Friday, November 6, 2015

Cozy Cottage Tote

It's the Cozy Cottage Calendar Celebration this week and I am so excited to be a part of it!!!!   I turned my little cozy cottage's into this adorable tote!!  It is going to be just perfect for retreats!!

The cozy Cottage block is so much fun to make and goes together so quickly!!  The pattern for it is in the 2016 Calendar and has multiple size options and designs for pillows, wall hangings, and such.

I used Pie Making Day by Brenda Ratliff to make make my little cottages.  I love how bright and happy they are ;)   Wouldn't it be fn to live in such happy little cottages :)

And of course, the little lady wanted to model the cozy tote :)   I think I am going to have to borrow it from her now when I want to use it :)

Oh, and I was trying to harness my inner Lori Holt by taking pictures of this tote with  Barbara's beautiful antique treadle machine.  They just seemed to go together ;)   

Be sure and check out the Cozy Cottage Calendar!!!   It has so many beautiful pictures that will make an adorable addition to your sewing space this next year ;)   And then you can make up your own Cozy Cottages as well :)    And be sure to pop on over to the Celebration to see all of the amazing Cozy Cottage Creations!!  They are so fun!!!

Thanks for popping in today :)

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

Linking this finish up to Sarah's and Amanda's ;)


  1. those houses are adorable and great tote AND model :)

  2. When I saw this pop up in my Bloglovin feed, my first thought was, "Those look a lot like the houses fram Farm Girl Vintage. Wait, how cute would that be with some of the Farm Girl Vintage blocks?!" without even realizing Cozy Cottage was a Lori Holt design. I think I might be a fan. And, thanks for finding my 2016 calendar for me :)

  3. I have been waiting all week to see your post! I knew you would come up with an original and very cute project using the Cozy Cottage Calendar!

  4. Just love your tote! Barbara's sewing machine, looks almost totally like my mom's. Wow, for a minute there, it startled me. It sits proudly in my sewing room now - the first sewing machine I learned to sew on :)!

  5. It's so cute, and I love your little model!! :-) I just ordered my calendar 2 days ago. Love Lori's books and patterns!! Have a great weekend!! Hugs, H

  6. So gorgeous and your model is adorable!

    Have an amazing weekend.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
