the star light star bright quilt along #starlightstarbrightqal if you want to share.

  4. I can't imagine life without my ipad - it's so handy!

  5. I still just have a flip phone as well! Glad I'm not the only one. ;) My husband got me a Kindle Fire for Valentine's Day so now I can take pictures and upload them directly from here without connecting to my computer first. It's awesome! :)

  6. I got an iPad for x-mas and love it! I never thought about being able to use it for Instagram (I still have a flip phone too!)

  7. How fun! I got a Nexus 7 for my birthday last year and love it for reading tutorials while I sew and recipes while I cook. The one thing I don't like about it is that it comes with a camera but no app. So lame!
    I would prefer an iPad, but $$ is always an issue.

    Congrats on your new buddy! I am sure you will enjoy it.

  8. Good for you! I need to follow suit. I still have a flip phone too.

  9. Enjoy! I have a regular ipad and really like it.

  10. Have fun on instagram! I still am just sticking with a "dumb" phone, but I think instagram might be the thing that is most tempting me to upgrade. And, on an unrelated note, I started piecing blocks for the In Your Neighborhood quilt that I'm making for the Pantone challenge, and I was having so much fun seeing them come together that I was up until 2:30 am. I can't wait to get more work done on it. Love the pattern!

  11. Your husband must know my husband. One night at dinner we when my children were small my daughter wanted me to sew her a costume for Halloween. I reminded her that my machine was broken. My husband told everyone to put their coats on and off to the sewing center we went. Two hours later I was sitting at my new machine. Enjoy your iPad. A tablet of some sort is in my future as well.

  12. I don't even have a phone! I do have an iPad but never thought of using it for Instagram. Not sure why! I'll check it out though. Have fun with your new iPad! I love mine.

  13. Phew! I thought I was the only one without an updated phone. Mine can call and text, that's about it! Never thought of using karavan with my tablet . . . Something I may have to consider! :)

  14. I love love love my iPad, deliberated long and hard, until hubby bought me one for a present. I work as a Finance Officer so go through the same dilemmas as you when making large purchases!

  15. Yay! I had a flip phone until last year. The sales guy said, "I was in 5th grade when this phone company went out of business." Hilarious.

  16. I got the mini for Christmas from my daughter (with my husband's credit card) and I love it - of course, I made a cover with some of my favorite fabrics!

  17. You will not know how you ever lived without it. I didn't want one at first either. And I'm the Queen of Gadgets. But I thought my Mac and my "flip phone" was all I needed. Was I ever wrong!! My 87 year old mother got one before I did, then both my sisters. I was the last one. Even my husband and kids and THEIR kids had one. HAVE FUN!!

  18. I love my iPad!!! They are the best to travel with, as well. Have fun with the new toy!! :)

  19. I love my iPad mini!!! A great quilt app is Quiltography. Have fun

  20. Lucky you Melissa. I have owned a mini for a few months now, I got mine to use as a tool when my son and I were developing our Embroidery App. It was released last October. If you go to iTunes on your ipad, and search for 'Arlenes Crafts' and change the 'iPad only to iphone only you will see it. It's free to download.

    I like the size of the mini, it's small enough to put in my handbag, but not too big to be intrusive. Have fun using it. Love to see the cover you have made, I will be releasing one soon in my App update.


  21. You are going to have so much fun with this Melissa. It won't be long before you wondered how you did without one.

  22. I was completely inspired by you yesterday and suggested to hubby that we just look at tablets. I got my graduation present a few weeks early and love it! Thanks for the inspiration and why wait?

  23. I too joined the 21st century on my last birthday - my husband and son got me a Samsung 7" tablet. LoVe it!!

  24. You mentioned carpal tunnel. Don't ignore it. I'm soon to have my second surgery. I talked with several doctors, had cortisone shots, and then went to a hand specialist surgeon.if I had seen him years earlier the surgery may not have been necessary. Wearing the special gloves while sleeping, being sure you machine and chair position you properly, most don't. There are exercises that are simple to do. Surgery means six weeks in a cast and retraining your hand. My right hand was first and when I tried to sign my name it was awful

  25. Oh I so know how you think. I am an accountant too and I spend a lot of time thinking about the cost of things before I buy. I too am planning on getting an Ipad, before MQX next month so I don't have to lug the much heavier laptop with me. Enjoy your new toy.

  26. Wonderful! I'm working on my husband for me to save up for one. He's not against it, there is always just somewhere else for the money to go. Enjoy!

  27. Yeah you! You will love the camera! I use it more then my regular one for sewy photos! In fact on vacation I used it along side my camera!

  28. Wait?? How did you get Instagram on your iPad? I can never find it for iPad, only iPhone....

  29. Oh wow. I just joined Instagram this year too. I'm at sarahkrothe and you are welcome to follow me and see what I'm making. I'm off to find you!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
