Monday, March 19, 2018

Cutting, Sewing, Trimming, Oh My :)

Today I plan to be Cutting, Sewing, and Trimming, and it is going to be oh so much fun because, it's not all on one project!!!   I love getting to work through various stages of different projects each day, it keeps things fun and exciting, especially because it means I am playing with lots of different fabrics ;) 

For Cutting, I tried not to add another project to the list, but I just couldn't help it!!!   I will be sharing more tomorrow on this project, but for now, know that it is seriously busting my (Oh) Scrap Low Volume bin and I am so excited about that, because it was overflowing like crazy!!!   (and I might have given you a little hint on what is coming tomorrow in the parenthesis ;) 

And then the Sewing today will be this happy stack of blocks using Amy's  new Sunnyside Ave.  I will be sharing a tutorial next month for this, so it's time to get this project finished up :)   And I have to say, I am super excited for this bit of mindless chain stitching in my day because I have a hour left on my audio book and it is getting so good, I just can't wait to see how it ends!!!

And finally, the trimming!!  I was thrilled to get 2 more layers added on my Petite Points pattern and now it is time to trim this layer so I can add the 4th ;)   It is so fun to watch these blocks come together and I can't help but smile when I think of all the pink and red scraps I am busting with this project ;) 

So that's my day, and I am sure it will end with some Pressing this evening.  It's going to be a Happy Quilting Day indeed :)

How about you, what are you working on today???


  1. Looks like you have some colorful and fun scraps to work with. I really love all the different reds you are using. I am currently sewing units into rows for my checkerboard rails leader/ender quilt. I am really liking all the colors together, but it is one wild and crazy quilt.

  2. My favorite quilt pattern with scrappy possibilities is the Irish chain.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
