Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Wall - A Brick Wall Quilt Tutorial Featuring The Jolly Bar!!

I am very excited this morning to share with you a new quilt and a new tutorial that uses a brand new pre-cut!!!   Lot's of New going on around here ;)   So first, let's show you the quilt . . . here's The Wall.

A few months ago I was asked by the wonderful folks at Fat Quarter Shop if I wanted to play with their brand new exclusive to Fat Quarter Shop, Jolly Bar!!   And of course I wanted to play with it ;)  The Jolly Bar is the  in-between of a Layer Cake and a Charm Pack measuring 5" x 10".  You can see more about the Jolly Bar in this Video :)  I knew right away that I wanted to make a brick wall quilt.  It has been on my "to do" list since I started quilting and having already cut 5" x 10" pre-cuts are just perfect for it!!!  It really doesn't get much easier :)

And since I was making my own, I decided to take some pictures along the way and share with you how to make your own Simple and Fast Brick  Wall quilt!!!   I will be using the Somerset Jolly Bar by the ever amazing Fig Tree & Co.  I love the beautiful fall tones of this line!!!  

To make your own The Wall quilt You Will Need:

2 Jolly Bars  ( each Jolly Bar has (42) 5" x 10" rectangles and you will be using 72 of those)
1 1/2 Yards of a chosen solid for sashing.  I used Cream
4 Yards for Backing


From your Solid Sashing fabric you will need to cut:
(7) 2 1/2" x Width of Fabric strips to be used for binding.
(17) 1 1/2" x Width of Fabric strips for sashing.
(65) 1 1 /2" x 5" rectangles for sashing.

From your 2 packs of Jolly Bars, first select 65 Jolly Bar pieces that will make up the full bricks in the quilt.  Then select 7 Jolly Bar pieces that you will then subcut in half to make (14) 5" x 5" squares. These will make up the half bricks in your quilt.   You only need 13 so put one square in your scrap pile along with the remaining 12 Jolly Bar pieces.

And your cutting is done.   Easy as that!!!


Place a 1 1/2" x 5" solid rectangle onto the end of a Jolly Bar with right sides together.  Stitch a 1/4" seam aligning as you go along the edge.   Repeat this for all 65 of your Jolly Bar pieces.  You totally want to chain stitch here to save oodles of time :)   Once your pieces have all been stitched, clip your threads between pieces and press your seam allowance on all 65 units towards the Jolly Bar.

And now you are ready to make your rows.   Layout 5 sashed Jolly Bars in a row and then add one half Jolly Bar 5" x 5" square to the end of the row as shown below.  When placing colors I like to not worry to much and keep it random, but I do make sure not to put the same color right by the side of another, so I guess I would say it is controlled random placement.

Now you can sew the row together.   Place the second sashed Jolly Bar onto the first with right sides together.  Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge aligning as you go.   I don't bother to press yet.   Now keep adding blocks to the row.   Place the third sashed Jolly Bar onto the now sewn first and second units with right sides together.  Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge aligning as you go.   Continue this process until your row is stitched together.  

Repeat the last 2 steps, laying out and sewing together 13 total rows.   You can chain stitch if you like, it will once again save some time ;)  Press all of the seam allowances towards the Jolly Bars.


And now, it's already time to sew the quilt top together!!!  We are going to start by getting our horizontal sashing strips together.  Sew all of the 1 1/2" x WOF solid strips together end to end using a 1/4" seam and making 1 super long strip.   Press the seams to one side.   Then, you are going to take that giant strip and cut it into 12 sashing strips.  You can choose to do this a few ways, You can cut your strips 56 1/2" which is the exact measurement of your rows.  You can lay the strips between the rows and cut them based on the length of your sewn row.  Or, my personal favorite is to to cut them 58" so I know I will have a little extra to work with ;)

Now, on a large surface, lay your 13 rows out alternating each row as shown below to give you the brick wall effect.   Place a horizontal sashing strip between each row.    Go ahead and play with the layout for a bit until you get a color mesh that is pleasing to the eye.  It really helps to take a picture and view it on your camera or computer to help you see if the colors are all balanced.

Once you have your colors balanced, mark your rows so you won't have to accidently rebalance your colors again ;)  Now it's time to sew   Place a sasing strip onto the bottom of the row with right sides together.  Aligning as you go, sew a 1/4" seam along the entire bottom edge of the row.

When you get to the end of the strip, if you have used my preferred overage method of cutting, simply trim the sashing equal with the row.   I love that you can just align things as you go with this method and don't have to worry ;)

Repeat adding the sashing to each row for your 12 sashed rows.  You won't have to sew anything on to the last row.  Press the seam allowance towards the sashing strips.

And now, it's time to start sewing the rows together.  This is just like making the row but on a longer scale.   Place the second row onto the top row with right sides together.  I like to use a few pins just to keep everything aligned.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.  Just like making the rows, I don't bother to press yet.

Now, place the third row onto the now sewn first and second with right sides together.  Align and pin your rows together and sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.

Keep repeating this process until you have sewn together half of the quilt top.   At this point, I find it easier to start a new section.   Placing the 7 and 8th rows together and stitching a 1/4" seam along the edge.   This just makes it so you don't have to bother with the quite as much weight pulling your quilt top.

Keep adding rows to the second half of the quilt until they are all sewn together.   So now you should have 2 halves that look something like this.

Place the bottom half onto the top half with right sides together.   Align and pin the edge, I use more pins here then I did before to help with the slipping from the extra weight pulling on the quilt top.   Stitch a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.   And now, I press all of the seam allowances towards the sashing strips.

And your quilt top is done!!!!   Wasn't that just so super easy and fun!!!

And with your quilt top done, it is time to finish it up.  Just Baste It, Bind It, and Quilt it!!   If you are new to quilting, you can see my Finishing Your Quilt Video Tutorials here that will walk you through the individual steps of basting, quilting and binding ;)  

I quilted my quilt with an all over free motion Feathered Swirl.  It really is becoming my favorite and matched the beautiful fabrics just perfectly!!

And look at all of the yummy, yummy texture it creates. So fun!!!

And for the backing I used this beautiful print from the Mirabelle line.  For the backing, just cut your yardage in half and sew the 2 pieces together using a 1/2" seam ;)  And for the binding, use your already cut 2 1/2" strips to create a binding strip.

And before you know it, you will have a beautiful 57" x 70 1/2" Wall quilt!!   I can't wait to snuggle up in this one ;)  

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and if you make your own The Wall quilt I would love to see it!!!  You can email me a picture at or add it to social media with #happyquiltingwithmc  ;)    I can't wait to see your The Wall Quilts!!! 

Thanks so much for stopping by today!!   I look forward to seeing your Wall quilts!!!!  And be sure to pop on over to The Jolly Jabber for lots of Jolly Bar inspiration.  There will be 8 of us sharing our Jolly Bar creations over the week!!!

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. I love your quilt! It is absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Love your simple, yet elegant!
    Thx 4 great tutorial, when I get my jolly bars this is the quilt 4 me!

  3. Beautiful quilt and wonderful tutorial! Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Great looking quilt Melissa!! I want to make on now!! So simple, but I love it!! Hugs to you my friend!!

  5. Perfect! Great looking, fast, and simple. Such a good way to show off a fabric line.

  6. do like this Melissa thanks for the tutorial on my to do list maybe I will use scraps for it

  7. Mine are ordered, waiting on them to be shipped and delivered. I had drafted a quilt like this without the sashing, so I think I will do mine with sashing, it sure does look awesome! Power to the precuts, I so love them.

  8. This turned out great and I can see myself using the tutorial for fast and easy quilts in the future. Thanks so much.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Love this pattern! My Jolly Bars are ordered! Could you use pre-cut 1/12 inch strips for the sashing?

  11. I am wanting to make your quilt for my great niece, but I will be cutting my fabric into jolly bars. Can you tell me how many different fabrics you ended up using in this quilt? I want to get an idea of how many different fabrics I should use. Thanks so much for your help.

    1. Hi Kim, a Jolly Bar has 40 different prints in it, of course you don't have to use that many, but it helps to add as much variety as you can ;) Hope this helps.

    2. Melissa,

      Thanks for your quick response! I am wanting to make a twin size quilt. In doing the math, it looks like I would want to add one brick in width and three rows of bricks to the length to get close to an average size twin quilt of 65x88. Does that seem correct?

      Thanks for your help!


  12. I would love to make this in a cot quilt size. How much fabric would I need?

  13. Thank you for sharing this very quick and easy tutorial for the color block quilt. Seems like everyone in my online group is making one and now I have the itch to do one also. Especially knowing how quick it is. :-)

    1. You are so very welcome!!! If you could send me a link of your online group I would love to see everyone's quilts ;)

  14. I love this design . what size and how many bars would I need for a baby quilt

    1. for a baby size, I would probably do 9 rows, but just put 4 whole jolly bars and 1 half jolly bar in each row. I would also use 1" sashing so it finishes at 1/2" wide. So that would be 41 Jolly Bar pieces. That should measure about 45" x 45"

  15. I was just asked over on facebook how to make this into a king size. So just in case anyone else wants to know, I am adding it here ;)
    For a King size, I would add an extra 5 bricks per row so it is 109 1/2" wide and then add an extra 7 rows so it is 109" long. So that means there would be a total of 20 rows. Each row will have 10 full bricks, and 1 half brick per row. Which means 210 Jolly bar pieces which is exactly 5 Jolly Bar Packs. For the background, you will need (200) 1 1/2" x 5" rectangles and (52) 1 1/2" x WOF sewn end to end and subcut into (19) 1 1/2" x 110". So you would need 3 1/2 yards of background fabric for the sashing and then a yard of binding fabrics to cut into (12) 2 1/2" strips. I hope this helps, if you have any questions just let me know  

    1. I am wanting to make a king size quilt for my bed. Could you tell me how many yards of background fabric I will need for this brick wall quilt? I am so excited about making this.

    2. HI Joy, You would want 3 1/2 Yards of background fabric

    3. I'm sorry - I was meaning to ask how much yardage for the quilt back.

    4. Hi Joy,

      So the king size measures 109 x 109 so you will need to sew 3 strips that are 120" x 120" together, which is 3 1/3 yards, times threes strips is 10 Yards. So yup, a whopping 10 yards ;)

  16. Thank you for taking the time to make and share this tutorial. :) I pulled an old untouched kit out of my storage, saw the note that I loved the fabrics but hated the enclosed pattern, and now I found your tutorial, which is PERFECT for the set.

  17. I am new to quilting and made a scrap quilt but I didn't know what I was doing so it's not that nice plus I had an old machine I used which was always a struggle. For Christmas I got a brand new machine that is for quilting so I was so excited when I found this page. I want to try making this quilt and your directions are easy to follow. I have two questions. What size will I need to do a full/queen size? Also did you use a standard machine to do the quilting or do you use a long arm machine? Just curious because when I did my scrap quilt on my old standard I struggled with the quilting but I had no walking foot either. Thanks in advance and I can't wait to get started.

    1. HI Stephanie,

      For a queen size, I would add an extra 4 bricks per row so it is 98" wide and then add an extra 5 rows so it is 98" long. So that means there would be a total of 18 rows. Each row will have 9 full bricks, and 1 half brick per row. Which means 171 Jolly bar pieces which is 4 Jolly Bar Packs and an extra 11 Pieces, or 5 Jolly Bar Packs with a little extra. For the background, you will need (144) 1 1/2" x 5" rectangles and (42) 1 1/2" x WOF sewn end to end and subcut into (17) 1 1/2" x 98 1/2". So you would need 2 3/4 yards of background fabric for the sashing and then a yard of binding fabrics to cut into (11) 2 1/2" strips. I hope this helps, if you have any questions just let me know  

  18. This is adorable! I have some layer cakes I can cut in half to make this! Something I noted is to keep in mind directional fabrics because after you make your rows, every other row is turned around to sew on long sashing and join rows.

  19. Just found this! Perfect pattern at the perfect time! Thanks for sharing this.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
