Thursday, April 23, 2015

Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long - Finish Parade and Grand Prize Winners!!!!

Today is the final day of the Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long!!!  Yippee ;)  First off,  I would like to say a huge Thank You to all of you who quilted-a-long with me.  I had so much fun doing this Quilt-A-Long and watching all of your progress.  I was so excited to read about so many of you stretching outside your comfort zone and trying new things, especially the applique!!  (wasn't it so fun!!)  You know I say it all the time, but that is what Quilt-A-Longs are all about!!   And it was so fun to see each of you take your own creativity to the design and really make your quilt your own.  Just fabulous!!   And what beautiful finishes you each have now!!!  

And speaking of finishes . . . there were 53 of them!!!   That is just incredible.  I know many of  you worked super hard over the last few weeks to get caught up and still finish!!  Way to go!!!     It was just so fun to Quilt-A-Long with you!!!  To see these 53 quilt tops just pop on over here and check out the links at the bottom of the post.  They are absolutely stunning!!!     And if you want to see everyone's progress along the way, you can check out the  Happy Quilt-A-Long Flickr Group or see it in other social media with #irishchaintwistqal.  It was so much fun to watch each one of your quilts come together :)

And one last tidbit before we get to the parade, if you are just popping over and finding the Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long for the first time, or just want an easy reference for the future, you can find all of the Tutorial Posts for the Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long at any time in the future under the Quilt-A-Long tab at the top of my blog.  You can also reference the following links here :)  They will always be there :)

Alright, Let's get to the Parade!!!!  You all did amazing!!!  Last week we had 4 finishes, and today, we have 30!!!  Nothing like a deadline to make us quilters move :)  And now we get to enjoy everyone's beautiful finishes!! We have 5 countries represented.  England, Hungary, New Zealand, 3 from Canada, and 24 from 14 different states here in the US :)  So Fun!!!   Now, just sit back and enjoy the Parade!!!  You can click on the picture or the name to go to that persons individual link site and see more about their project :) 

Aren't they just stunning!!   Enjoy your beautiful Irish Chain Twist Quilts ladies, and thank you so much for sharing them with all of us!!  

And with the parade complete, that leaves us with one last thing . . . we need to pick some winners!!!  

A huge Thank You goes out to Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop and Julie at The Intrepid Thread  and  for sponsoring our Grand Prize Giveaway's!!!  All 53 of you that have linked up your quilt top are eligible for the grand prize!!  There will be four grand prize winners that are going to have some serious shopping spree fun!!!! 


So, lets get to it!!   Good Luck Everyone!!!  Drumroll Please . . . . . . .

***The First Grand Prize Winner who will receive a $100.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop is

 . . .    Lynn

***The Second Grand Prize Winner who will receive a $100.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop is . . .

. . .    Cynthia

***The Third Grand Prize Winner who will receive a $75.00 Gift Certificate to The Intrepid Thread is . . .

. . .    Tracy

***The Fourth Grand Prize Winner who will receive a $75.00 Gift Certificate to The Intrepid Thread is . . .

. . .   Jyothi

Congrats Ladies!!!   I will be emailing you :)  Enjoy your shopping spree!!

Let me finish up today with one last thank you to all of you who participated in the Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long!!!  I had such a great time hosting and  I hope you had a fantastic time quilting-along!!!  It was so wonderful to see each and every one of your finishes.  I can't tell you how exciting it is to see your designs come to life in the hands of so many quilts.  It just makes me all the more excited to see my Irish Chain Quilts book come out next month so I can see you transform all of the beautiful Irish Chain Quilts within its pages into your own beautiful creations!!  It is just so fantastic to have so many wonderful friends to quilt-a-long with me!! Thank you!!!

 Until next time . . . Happy Quilting!!!


  1. Thank you for hosting such a fun QAL. I learned new techniques and saw my piecing accuracy become much more consistent. Congratulations to everyone who finished, they all look amazing! And an extra congratulations to the winners!

  2. I think it is amazing how different the quilts are. I love that we all started with the same pattern but there are so many variations. Background colors, more flowers, no flowers, wonky, modern, borders, Wow. I love quilting. I love that we all see a little differently and they are all beautiful. This was great. Thanks.

  3. All the quilts came out so beautiful! I'm still plugging away on my star surround but I really wanna speed it up so I can try this one. I just love the way your tutorials are done. And I love seeing all the different ways people make a quilt their own. Awesome

  4. So many beautiful quilts and color combinations! This is my third Quilt Along with you and I have enjoyed every one! Thanks for all the work you put into organizing these. And thanks for the prize! Looks like I get to do some major shopping!

  5. Congratulations to all the winners! The quilts are all beautiful. Thank you, Melissa, for such a fun quilt along!

  6. Congratulations to the winners and awesome quilts from all.

  7. I saw a prize winner with a quilt like mine- OMG it was mine! I finished it last night (we are in New Zealand) so it was too dark to photograph. Thanks so much- I am thrilled to win a prize from FQS. They are one of my favourite stores. Thanks to Melissa, the sponsors and to all of the other quilters who have made such awesome quilts.

  8. Everyone's quilts look wonderful. Congratulations to the winners.

  9. The quilts are all fabulous! I have not made an Irish chain quilt but after looking at these quilts with all the colors and stitching I am going to add this pattern to my list of quilts to make. I adore this pattern. I like how this traditional quilt has taken on a modern, fresh appeal.

  10. The quilts are all fabulous. Yikes...... I didn't expect my name to be in the winners list. But it was.....I won the prize..... so excited to do some shopping :-)).

  11. I love all the quilts. This is my third QAL with you. I have a quilting question.... When you quilted yours did you do all one color first or did you switch after each pass of the row?

  12. Thank you for sharing. I love each and every quilt - they are all so beautiful!! Loved seeing all the color combinations put into each quilt. Wonderful job everyone!

  13. They are all lovely! Somehow I missed the parade. Oh well, I still had fun.

  14. I always find it so amazing how the very same quilt pattern can look so different depending on the fabric chosen!! Well done to everyone who finished their quilt and congratulations to the winners!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
