Saturday, May 7, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday!!!

Time for another Splendid Sampler Saturday Post!!!

First up, the Hand in Hand block designed by Kari Carr. This was such a fun block to make up.  The "star" points are actually 3-D so you can stick your finger underneath them.  So fun!!!  Such a creative way to change up a block!!

And second is the Inspector Sidekick block designed by Michelle Foster.  And I have to say, this one came out a little darker than I had planned, but I still totally love it!!!  It is always fun to play with solids!!  This will be a good corner block in the quilt to really set it off ;)  So excited!!!

And one more quick thing before I sign off today, which isn't Splendid Sampler . . . but it does allow for lots of Splendid Quilting down the road ;)  I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Saturday ;) There is a current Sewing Survey being run by F & W that ends May 20.  So if you get a chance, pop on over and answer a few questions about your sewing habits ;)  I tell you, one of my favorite parts of Market is hearing the results of these types of surveys, so very interesting!!! And it really does help the manufactures of the industry better know how to serve us all :) Win - Win!!

And with that little side note, I am signing off for today ;)  I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. I love the fabrics that you chose for the Hand in Hand block.

  2. Those blocks are so pretty Melissa! Inspector Sidekick will really add some Pizzazz!
    Happy Mother's Day1


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
