Monday, August 24, 2015

Give It A Spin

One of my favorite things about designing quilts is seeing how little tiny changes can create an entirely new design.   This morning I was playing with some Half Rectangle Triangles in EQ7.  I started out with just putting them all in a line like this.


And then, I clicked on the Spin Tool (aka rotate tool, but I think spin sounds like more fun) and started to see what I could come up with.   And with just changing the orientation of the blocks, I found all these fun variation designs.

Variation 1

Variation 2

Variation 3

Variation 4

And of course, there are still a ton more designs that I could make!!  Isn't it just so amazing though how totally different they can look simply from spinning!!!  I always am just blown away how shapes work out that way.  So fun!!!  I could play for hours, but I really should start the laundry at some point, tee hee hee ;)

Incidentally, do you have a favorite layout from the options above??  It just might end up as a tutorial coming soon ;)


  1. I like 2 and 4 a lot. Could have great fun with colour placement and tones with those i think.

  2. I love variation #2. The secondary patterns are wonderful.

  3. I think #3 looks like chains of diamonds. So cool!

  4. I like them all. #1 looks like windmills, and #4 looks like stars with diamonds in the middle.

  5. I think I like variation #4 the best.... what a cool program to be able to create quilt patterns!!

  6. variation 2 and 3 are my favorites!!

  7. #3 is my favorite! Yet, each layout is fun and would make a fabulous quilt. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!

  8. #3 and then #4. #1 with sashings to separate the pinwheels would be pretty neat too.

  9. I like them all. I find that I have to limit my play time on eq7 or I will never make anything. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love variation 3. That gets my vote! :-)

  11. I think Variation 2 has lots of potential and is a bit different from patterns I've seen before.

  12. I really like #3. That's really a great design. I do like 4 as well, but not nearly as much as I do #3.

  13. Number 2 is my favorite, with 4 being a close runner-up. Love your designs!

  14. I like variation #3!! Love the diamonds!

  15. I liked what you started with and Variation #3,

  16. I like them all, but I think#2 is my favorite: pretty amazing what spinning a block will do!! :-) I gotta go do laundry too!! Hugs, H

  17. I like 3! Thanks for showing all the variations you came up with. Very cool.

  18. I like the clean look of Variation #3

  19. I'm thinking #3- they look like fun kites! Maybe I'm just hoping the wind will blow all this smoke out of here!

  20. Arh i cant decide!! I like 2,3 and 4.

  21. variation 3 is super cute, kind of looks 3D xxxx

  22. I made a mini Quilt similar to number 3 using the tri+recs rulers

  23. I like the start version and version 1!!! Amazing how many different ways are possible!

  24. I would love a tutorial. Version 2 would be my choice.

  25. Version 4. Did I win?! j/k
    I love patterns that have variations I feel I am getting more bang for my buck.

  26. Wow - those are all fun. If I had to choose just one, it would be No. 3. Thanks, Melissa, for all your inspiration.

  27. Ooooooh how fun!!! I loooove Variation #4 Best! :)

  28. #3 is my favorite, diamonds are a girl's best friend!!

  29. Thanks, Melissa for this entertaining post. At first I liked #3 because I understood it. Then I took a closer look at #4 and saw that those diagonal rows, if extended, could lend themselves to an unusual medallion quilt--but I'd need a tutorial for that.

  30. Oh my goodness, they are all just awesome. It is so neat to see what just different placement can look like. Thanks for sharing your fun!

  31. it amazes me how playing around with the same HSR can make so much difference to the look. Never made HSRs not sure how they are done so will pop over to utube and see if there are any instructions, will make a change from HST, Could not decide which I liked best not much help am I !!

  32. #3 is my first reaction, but I really like the secondary patterns in #4, too.

  33. I like all of them! They are FANTASTIC, could you tell us how to make a triangle in a rectangle? thanks for sharing...

  34. Thanks for your post about EQ7. I like 3 and 4 but 3 is my favorite. I have EQ7 sitting by my computer desk and can see that I am going to have to install it and start playing.

  35. variation 4 is really interesting

  36. Ah.... nr. 4 for me please! Lovely and very interesting! And thank you so much for sharing! I love it when bloggers offer me the possibility to see one pattern in many different variations. My brain couldn't do that!

  37. I like #3 best. With varying shades, this block could have a 3D effect!

  38. 2 and 4 are my faves, with 4 coming out (slightly) ahead.

  39. I really like variation 4, I like the effect of a large "teepee" shape. Very diffreent.

  40. Melissa, Variation # 4, optical illusion .

    p.S. How's the laundry load:)

  41. I really like Variations 2 & 4 - both are stunning!

  42. I really like 2 ... ps - I got your book yesterday - Oh my!!! I can't wait for fall ( to be able to stay inside and piece!!) Love it!!!

  43. I like 2 the best, and then 4. The more you look at them, the more different shapes you see.

  44. So sorry, I got WAY behind on emails over the summer. I LOVE variation 3. I hope to see it in a tutorial soon! :) Keep up the good work... You're so inspiring!

  45. They are all great. Maybe you could do a series:) Anyway, I do like Variation 2. Nancy A:


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
