Friday, May 5, 2017

This and That

So, you might have noticed that I haven't shared a finished quilt in a few weeks.  That's not because I haven't finished anything, it's just that there has been a lot of secret sewing going on where I haven't been able to share.  But, that will all change after market ;)  And in the mean time, I finally got to get back to my Gingham Girls project!!!!  I cut these fabrics out over a month ago and had to set them aside.  But now that all the deadlines are pretty much met, it was time to pull these happy fabrics back out again!!!  I just love how these fabrics totally remind me of my childhood!  And I will be finishing up this quilt and sharing soon . . . think tutorial :)

And with all my head down, sewing like a crazy person, I totally forgot to share my April Bee Block for Cynthia.  But I am happy to say that it was indeed mailed off in April ;)  The block was super fun and fast to whip up and I just love all of the bold Denyse Schmidt fabrics.  

 And finally, I wanted to give you a heads up!!!   For 4 days, (May 10-14th)  Fat Quarter Shop is offering 15% off on all Gift Certificates!!!   What a perfect gift for Mother's Day, the gift of exactly what is on the wish list. (and on sale!!!)     TERMS: One promo code per customer, limit one gift certificate per order. Discount not available when paying with another gift certificate. Not combinable with other offers. We reserve the right to void gift certificates purchased or used fraudulently. Expires May 14th at Midnight

Now I am off to play with that Gingham Girls fabric some more ;)

I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!


  1. I look forward to your tutorial with those pretty fabrics, and thanks for the FQS discount on gift cards.

  2. I was hoping this post would have QAL information in it! You said spring! It's almost summer! *sigh* I guess I have to wait more...

  3. I love this block. So very nice! Such pretty fabrics too!

  4. Looking forward to tutorial. Thanks for great information.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
