Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Stack for Seniors

I have the wonderful opportunity to serve with the 16-18 year old young women in my church.    I am  so blessed to get to know each of them as we learn and grow together I and truly come to love them through this service.   So when May comes around it is always bitter sweet.  I am so excited to see the older girls graduate from High School and move on to their next big adventures in life, but of course, it is always hard to say goodbye.  So last year I started a new tradition of giving each of my Senior Girls a quilt that they can take with them into their new big step in life.

This year I have 6 young women graduating and I had such a lovely time this morning going through my stacks of quilts to pick out the perfect quilts for each of them.  I just love that as I think of each girl and their special personality, that the right quilt just jumps out at me.  Each one really fits the recipients and represents the special uniqueness that is them.

They are all tied up in pretty ribbons just waiting to be delivered now.  Well, I have to write the cards as well, but that part always makes me cry so I am saving that for later ;)  I know I have said it before, but I am so grateful to have this wonderful way to wrap someone special in a quilty hug and show how much they mean to me!!!

Congrats to Emily, Kassie, Macey, McKenna, Melissa, and Rebecca!!!!  I am so excited for you and can't wait to see what the future holds for each of you :)  


  1. What a loving and generous tradition for young women heading out into the world!

  2. Wow what generous gifts! These must be special young women indeed.

  3. How thoughtful and special! I know they will be thrilled.

  4. Your quilts are beautiful and that is such a sweet gift for these lucky girls! I know I would be crying writing their cards too!

  5. Wow, what a labor of love to give to your graduating YW. I only have 2 laurels that are graduating this year. This is a great tradition to start. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Congratulations to the seniors. They are young and have a great life ahead.
    These quilts will remind them that their roots are from home.

  7. Thought you meant us senior girls hahaha, 70 plus and still call myself that. You are very sweet to give those girls a quilt to celebrate the start of another adventure called life

  8. They are certainly lucky to have you in their lives! What a truly heartfelt gift each will treasure for a lifetime.

  9. Congratulations to your girls! I am sure they will each be thrilled with their gift.

  10. Sweet. I hope these girls see your blog post. What a great gift. I gave a quilt to my son's best friend getting married today, it felt so good. :)

  11. What a thoughtful gift of your time and talents! I am sure the girls will treasure their gifts. This is a lovely tradition to start.

  12. Such a lovely gift, they will always remember you and all you taught them. x

  13. I am sure that these quilts are treasured and loved.

  14. What you are doing is what the vast majority of we quilters do - show someone that we really care about them by gifting them something we've really put ourselves into. It's the perfect "I love you & wish you everything wonderful" gift. A tiny bit of my heart going into each gift I give, and I know it does with you, too! It's one of the blessings of growing older, isn't it - watching the younger ones come into their own and see what directions their lives take. They will look back on those quilts later in life and think of the person who made & gifted it along with the affection that went with it. One of the best parts of our art! Deb E / Oregon

  15. A very generous gift and one that I am certain they will appreciate.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
