Monday, March 30, 2015

Brought to you by the letter M

Today's Monday Sewing Adventures are brought to you by the letter M.   First and foremost, that Must get done in the sewing room today is the Mending.   Please tell Me I am not the only one that procrastinates this.  My dear husband often reminds Me how ironic it is that I can spend hours a day pressing and sewing, but I can't find 5 Minutes to sew on a button or add a patch to a pair of pants.  I know, it is absolutely crazy, but Mending always seems to get pushed to the bottom of the to do list.   (Probably because it just isn't near as fun, right ;)  But this Monday, Mending is on the top of the list.  (That promise to My husband as he went to work this Morning that I would put a patch in his shorts before I started sewing will hopefully help it to actually happen :)

Next up, My March Mini Challenge needs to be quilted up and bound.  I only have 2 days left of the Month so I can't procrastinate it Much longer ;)  I can't wait to share this one with you.  It is a Mini that I Made up from one of the quilts in My new book!!!  So fun!!! 

And Maybe, just Maybe, if I Manage to finish up everything above, I Might just have time to whip up My March Bee Block ;)  I love Making this scrappy crossroads blocks so it should be a fun treat at the end ;)

So what about you???  What are you Making today??


  1. I hear you about the mending pile, my husband is the same way! I am sitting on the patio cross stitching today....trying to relax! Wish me luck!

  2. Your post title sure brings back memories Melissa... all those years of watching Sesame Street with the kids! May you mostly meet your Monday Mending Must-Dos and make your man merry! Groan... that was painful. Hope you have time for some fun sewing today too!

  3. I feel your pain. I'd rather take a beating than mend. Just recently I had to put a new zipper in my husband's work coat and sew the pocket back on where they were half ripped off. I had to drag out my 35 year old Necchi to do it. I even have other people ask me to mend their stuff because they say they can't even sew on a button. I have learned to politely refuse.

    Today is a gorgeous day plus I get to work on my son's quilt. Can't get any better than that! :)

  4. Mending, what's that?? I can have more fun sewing. I put mending in the back corner, they will finally forget they even have that piece of clothing. Most of the time anyway. Hope you get your must do list completely. Too much fun stuff waiting.

  5. Clearing my mending pile might be on the next quarterly list of goals! It's a stack and it needs to be done.
    Today I have been working on sewing my blocks together from your QAL. One last row and I can sew the rows together to finish the top!
    Also, working on quilting the Wonky Stars top from... how long ago was that?
    But alas, school will come first. GOtta go pick up the boy from the museum, have a picnic lunch, and then it's time for some learning!

  6. Clearly from today's blog entry - you are a horrible wife and mother, as I am! LOL! My fix and repair pile stacks up pretty good before I get to it - usually as a result of a "must have" item that turns into a last minute rush job. While hubby's clothes are often the last to get done, I find if you wait long enough the children will grow out of their items in the pile and then can be discarded and the pile gets much smaller! Well that is my solution. Cheery bye for today.

  7. Ugh, I hate mending! I currently have 2 laundry baskets full of clothes to be mended. It's so easy to forget about all of those clothes! One of the items in there is a child's size 8 winter jacket that needs the zipper replaced. Which isn't a weird thing, considering we are just getting done with Winter. Except the jacket has been needing to be fixed since my eldest wore it..... and she's now 14. (ahem) ;)

  8. Mending is like asking Picasso to paint the garage!!

  9. I'm Making dresses for my granddaughters. I finished the bodices on both today!

  10. Mending is tedious but necessary sometimes:). Hope you got it done and could play.

  11. Last week I made myself hem two pairs of my husband's pants (been waiting two months!) and fix the team name and number on my son's baseball jersey before I worked on my projects. I HATE hemming. So easy to put this stuff off, especially if no one is pestering me for their items back. I think my husband forgot he had new pants.

  12. I made baskets liners for my daughter in law today, but have moved on to my crochet project now, baby blanket for my new grandbaby that is due in June. I truly do not like to crochet, i do not know why i did this to myself, lol.

  13. I made baskets liners for my daughter in law today, but have moved on to my crochet project now, baby blanket for my new grandbaby that is due in June. I truly do not like to crochet, i do not know why i did this to myself, lol.

  14. I am in the same boat with you-I had mending/making repairs on things, DH doesn't get it either, LOL As long as it has something to do with sewing he thinks I can do it.

  15. I know what you mean about mending: I don't even mend MY clothes!! :-) I've been wearing a skirt to church for a year now that is hemed with safety pins!! :-D Are you sure his shorts need a patch? He probably just needs a new pair of shorts!! Tee! Hee!! Hope the mending went quickly and you got lots of fun sewing in!! Hugs, H

  16. Don't tell my husband, but if the pile gets too outta hand, there is this sweet lady down the street that will do it for me and then we have a lunch date at the local diner. I don't know who gets the better part of that deal.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
