Friday, April 11, 2014

Back To Basics - Quilt Pattern!!!

So after this quilt won 3rd place in the Modern Quilt Guild Challenge I promised several of you that a pattern would be coming soon.  And yes, that was clear back in February.  Hopefully some of you still count 2 months as "soon".   But Yippee anyways, because today I get to share my 12th pattern, Back to Basics!!!!  It is available at both my Craftsy and Etsy shops and once again, I listed it on sale since it is all kinds of brand new and I am just so happy about it :)

I just love the way the geometric boldness of the design creates an almost random look but that at a closer glance, you see all kinds of secondary patterns start to emerge.  So fun!!

The fabric are basics from the Riley Blake Designs gal.  I love how the basic collections really add to the basic geometric design.  They were the perfect compliment.  

And a bit about the pattern.  It is suitable for beginners and up.  And it includes some of the basic piecing units so you gets lots of practice with that.  Even though it looks a little complex, the blocks are rather simple and go together really fast.

And yes, there are size options!!!!  And I went ahead and sized up the block as the quilt got larger so you wouldn't have to make a million little blocks for the queen size :)   You can make a bitty baby, like I did, or a Lap, Twin, or Queen size.  I so want to make a queen size now for my bed :)

And just a quick note on the quilting.  I did a giant spiral, which is such a fun way to quilt. It just plays so nice with all of that geometric goodness ;)  I did a Quilting Video Tutorial on how to do a Giant Spiral and you can find it here if you are interested ;)  

 I have loved this design from the initial drawing on a napkin and I am so excited to know have it in my pattern line.  I hope you enjoy it as well :)

Alright, I will wrap it up now.  Here is one more link to the pattern.   I have listed them on sale for $5.00.  They will be $5.00 until next weekend (or when I remember to change the listing) and then be listed for the original price of $8.50.   They can be found in my Craftsy Shop as well as my Etsy Shop.

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend everyone and thanks for stopping by :)  You all are the best readers and make what I do so very much fun :)

Linking this finish  to Amanda's and Sarah's and Fort Worth Fabric Studio


  1. I loved this quilt the first time I saw it, so I grabbed the pattern off your Etsy shop!!! Thanks so much ~ now I just have to find the time to start it. :)

  2. I loved this quilt!! I already buy the pattern!!!
    Thanks !!!!

  3. I love all your patterns, but this might be my favorite yet.

  4. I am so drawn to this quilt! Love it! You always do beautiful work!

  5. This is awesome, I will be getting it for sure!

  6. I always feel like a genius when I can't figure out how to break this down into blocks. Every time I see it I have to re-find the pattern! Someday maybe I will buy it and make it, but for now I have bigger fish to fry. Someday, though, someday...

  7. Ooh, perfect timing, it gives my Finish Along Q1 winner another choice :o)

  8. Congratulations. This is lovely and perfect to make for the hubby!

  9. It's an amazing pattern, congrats! Love the colours you chose and the quilting!

  10. So striking! i think this would be a perfect pattern for a teen boy. I've been looking to make one for my nephew. This one is great.

  11. What a great quilt. The pattern looks fun. :)

  12. I like the bulls-eye quilting on this quilt.

  13. Two months was not long...remember good things come to those who wait.

  14. Melissa, you must be on cloud 9 right now - what an accomplishment! The pictures of the quilt are awesome, love the design! I have had several friends tell me that I should start putting some of my stuff into patterns, but I just can't seem to get there yet - mainly because I haven't a clue how to write a pattern! LOL Congrats again!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
