Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Sale!!!

Today is my Birthday and I turned 35!!!  I have to admit, I am having a little freak out over this.  35 is just 35.   So I thought what better way to stop freaking out and start celebrating than to have a SALE.  So I have marked  all  Happy Quilting patterns 35% Off for my 35th Birthday !!    (that makes them $5.52 each) You can find PDF Happy Quilting patterns in my ETSY SHOP.

I am being called to the other room to open presents ;)  Yippee!!  (I guess it isn't to bad turning 35 if it comes along with presents ;)  

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!!   


  1. Happy birthday! And thank you for the fabulous sale! :)

  2. I forgot that we are just one day apart (and a few years!!) Have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy Birthday! 35 isn't so bad.

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday! I turn 36 on 9/5 so I know just how you feel! :)

  5. In another 30 years it will seem like you were a mere child! Enjoy your day.

  6. Ah.... you are just a puppy! Have a Happy Birthday!

  7. Enjoy a very Happy Birthday!!! You are so very young! Enjoy every minute as the years fly by!!

  8. Happy birthday, Melissa! Enjoy your special day and best wishes for a wonderful year of being 35.

  9. Happy birthday. I hope this is your best year yet.

  10. Happy Birthday "Kiddo"!
    Wait til you hit 55 like I did this year. The Senior discounts start to apply!!! Now that's something to look forward to as we age. Can't wait till I'm 60, get even more discounts! LOL

  11. Happy Birthday! This is how I always looked at it. If you live to be 100 you still have more years to live than you have already lived. I can't say that anymore but trust me as you get older there are other things that compensate for not being as young as you once were.

  12. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a really special day! I realised the other day I will be 35 in January and has a little freak out myself. We can grow old gracefully together ;)

  13. Happy birthday Melissa. I hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs, Christine xx

  14. Happy Birthday, I hope your day is super wonderful. and, thank you for the gift to US, I took the opportunity to get a few patterns I have been wanting to have.

  15. have a lovely day, forgotten what it is like to be so young!

  16. LOL Melissa, it's all in the mind ;) Happy belated birthday, hope you had a great day.

  17. Hope your birthday was a great one. So presents were involved? Lucky you. Sure hope there was some cake too. All the best for this next year and those following.

  18. I'm sorry I missed your birthday yesterday (I was gone for the day). I hope it was a great day for you with lots of cake and ice cream and kisses from your kiddos and hubby!! Hugs to you!!!

  19. Hope your B-day was amazing and you did something fun!! Honeyman turns 40 (Feb 19th I believe the same day as your Honeyman) ;0) We just booked a Mexico vacation for his special day!! Cant wait to be in Mexico Feb 18-28!!!!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
