Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Happy Quilting Family

Some time in January of this year I was sitting in the living room and realized our family picture did not include our adorable baby girl.   I started calculating and figured it had been over 4 years since we had done family pictures.  Ooops.  So when the weather warmed up, we all put on our smiling faces (and yes, a few of them were bribed)  and snapped away a lovely afternoon.  It then took me 4 months to pick my favorites.  Seriously, there were so many great shots, every time I went through them I just got overwhelmed and set them aside.   But, I finally choose my favorites  . . . and since I am putting them on my wall today I thought it would be fun to share them with you as well :)

The Corry Family

Jocelyn - Almost 3

Kamryn - Age 5

Kristian - Age 7

Jessica - Age 9

Spencer - Age 11

Mom and Dad

Nothing like getting new pictures to remind you just how fast they are growing up.   Seriously, I got a little emotional when the pictures were being taken, it just really hit me that time is flying by.  It was a good reminder to cherish every moment, the ups, the downs, and the everydays.  I love you sweet family of mine ;)

And just in case you are wondering, these wonderful pictures were taken on the campus of beautiful Southern Utah University by Kurtis L Leany of Zion Photography.  Thanks Kurtis, we love them!!!


  1. Your family is beautiful and the children are true gifts from heaven! So glad you shared these pictures today!

  2. Beautiful family (and seriously, I cant tell the bribed smiles from the real ones!) LOL.

  3. What a beautiful family you have.

  4. Beautiful pictures. :-)

    Our pictures are on Saturday. They were scheduled last summer, but my kids got sick the day before. I'm okay with that because our baby is 16 months instead of 4 months, so that'll be better. I'm extra excited because our photographer is an online friend I met almost 8 years ago. We'll finally be able to meet in person.

  5. What a good-looking family! Thanks for sharing.

  6. So lovely! I bet they keep you busy!

  7. Beautiful family pictures! Adorable kids!

  8. What a beautiful family you have! And yes I would agree time flies! So enjoy every moment with them you can!

  9. Beautiful pictures! We do family pictures every year. Then we treat everyone to ice cream.

  10. You have a beautiful family! Fantastic pictures! Thank you for sharing them with your Happy Quilting family. :-)

  11. Great pictures and a beautiful Family.

  12. Such adorable photos of the family. No wonder you found it hard to chose favourites. Yes the do grow very quickly, only seems like yesterday your were make a baby quilt for Jocelyn. Love the photo of Kristian..

  13. Such a beautiful and precious family you have Melissa! You are right to cherish every moment!

  14. Amen to that! Great pictures of a lovely family!

  15. I enjoyed seeing your family, beautiful photos and beautiful family.


  16. Precious Children and these pictures are great.

  17. You have a beautiful family! Enjoyed seeing the pics.

  18. What a beautiful family. Great pictures.

  19. Seriously? You just had that baby yesterday...I'm pretty sure I remember reading your blog then! :) blessings, marlene

  20. What a beautiful family. Great pictures. Your kids are very handsome!

  21. Oh you have beautiful family. Your childern are as models.

  22. I love these! You make such cute people. I love the one of you and your hubby too. I often neglect a shot of just me and mine it's a good reminder.

  23. Enhorabuena por la familia tan bonita que tienes

  24. Seriously, what a beautiful family. And you're right, cherish every minute. :)

  25. what handsome and pretty children you have and the blond hair the girls are blessed with is so beautiful. What a contented family. How you find time to stitch with all those youngsters is beyond me, do any of them show signs of wanting to quilt?

  26. Melissa that is a fine looking family!! You have so much to be proud of!!!

  27. What a beautiful Family. The pictures are wonderful.

  28. You have a beautiful family and they have an amazing mum.

  29. Melissa, your kiddos are just beautiful!!! What a great set of pictures to treasure in the years to come! And how you have time to sew AND take care of those 5 children is beyond me!!! :-) Next time I'm up that way I hope I can meet them: they look so happy and must be so much fun!! Hugs!!! H

  30. Replies
    1. Your children are beautiful and so too are you and your husband! Gorgeous photographs, I love the single portraits of each child - awesome!!!

    2. Only Kristian has green eyes like your hubby!!

  31. What beautiful girls and handsome boys you have...such a lovely family, but then, with such good looking parents, how could it be otherwise. Thanks for sharing with us.

  32. What a lovely family. Thanks for letting us see your pictures.

  33. Rosemary B here:
    You really have a beautiful family. thank you for sharing this
    I can see that it must have been hard to choose a few
    grrrr those photographers always take way too many just to drive you nutty trying to choose hahaha

  34. Gorgeous.. Gorgeous family. Children are so adorable and so are you and your hubby. Lovely post, thanks for sharing xx

  35. Beautiful photos, Melissa. I must organise for us to have some taken. We haven't had a family portrait done since Nelson was about 4 or 5. He's now nearly 14!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
