Monday, May 4, 2015

Makin It Cute with Smitten for Mittens!!!

Oh my goodness, the dynamite duo of Me and My Sister Designs and It's Sew Emma have done it again!!!  You might recall back here when I Made it Cute with Hearts and Butterflies . . . well this time, they have got us all  Smitten for Mittens!!!!

When this lovely duo asked if I wanted to whip up a Smitten for Mittens Project I was all over it and I knew right away, that I wanted to make up scarves, because what goes better with mittens than scarves ;) 

But, I should correct myself, I wanted the kids to make scarves ;)  I hope that this would be a great project that some of the older ones could tackle, and boy was it so much fun for them!!!

 They started by surging a long strip to make the fleece and turning it right side out. (look at her using Grandma's serger like a pro, so proud of her!!)

Then a quick stitch across the two ends to hold it together and then some clipping to make a fringe and in no time flat, we had scarves.   Now it was time to Make Em Cute!!!

The fantastic plastic templates make them so easy to trace, especially for the kids!  We traced the designs on sheets of felt.

Then cut, cut, cut.   I have to admit, it was hard for me to not take over and help them with the cutting.  They don't cut the straightest lines, but I reigned in my need for perfection and reminded myself this was about them making them, not about the scarves looking perfect ;)

We then used craft spray (the same kind you can use for basting) and sprayed the back of the felt cut-outs.  It was funny to  me that I actually had to explain to the kids why they had to spray in a box :)

And then, they  just stuck the sprayed pieces on to the edges of the scarf and continued layering until all the pieces were in place.   So cute!!!

And then, of course, they had to model them for a bit!!!

I think they quite enjoy their new Smitten for Mittens scarves, don't you ;)

They wanted to pretend it was cold, I think they just look kind of sad, tee hee hee.

These were such a fun project for the kids to do.  The kids made both scarves start to finish in under an hour with very little assistance needed from mom and grandma.  They are just so excited that they made them all on their own!!! And now,  I can't believe I am saying this, but I want it to snow again so I can have them wear them outside!!!!

So be sure to pop on over to the Jolly Jabber and check out all about Makin It Cute with Smitten with Mittens.  Now you and the whole family can be uber cute when the snow flies again. 


  1. Good for you letting the uneven cutting be as it was. That is super hard to do!

  2. What a great project for the kids to make.. Well done guys!

  3. I love that you had your kids make the scarves: hopefully that will help them keep track of them better when they are out! :-) Hugs, H

  4. The kids both did a great job. I hope they enjoying wearing something they made themselves. Great skills to have.

  5. So adorable! LOved the scarves and the models did a great job.

  6. So adorable! LOved the scarves and the models did a great job.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
