Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day so let's have some fun :)

But first, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the 3 Happy Quilting PDF Patterns is . . .  Number #152 . . .   Congrats dln!!!   I have emailed you :)      

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop .    Did you know that Jamie makes a new Lou Lou Bundle every Tuesday . . . there are so many to choose from and they are all just stunning!!!  Along with hosting the giveaway, Jamie is having a  Fantastic Sale with with lots of amazing discounts!!!!  You are so going to want to check this out :)    

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for some shopping goodness!!  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop is offering one lucky reader a $25.00 Gift Certificate perfect to use on anything in the store, including any of the awesome Lou Lou Bundle's!!  Just perfect!!!!

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me if you like Camping and if yes, where??  (I am certainly getting my fill of camping these 2 weeks :)  

 ENTRY 2 - Lets show Lou Lou's Fabric Shop some Love!!!!   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterPinterest, or Instagram.  Or you can follow their blog or  visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Lou Lou's Fabric Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, July 24th  when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. Yes, we just went camping for a couple days and stayed at relatives for a couple days.

  2. I love camping at Lake Taghkanic, NY or Lake George, NY. But my idea of camping is no longer in a tent, now it must be a cabin! Happy camping! My email is avonladypatty@yahoo.com

  3. I prefer air conditioning, large beds, restaurant meals and free breakfasts. Not a camper, but I don't disparage those who do. Y'all have fun whatever you like.

  4. Me,I've had my fill of Camping too! Thanks for a neat giveaway!

  5. Happy to follow LOU LOU'S FABRIC SHOP on FB,IG,gmail.

  6. I'm not a big camper. I enjoy it once in a while, as long as there are flush toilets nearby.

  7. Camping was fun when the kids we’re little...now I prefer the luxury of hotels :)

  8. Camping isn't really my thing. But my kids LOVE it! One great spot is Goblin Valley 😁

  9. I follow Lou Lou's on Instagram

  10. follow them on facebook and get their blog

  11. I follow Loulou's on Instagram. Thanks!

  12. We camped a lot when the kids were little. I now prefer cabin camping!

  13. I love camping, especially by water, thanks for the great giveaway

  14. I follow Lou Lou's on Instagram _bosissy

  15. We used to camp a lot when our kids were small. Now we mostly do day trips hiking and stay in cabins.

  16. I understand camping is done outdoors... like where the bugs, the flies, the humidity, the dirt, the blah blah blah... all are. No thank you.

  17. I follow Lou Lou's on FB. This is the most adorable bundle and I'd love to win!

  18. We love camping and have been doing so for 48 yrs. We mainly camp in the Adirondack Mountains.

  19. I love it! Worked summer camp for 20 yrs. Loved teaching backpacking. Now I have to wait for my babies to get a little older so I can teach them!

  20. I love those fabrics. Have marked down where they are. They would make a lovely runner for my kitchen. Our family used to camp all the time. The boy scouts, our son and my husband along with other men would camp at least 4 times in the summer. Than we had our family camping. And we camped all over the place. One of the most memorable was when we went to south Dakota. We stayed there for 2 weeks. We all still have grand memories from that time. I grew up camping once a year with my family. Again one of the most memorable then was when we camped at Yellowstone. Short story-my dad bought some special sausage and during the night a bear got it from the tree. We tracked him the next day and that bear tasted the sausage but didnt eat it. Just dropped it all over the place. LOL Dad was not a happy camper then.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  21. I follow Lou Lou on FB and twitter
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  22. I used to love camping with the scouts and family when I was a kid. Took my children camping, too. But I’d need a nice tricked out camper or cabin these days. My children and grandchildren enjoy camping so the tradition continues without this fussy nana most of the time.


  23. My idea of camping is staying at the Holiday Inn!

  24. I love to camp, especially with my grandchildren. Still tent camping, but only where I can park and car so as to take a LOT of stuff! Fav places include Mammoth Cave National Park and Smuggler's Den in Maine

  25. No to camping for me. Maybe I could be talked into Glamping!

  26. I used to go camping with a truck camper, but mostly with our sailboat! It was all over the Pacific Ocean.

  27. I grew up camping and loved it then but now not so much. My mother used say, “Camping is where the mom has to do all the things she does at home but without any modern conveniences.” I mudt admit I understand her perspective now! Cotten.gloria@gmail.com

  28. I follow Lou Lou’s blog and on Instagram. Thanks for the giveaway! Cotten.gloria@gmail.com

  29. I like hiking ... but camping, not so much.

  30. I follow Lou Lou's by FB. trotskyn@att.net

  31. Used to camp & hike, not so much anymore. Fav place was Isle Royale in the middle of Lake Superior on the US/Canadian border. trotskyn@att.net

  32. As our children were growing up, we loved camping and did it a lot! Now we still love the mountains but prefer a real bed and a real toilet, so we have a cabin instead!

  33. I love to camp. Unfortunately, disabilities keep me from being able to rent camp and hubby won't pull a camper. Do my camping these days is our once a year quilt retreat atacamp for disabled kids. (At least I have no problems getting around there!) .😃

  34. I follow Loi Lou's on FB. Cute fabrics.

  35. We haven’t camped in years... maybe it’s because tenting and sleeping on the ground is more difficult as we get older, but I always loved the fresh air and hiking! Our family enjoyed camping at Pukaskwa National Park in Northwestern Ontario.

  36. I follow Lou Lou’s on Facebook and IG... love your Tuesday giveaways!!

  37. I grew up tent camping everywhere we went on vacation...sometimes pitching the tent every night at a new location. We got pretty efficient at it and have so many great memories. As an adult we have taken our family several times the last being to Allegany State Park in NY and PA....it’s beautiful there. That was our go to place for boating on weekends for nearly 15yr. Camping is great for a few days or week as long as you don’t have too many rainy days :)

  38. Following Lou Lou on Pinterest but heading over to the shop to see the new bundles....thanks!

  39. No! I do not go camping! Thank you, Susan

  40. I do like camping, especially in the Rockies!

  41. I follow Lou Lou's on Facebook! Thank you, Susan

  42. I follow LouLou’s on Facebook.

  43. I love camping with my husband and sons, but only in a camper now!

  44. I follow Lou Lou's on Instagram. thanks for the giveaway!

  45. My camping days are long past. I go for comfort all the way.

  46. I love the Lou Lou Bundles! I cannot get enough of them and then I "save" them.

  47. I like to backpack at any of the local forests

  48. I dont mind camping but dont like cold nights. I cant sleep because I ache so bad with arthritis. So, no tent camping for me.

  49. We went camping quite a bit when we were kids, but my family and I prefer hotels now!

  50. I USED to like camping, when I was much younger! But now I prefer a room with AC and a hot shower!

  51. Visted the shop, love love the Gingham Girls fabric!

  52. I am going GLamping this weekend to Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio. It is by Lake Erie. Indian Creek is the name of the campground. I really cannot wait to go. Thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net

  53. Love those LouLou Bundles, so nice to browse their site. Thank you.

  54. If I could camp on my favorite beaches I would. Love the beach.

  55. Not a camping fan but do love to travel. Just need the comforts of home at the end of the day.

  56. Love Lou Lou's bundles and already follow them on Instagram.

  57. I love to camp - but the older I get, the more appealing those RVs look.

  58. Yes! We're just back from a camping trip near Sisters... where we got to combine camping and quilts!

  59. I love Lou Lou's bundles, and the sale section is great! I get the newsletter, so I'm a frequent visitor!

  60. Camping-NO!!! Glamping- maybe!

  61. Loved camping when the kids were younger
    , but prefer at least a cabin or a motel.

  62. I have never been camping. I am not an outside person.

  63. Sorry, camping would be a big no. I prefer no bugs and air conditioning. Haha

  64. We have't been for a while, but we used to go 2 or 3 times a year. We would go to Black Rock, near Kennedy Meadows, in central California. No camper, just pitched a tent and slept on the ground. Good times!

  65. I love the Christmas Figs fat quarter bundle at Lou Lou’s. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  66. I follow LouLou on FB and Instagram.

  67. I love camping, especially in the mountains!!

  68. I follow LouLous on Instagram and love the bundles!!!

  69. I follow Lou Lou's on pintrist

  70. I like Airbnb style camping, find a nice place near a great park and hike and explore all day and come back to indoor plumbing!

  71. I love camping once I get there. It's getting prepared to go that I don't care for. lol

  72. We do like camping - my favorite any of the sites on the Great Lakes

  73. I love the Monday Monday bundle in their shop! What a pretty line of fabric!

  74. I love the great outdoors, but I'd rather stay in a hotel!

  75. I follow LouLou's on Pinterest and I think I'm following the blog. I signed up at the bottom of the blog page.

  76. I don't remember the last time I went camping, probably as a little kid. If I laid down on the ground now, I wouldn't be able to get up again.

  77. I love camping! We are primitive campers and enjoy finding beautiful remote spots. My family has been camping near Helen, GA for 4 generations. There's a lovely primitive campground WAY up the mountain outside Helen that has a lovely stream running through it where we can fish for trout and wade. The water is COLD, but so fresh and clean. The waterfall that supplies the stream is a very short trek from our campsite. Thanks for the opportunity!

  78. Lou Lou's is a great little shop. Their custom bundles are adorable. The teal color bundle is really calling my name right now. Thanks for the opportunity!

  79. Lake side camping ⛺️, any lake.


  80. No camping for me! We live on a lake - in a house with flushing toilets and real mattresses! Ha ha! basaran.family (at) rogers.com

  81. Adoring the Monday Monday bundle. Thank you for your generosity Lou Lou’s.

    schimmel (dot)db(at) gmail(dot)com

  82. I've had my eye on Sunnyside Avenue for a while, but those bundles look tempting too!
    basaran.family (at) rogers.com

  83. I did a lot of camping when I was young, loved it and had a lot of fun. But as an adult, I don't go camping, my husband isn't really into it and as we live up in the mtns, we dont feel the need to go I guess. Hope you're having fun though! Thanks for the great giveaway, love that yello and gray bundle.

  84. My camping experience is very limited. I admire the concept but perhaps not the execution! pjrquilter (at) msn (dot) com

  85. On Lou'sLou's mailing list already! thanks for giveaway. pjrquilter (at) msn (dot) com

  86. Love camping in Lassen Park, CA

  87. Signed up for their newsletter

  88. I lived in the country next to a campground for over 25 years! My daughter lives in Austin Tx, she has the camper! They camp all over Tx.n

  89. My idea of roughing it is Motel 6. Give me a Best Western anytime.

  90. Our family enjoys camping but I can only handle 1 or 2 times per year. Being a little OCD causes some problems with dirt inside the tent and well, just dirt in general. We normally go to a park near our hometown such as Oak Mtn State Park.

  91. I follow LouLou's on Instagram

  92. I loved Girl Scout camping (went to Washington DC and met Bobby Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey!!) and church camp when I was young. Now I like to camp out anywhere with showers, air conditioning and no bugs!

  93. Back in the day we went camping by the lake with the kids. rozz01(at)cox(dot)net

  94. In my camping days we really enjoyed Deception Pass Park and Campground in WA state.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Loving Tropical Summer, Red Hot and Skies Are Grey bundles. Haven't gone camping in years but my husband and son try to go every year here in Colorado but I much prefer not roughing it as much as possible. Am following Lou Lou on Pinterest.

  97. Had some great adventures camping at Lake George and Sacandaga, MY campsites, but now enjoy travelling with my husband where there are beautiful beaches, fancy hotels, great restaurants, and of course, quilt shops.

  98. We used to go camping now & then when kids were little..been awhile since. Now we two just go here & there, and stay in a Motel....or visiting family, usually stay with them. Thank you for chance to win the Give-a-way too! :)

  99. I get Lou Lou's newsletter & have shopped there.. Great shop!! :)

  100. When I was younger I loved it, but haven't done it in 40+ years! LOL

  101. I follow LouLou:s in FB, email and more

  102. I like cabin camping (I know it's not "real camping", but it's close enough for me!). We rent a place on the shores of Lake Erie near the PA/NY line.

  103. No more camping for me! I'm spoiled
    when I have the opportunity to get away spending time at my brother's cabin.

  104. I'm loving Lou Lou's Tropical Summer bundle shown on your blog.

  105. Yes! Yes! Yes! Almost always at the beach ��California livin!��

  106. Yess and up to the UP of michigan. .. happyness04431@yahoo.com

  107. we love camping. We tend to go to this one lake that has no services. It's inexpensive for the kids and guess what? No cell service. It's wonderful.We float in the lake go for hikes, ride bikes or go fishing. The teens even read books from the "read and swap". It is wonderful.
    tracinecharest at Gmail dot com

  108. My husband & I take our horses & camp at the Wrangler's Camp at Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky

  109. I visited Lou Lou's & my favorite item is the High Adventure 2 FQ bundle

  110. I am a finicky camper. I enjoy it only with adults and the adults have to be self-sufficient and organized! When I camp, I don't want to be anyone's "mom" and clean up after them, cook for them, or schedule their activities! Ha! It's my vacation too!

  111. I follow LouLou's on IG and I follow you too!

  112. I’m not really a camper. We never did it growing up (other than a tent in the yard) so it was never something I was used to.

  113. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netJuly 17, 2018 at 8:32 PM

    I follow Lou Lou's on Fb.

  114. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netJuly 17, 2018 at 8:35 PM

    I do enjoy camping in lots of different places. In fact we will be traveling and camping with our daughter and her 4 children down to the Keys and then up to VA later this summer.

  115. As a kid, camping was fun. As an adult...NO.

  116. Following Lou Lou's Fabric Shop on FB.

  117. Love camping. We usually head to a little known lake on the Virginia/West Virginia border. It’s beautiful and very remote. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  118. I follow LouLou’s on IG. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  119. Sorry I grew up on a farm. We camped everyday so I hate camping. A good hike is wonderful.

  120. I like camping in the mountains. It doesn't matter where they are, as long as it's not raining ad there no bears to interfere with my sleep!

  121. I visited LouLou's and I like the Pineapple Crush bundle: such lovely fresh colours!

  122. I LOVE camping...especially near national parks that have scenic hiking trails.

  123. I follow Loulou’s on Pinterest.

  124. I don’t really like camping.

  125. Camping days ended when my Daddy bought a mobile home at the lake. A/C, heat, hot water for showers, TV, real beds, etc. Don't want to go back to the whole tent thing. Thanks for the giveaway!

  126. Visited the shop - really like the custom bundles.

  127. I’ve liked Lou Lou’s Facebook page.

  128. I don’t like camping. We camped when our children were young as it was a cheap way to holiday but I much prefer staying at resorts now.

  129. Camping isn't really my thing, although admittedly I have only been a couple times. I like to hike and explore outdoors and then sleep indoors.

  130. Saw this cute fabric in LouLou's shop: Flamingo Fever Gold Pineapple Turnover Yardage by Adornit

  131. We are camping next week...in a cabin with beds, AC, and hot water! :)

  132. I love their bundles and I get their newsletter.

  133. I have not gone camping since I was a kid in Girl Scouts, but I think the only camping I would want to do these days is glamping!

  134. I have to be honest - I don't like camping. My idea of camping is staying in a motel in the mountains. Thanks!

  135. I am not fond of camping. In my youth the only "vacations" we had were camping at the river and I always got covered with mosquito bites.

  136. I am following LouLou's on pinterest

  137. We love to camp, mostly in state parks but we’ve tent camped on the beach and want to return with our camper.

  138. I receive LouLou's newsletter. Thanks!

  139. No camping here. Not my thing But maybe I can try glamping ?

  140. Yes,I love camping! We love going any where especially when our good friends come along!!

  141. I follow Lou Lou's on Instagram.

  142. I loved camping when I was younger and could rough it. Don't do it so much anymore. Sometimes when my big family get together, we go glamping in Pennsylvania!

  143. I camp at the local Hilton, pick up phone and ask for room service.

  144. YES, I love camping!! I like full hookup camping!

  145. No, I don't like camping. I love the features of air conditioning and showers!!

  146. I haven't camped in years (read decades) but as a kid, we camped and fished for 2 weeks in northern Minnesota every year. Fun times!

  147. I love camping! I live in Chicago, so southern Wisconsin has been a good destination. Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan was also beautiful.

  148. My idea of camping is staying in a cabin. I don't like the idea of snakes or other creatures joining me. I liked to water ski and was always concerned about ending up in the water with some creepy critter when I fell. So, not my idea to sleep under the stars.

  149. I subscribe to Lou Lou's newsletter. Thanks for introducing all to the wonderful shop.

  150. I have only been camping once and I am not sure I like it, It was about 100 degrees that weekend and we had our dog with us. It was hard on her and I think we worried about the heat so much we couldn't really enjoy it ourselves.

  151. I follow Lou Lou's on Facebook and Pinterest

  152. I haven't gone camping in 30 years--every time we went, it would rain--LOL! Which wouldn't be so bad, but we had leaks all over our old camper! However, I did enjoy being outdoors, the smells of the grill cooking & camping with friends. Thanks for the sweet giveaway.

  153. I visited Lou Lou's shop--a new place for me. And oh--what sweet temptations! I particularly love the patriotic fat quarter bundles...but I spent a LOT of time looking at other mouth-watering bundles--love the teals. It would be hard to pick just one thing if I won!

  154. I prefer a cabin over camping

  155. I don't camp - allergies and a bad back mean that a motel is as "roughing it" as I do.

  156. Camping is a love-hate thing with me...I love the idea, and then I get out there and remember the bugs... And heat (in Georgia). We LOVE cabin "camping," though!

    Day hikes are more my cup of tea these days. I wish I were more outdoorsy. ☹️

  157. I love camping, especially at the beach!

  158. I enjoy visiting fellow quilter who camps all summer at the Dam. I would like a camper like that with all the extras. Lou Lou's shop is amazing

  159. I follow loulou's on IG and I have purchased from the shop before.

  160. Northern Wisconsin is a great place to camp.

  161. I love camping but no longer in a tent.thanks.

  162. Yes, I love camping, but haven't done it for years!
    yoyopattycakes@ hotmail dot com

  163. I follow Lou Lou's Fabrics by email.
    yoyopattycakes@ hotmail dot com

  164. I grew up camping on a fairly regular basis - it was cheaper than getting hotels for a family of 10! I haven't gone in years though, especially since I've got two kids. Maybe someday again?

  165. Cabin camping or in a pop-up. The ground is too hard for me now. e
    We camped from Ohio to California when is was younger. I'd love to do that again.

  166. Love camping - in a trailer, preferably in the mountains with water close by as husband loves to fish.

  167. I used to love camping as a child growing up, then again with our 3 kids. We don't camp anymore, but I have the fondest memories of camping.

  168. I follow Lou Lou's on Instagram :)

  169. We use to tent camp a lot when the kids were young and we loved it. But now it's cabins or hotels for my husband and me.

  170. I follow Lou Lou's via newsletter.

  171. LOL! No true camping for me! I like AC and all the conveniences of home, but I do love being where there is pretty scenery especially in the mountains.

  172. Love camping - East Tawas Michigan is our favorite spot.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
