Thursday, December 6, 2018

My Wish List came a Little Early :)

Okay, so there have been a few things that have been on my "wish list" and so when Fat Quarter Shop had their big Black Friday sale with 20% off the cart, my "wish list" became my shopping list ;)   I had the intention of putting the box under the Christmas tree, but then when it arrived, I somehow couldn't stop myself from opening it and going through all of the quilty goodness.   Please tell me I am not the only one that does that :)

At the very top of my wish list was some Pattern Boxes.  When Moda first showed these Bonnie and Camille Pattern Boxes, I knew I needed some.  My pattern stash was getting quite unruly and honestly, not very usable as they were just piling up in the corner.  And I love the little dividers!!  I need to print some cute labels for them, but for now, masking tape is working great.  And it was so wonderful to see all of my patterns again while I sorted them into their proper place.   So excited to have an easier method for finding what I am looking for ;)

And with those pattern boxes, I have really been wishing for the "Ville Patterns" by Thimble Blossoms.   I want to make each one and then hang them at the Corry Family Cabin and change them out for the season.  How perfect would that be.   So ya, 4 more quilts on the "to make" list ;)

And ya know, as soon as I start shopping, I can't help but add a little fabric to the cart ;)  I have always loved the Henna Garden Prints by Sandi Henderson and wished that I would have gotten some at the original release.  So when I saw that the Strawberry Moon Fat Quarter Bundle was on sale plus the extra 20% off, well, that's just a no brainier :)   And  the FQB sold out during the sale, so now I am even more happy I got to snatch one up :)    And then I added some Modern Backgrounds Luster Jolly Bars, because I loved them in this Alma Mater quilt and I know I will be making more of those in the future, so I might as well stock up, and they were already on sale too ;)    And finally, I don't think I can ever check out without a Charm Pack, I just love them!!!

And then, ya have to check out the Flash Sales, right!!!!    Scissors, a cute Moda Tin, and another Charm Pack, all at super slashed prices, super shopping fun!!!   And the yard of Wanderlust was for a binding, so at least one thing in my cart was more for "Need" than "Wish" ;)  

And Fat Quarter Shop sent me a Mystery Bag of surprises to go along with my order that just made me grin ;)   How awesome is that!!!!  And honestly, I can't get over how cute those red polka dot thread snipers are!!!

So can you see why I was too excited to wait for December 25th to open this box!!!!    So much quilty goodness, it just had to be un-boxed.   And now that I have smiled, and grinned, and gotten all kinds of quilty excited about it, maybe I will put it under the tree ;)   

How about you, anything you have on your quilty Wish List???  And are you better than me and actually waiting for the big day to reveal it????

** This post contains affiliate links. 


  1. I tend to buy myself fabric and notion goodies as it nears Christmas or my birthday and I give them to my husband so he can give them to me when the day comes. Often I've forgotten exactly what I chose for myself, so that can be a lot of fun! :)

  2. Wow and wow.
    Melissa, so much sewing goodness here. I adore the patterns and the fabric is some of my favorite

  3. I bought my Christmas presents from FQS too! When the box arrived this week, I just had to check out all the quilty goodness!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
