Friday, September 5, 2014

Queen Wonky Irish Chain Finish

Note - If you are looking for the Persimmon Layer Cake Giveaway you will find it here :)

Well it's Friday and I am so excited to be able to share my newest finish!!!!  I have been working on this quilt on and off for the last few months so it is super fun to see it all done.  So here she is . . . my Fit for a Queen, Wonky Irish Chain :)

I decided to remake this quilt a few months back when I found that I would be teaching my Wonky Irish Chain pattern in January at the Cedar Quilt Retreat and in March at the Glendale Quilt Show.  I wanted to have a new sample for class and really have wanted to make this quilt in the queen size for some time.  Teaching was the perfect push to move it up the "to do" list ;)

This quilt is so much fun to put together ;)  It is a lot of chain piecing which I find so incredibly relaxing.   And it really was fun to not have to think about taking pictures or making instructions while piecing.  Just some care free sewing :)  Good times!

When it came time to quilt I opted for some Curly Q's in the background in my favorite color 402 Pearl So Fine threads and then for the print squares I couldn't decide between arches or straight lines.  But thanks to all of your help on Instagram, I went with Arches, and I am so pleased with how they turned out ;)

I just love all of the yummy texture created by a wonderfully dense filler.  It just makes me smile ;)

The fabrics I choose to use is the new Persimmon line by Basic Grey for Moda!!  I love all of the beautiful rich fall tones and prints. It just makes me want to go curl up in it :)   This line just came out this month and I just so happen to have a giveaway for a layer cake of it!!!!  You can find the giveaway here ;)

And since I am so excited about this finish, I decided to celebrate by marking down my Wonky Irish Chain pattern.  So if you love the quilt and want to make one, it just got a little cheaper for you ;)  Wonky Irish Chain will be marked down to $5.00 throughout the weekend ;)  You can find it in my Etsy Shop  ;)  

And that wraps it up for this week ;)  I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

Linking up this finish to Sarah's and Amanda's :) 


  1. Love it! And the quilting is perfect. What a cool quilt.

  2. It's wonderful! So much piecing with a lovely result

  3. Great pattern and great quilting. It looks so cozy!

  4. I love your Wonky Irish! That's a very clever idea and a great pattern :)

  5. Your quilt is beautiful!! Vintage with a modern twist!

  6. That is beautiful and I love the quilting you did on it too.

  7. I really like this quilt. Love the quilting too!

  8. I love the pattern! I've been looking for a modern Irish Chain for a wedding quilt for friends and this is perfect. Looking forward to trying it out. The quilting on this version is great!

  9. Love a bit of wonky and this is a great quilt

  10. I love it! I bought your pattern quite a while ago. I have all the chain pieces cut. I never got to cutting out the background pieces. It's on my todo list. It's one of your patterns that is on my favorites list. Hopefully seeing your finished quilt will be enough to make me get it out and start working on it in January when I make my goal list for next year. (I have way too many WIPS right now to get done before Christmas.) Thanks for the little reminder that I have it partially done.

  11. Ooh, love the wonkiness of your chain!

  12. What a fun quilt - and I love the quilting. blessings, marlene

  13. Love the FMQ!! Thanks for the mark-down. Just bought it through Craftsy :))

  14. Such a cool variation on a traditional quilt. Visiting from FIUF.

  15. Love this quilt and Persimmon is my new favorite fabric line, so pretty :)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
