Saturday, November 5, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday!!

And now it is Saturday, and I have the last of the  Splendid Sampler catch up to share with you;)   Here are the last 6 blocks I made last weekend that now has me all caught up with the release dates!!!  Yippee, so exciting!!!!

First up is the Rising Star block designed by Kathy Brown.  This was such a fun and fast block to put together.  What a great way to change up a basic 9 patch and create a little mini star peaking out of the center.   So cute!!  And I love the way it got a bit of a nautical feel to it as well ;)

Second is the Stripes and Flowers block designed by Siobhan Rogers.  And I have to say, I am pretty impressed with my points on this one.  Those little HST's are like 3/4" finished, and they all lined up and made such pretty little points.   I just can't help but smile every time I look at it.  I do love me so pretty points.  

Third is the Happy Thoughts block designed by Vanessa Goertzen.   This was another fun blocks of HST's and Flying Geese.  Those really are the bread and butter of block building sometimes.  There are just endless possibilities to create with these favorite units.   And I love the way Vanessa made up this spinning star.  So fun!!!

Fourth is the Wild Roses block designed by Pat Sloan.  I just loved making up this block.  I really played with a variety of purples, and just love the way it turned out.    And I always love a good bit of appliqueing, so fun and relaxing ;) 

Fifth is the Full Circle block designed by Holly DeGroot.  And this block was so cool to make up.  The templates are actually half of a circle, so it is like piecing 2 drunkards paths at the same time.  And I loved it!!!  Lots of pins of course, but oh so much fun.  I totally want to make a whole quilt of these now.   Such a cool design.  

And last but not least is the +Love  block designed by Jennifer Albaugh.  And this was a super adorable block.  So simple and yet so cute.   Mine looks a little like a nurses cap of old, but that made me smile, because it reminds me of one of the hats I wear as a mom and the love I share with my children as I care for them.  And now I will think of them each time I see this little block.  

And that's it ;)  All caught up with my  Splendid Sampler Fun !!!  And now that I am all caught up, I plan to stay caught up (even through the holiday's, hopefully ;)   So plan on next Saturday seeing some more Splendid Blocks ;)  

Have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!


  1. Very nice. Your tiny half square triangles are impressive. I keep on thinking that many of these blocks would be lovely larger. (I know that's not the point!) Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love all your blocks. I hope you put together a tutorial of how you make the quilt top. I plan on making a rainbow quilt top of blocks next year.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
