Monday, October 6, 2014

Camping Quilt with the Bees Knees

So Sept. was my month for the Bees Knees quilting group ;)  I knew right off what I wanted to ask the ladies to make ;)   Here's a little backstory :)

A while back I was chatting with my mom about how my Grandparents need a new quilt for their new Trailer.  We spent the Labor Day Weekend at a Family Reunion (that my Grandparents haven't missed a year of since I was a little girl) and we both noticed that their bed quilt is just one that comes with the trailer and goodness, it is ugly!!!  It was just meant to be!!!  

So I asked the wonderful ladies of our group to make whatever comes to your mind when you hear the words  Camping, Nature, Outdoors, the Wild, Smores,  Ect, Ect. Ect.  This block will be totally up to their imagination.  They can applique, piece, paper piece, whatever!!!  Anything that makes you feel Woodsie ;)  When all the blocks come back I plan to turn them into a fun sampler quilt :)  

So Sept has come to a close and I have a few blocks back and I am just so excited!!!  Seriously, each time I get a package in the mail I just can't wait to tear it open, every one is a special surprise!!  And oh my goodness, Talk about a cute collection of Woodsie blocks!!! They are just so fantastic!!!  I can already tell that this quilt is going to be just perfect for Grandma and Grandpa.  I can't wait to see what the other blocks are going to be.   How fun!!!  

I have to show you these blocks close up!!  They are so great!!!  .  And I was so excited to show them I didn't even iron this one, ah well ;)   This one is from Kim and it so stinking adorable!!!  I just love it, especially the little appliqued heart carving on the tree and the adorable buttons to hold up the hammock.  So cute!!!.   

And from Cynthia, this ever so cute owl!!  Isn't that just so fun!!!  She even did needle turn applique, wow!!!  You can see details about how she made it here ;)  

And from Nedra, this adorable skool of fish!!  I already am envisioning these swimming along the bottom of the quilt ;)

From Shari, this super cute Crossroads block and some bonus improv blocks with it!!  She even added in some of patches from her own adorable fabric line ;)  

And finally, from Sherri, these super fun Log Cabin blocks.  Because you can't have a camping quilt without some log cabin blocks!!!

Seriously, like I said, an adorable collection of blocks ;)  I will be sure to share more as the additional blocks come in.  I can't wait to start putting this one together!!

Be sure to pop back in tomorrow for the first Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!


  1. I can understand why you're so excited! These are super awesome, and you have some great and talented bee friends. I look forward to seeing how you incorporate them into a quilt.

  2. I was never that interested in joining a group...until these blocks. Wow! What a great group of talent and they look like the same person had a vision and knew exactly what to do. That is going to be the most charming quilt Congratulations on having such good taste in a group! :)

  3. This is awesome, your quilters blocks and that they did them!

    Patricia C

  4. You blocks are super cute! That was such a great idea to give a theme and a purpose, and let everyone design their own block! You could be onto something :) a new type of quilting bee! I'm sure happy that you like my block, I had a lot of fun making it, especially knowing it was for your sweet grandparents.

  5. Those are really fun blocks. I love the owl, and the tree... and... the rest of it... Okay, I love the whole thing. :) Cute and cuter.

  6. Ohmygosh! Adorable!!! Can't wait to see the rest!!!!

  7. These are super cute, I guess my favorite is the trees. From a distance it even looks like a happy face :)

  8. SO cute! Can't wait to see it completed

  9. Love all your adorable camping blocks. What a great group of ladies you have.

  10. It show that your bee mates were inspired by your directive, and they really stepped up. That hammock block is too precious. This is going to be such a special quilt for so many reasons.

  11. This will definitely be a special quilt for your grandparents with help from some special ladies!

  12. Beautiful!! What a special quilt, great job ladies!

  13. Fantastic!! Those blocks are sooo cute!! I'm making a quilt for our new trailer that is on order, and I'm using that fabric line too!! It's perfect for a trailer!! Have a great week!! Hugs, H

  14. What fun and creative blocks, and what a great idea for your quilt! Lucky girl!

  15. This collection is just wonderful. I really love the one Kim made.

  16. I'm so happy that you are happy with each block. They really did ALL turn out quite cute!

  17. I can picture tears of joy when you complete this wonderful quilt and give it to your grandparents, everyone`s blocks are so good and such variety

  18. Cutest thing I have seen in a LONG time!

  19. Really cute blocks and I especially liked the fabric choices!

  20. ooh how fun. How bout some smores and camp fire girl badges sewn in.

  21. These are adorable! It's going to be the perfect quilt for their trailer.

  22. I love these fabrics! What are they? I want to use them myself - what a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Loving all the blocks - you have some very clever friends :)

  24. The quilt looks really beautiful.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
