Monday, November 3, 2014

Some Reminders

Oh my goodness, this weekend was crazy busy, and crazy fun.  We had a wonderful Halloween with beautiful temperatures and the kids had so much fun trick-or-treating.  Then Saturday was spent with family playing games, chatting, eating lots of candy and general good times.  And then Sunday we had the first snow of the season and celebrated with hot chocolate.  What fun!!!  And I didn't sew a single stitch all weekend.

So today, I am just sharing a few reminders . . .

First off, the Optical Illusions Blog Tour Starts Today!!!  Yippee!!!  Pop on over to the My Stars Blog to get the full schedule of all of the stops ;)  There will be lots of prizes and opportunities to win a copy along the entire hop ;)  I can't wait to share my quilt with you, more on Thursday ;)

Second, the Blogger's Quilt Festival Entries have ended and it is time to vote :) Be sure to pop through each of the category and check out all of the amazing quilting ggoodness  Then vote for a favorite in each category ;)   I will be browsing through during nap time and am so looking forward to all of that quilty goodness ;)

And one last reminder, today is the last day to enter this weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day ;)  The Intrepid Thread is sponsoring this adorable Good Natured Cool Bundle ;)  I will be choosing a winner tomorrow morning and announcing the new weekly giveaway ;) So enter if you haven't yet and then be sure to pop back in tomorrow to see if you won and what new is up for grabs ;)  

Thats all for today ;)

Have a Happy Quilting One :)


  1. Snow already? It will be a long winter.

  2. What a clever combination of color and designs. Love this

  3. Love the collection. I have so much to do by Christmas. Working on my "Memories of Christmas Past" quilt and must say that the paper piecing if so much fun. Thank you for sharing this giveaway, the colors are different that I usually work with but I can see a bag in my future.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
