Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

 It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the $25.00 Gift Certificate from Lou Lou's Fabric Shop is . . .   Number #8  . . . Congrats Heather!!  I have messaged you :)    


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Thousands of Bolts .   Thousands of Bolts has incredible prices that will have you super excited!!!  And yes they are open and working hard to get out orders during this crazy time :)    And right now, you will find incredible bargains shopping in the Thousands of Bolts Sale Section where they just added 400 fabrics!!!      Be sure to check it out :)

And for Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway,  Thousands of Bolts is giving one lucky winner a $20.00 Gift Certificate!!!  Then you can get just what you are hoping for :) 

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me a favorite Christmas Memory :) 

 ENTRY 2 - Lets show Thousands of Bolts some Love!!!!   You can follow them on   Facebook or Instagram.  Or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Thousand of Bolts Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, December 29th,  when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. My favorite Christmas memory is waiting at the top of the stairs with my brothers and sister until we were allowed to go open presents.

  2. Following Thousands of Bolts on Instagram

  3. I am an IG follower of Thousands of Bolts!
    duchick at gmail dot com

  4. My favorite Christmas memory is receiving hand-made pajamas from my mom. She was restricted to a hospital bed, but managed to hand stitch pajamas for her kids.
    duchick at gmail dot com

  5. I love the cute flannels TOB has!

  6. We had a crazy Christmas one year at our house with 15 family/friends and a broken oven. We didn't know it was broken at the time, we just kept cooking the bird until we gave up and nuked it! Later we discovered the thermostat was shot.

  7. Liked and following. Always waiting at the top of the stairs with my siblings till we got the ok to come down to see what Santa left under the tree.

  8. Liked and following. Always waiting at the top of the stairs with my siblings till we got the ok to come down to see what Santa left under the tree.

  9. Liked and following. Always waiting at the top of the stairs with my siblings till we got the ok to come down to see what Santa left under the tree.

  10. My favorite Christmas memories actually happened on Christmas Eve when we got new pajamas! (Usually made by Mama!)

  11. I visited Thousands of Bolts. I like their prices and I especially like their "Quilter's Toolbox" where you can pick out a block and plug in fabrics. Even if it's not your exact block, you can see how the fabrics/colors work together! And it's free!

  12. I love the Northcott Scarlet Feather Fabric collection on Thousands of Bolts!

  13. My favorite Christmas memories are baking/decorating cookies and getting together with family

  14. My favorite memories are those that include all three of my children being home for the holidays.

  15. I like their « Essential Gems » strip packs.

  16. My favorite memories are all the ones that revolve around family.:)

    Denise DuBois

  17. Dear Melissa: My favorite Christmas memory is when we went to grandma and grandpas house for Christmas Eve celebration. Grandpa was Swedish and grandma was Norwegian. All the adults and kids were there and the tree was full of tinsel and there were ornaments of every kind on every branch. My grandparents had a farm way up north and they grew their own Christmas trees, and they even provided a tree to our church every year. The tinsel was hung so neatly and the tree was absolutely gorgeous. There were those old fashined bubble lights, stars, dancing ballerinas with skirts made of netting. We had lutefish, Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes and all the rest of the fixings. We also had all kinds of homemade Christmas cookies. Those were what we call the "Good Old Days!"

  18. I have favorite memories of visiting many relatives on both sides of my family. Seems like those days are long gone. Thank you.

  19. Love the widebacks at Thousands of Bolts. Love the Grunge and Zebra Skins. Thank you.

  20. A midnight horse drawn sleigh ride. The only sounds were the snow crunching and the sleigh bells. The moonlight made the snow glisten. It was magical.

  21. I love their widebacks selection for my quilts. Widebacks make my life easier and they have great choices!

  22. I follow Thousands of Bolts on FB

  23. Christmas at my parents' house with our son when he was just 2 months old was very special. He was the first grandchild and my parents were so thrilled with him.

  24. Saw a pretty line in the shop called Home Grown (Benartex).

  25. Favorite Christmas memory- getting a venice paradise coloring set on Christmas Eve and all my siblings and cousins would color them. The surprising part of this is that most of them were between 8 to 15 years older them me. I was so surprised and excited to see them "coloring".

  26. I follow Thousands of Bolts via email.

  27. Christmas at my grandparents house - was always had a lunchmeat buffet and then opened presents - that happed until I was in my 20's. I cherish those memories so many of them are not here anymore

  28. My favorite memories of Christmas are attending Midnight Mass. It was the only time we got to stay up late and witness the true beauty of Christmas.

  29. Going to grandparents house with 26 first cousins

  30. I follow Thousands of Bolts on FB and IG

  31. I remember having to stay in bed until we were told we could go open presents. And then walking down the hall to see that indeed, Santa had come again!

  32. I follow Thousands of bolts on FB and Instagram.

  33. My favorite Christmas memories are being with my husband for the last 25 Christmases. (Is that a word?) LOL

  34. A favorite memory - living with my MIL, without my husband there, and him returning home to stay on Christmas Eve.

  35. Thousands of Bolts has been a favorite site of mine to visit for many years. I have purchased fabric there often. Their variety and value is wonderful!

  36. I love Thousands of Bolts full name ... (wonder who the nut is) and I also love their selections. I'm looking for blends right now and they have several I like...including essential dots and dry brush ... Plus some of Moda's blends/solids, etc.
    Thanks for a great give-away as usual.

  37. At 83, i have so many good Christmas memories. The one I always remember is the year I was 5 and got a tricycle. Blue!! It was at Grandmother's house and I was so excited that I rode it down a couple of stairs! Ouch! But I loved that tricycle and the memory of it is s favorite today ... along with the memories of Christmas with my 5 children.

  38. When my husband & I were first married, we had an evergreen tree growing too close to the house so we cut it down & used it for our Christmas tree. We didn't realize it was too tall for the room. The tree smeared sap on our ceiling when we put it up. We could never remove the sap. Sold that house with the sap still up there on the ceiling. It was a fun time together.

  39. I receive emails from thousands of Bolts. I like checking out the sales. Great prices!

  40. foloow Thousands of Bolts on IG and FB..Found them through Fabshop hop.Fun!!

  41. 1 favorite Christmas memory was giving our daughter a new car for Christmas. Bow on top of the "Echo".

  42. I always remember my maternal grandmother making us a new pair of flannel pajamas which we wore to bed on Christmas eve.

  43. I follow Thousands of Bolts by e-mail and on IG.

  44. I follow Thousands of Bolts on IG and FB

  45. The year my husband and I gave our daughter the Barbie Dreamhouse she had been asking for. Seeing the expression on her face Christmas morning was worth staying up all night to build it.

  46. Just last night I was telling my partner that a treasured Christmas memory is of his dad and me driving around darkened neighborhoods, looking at Christmas lights. We loved that more than anyone else, so we would go out and look at them together, taking note of what had changed from one year to the next, soaking up the holiday spirit. I loved that time together, and that feeling of closeness with someone I dearly loved.

  47. I follow Thousands of Bolts on Insta.

  48. Seeing a present under the tree for me with Santa's handwriting on the tag!

  49. I follow Thousands of Bolts on IG.

  50. Favorite memory is the time when I was younger and surrounded with my family. now that we are all grown up, and both parents have passed, miss them much at this time of year.

  51. Looking at the animated windows in the department stores.

  52. Getting together with first cousins at Grandpa and Grandma's house for Christmas dinner--21 cousins plus aunts and uncles and my family.

  53. My favorite Christmas was the year I was probably 7 or 8 years old and really doubting the Santa story and being pretty verbal about it. Christmas Eve we left our home to spend Christmas Eve at Gramma’s. We didn’t usually do that. In order to save time my dad went to put gas in the car while my mother finished getting dressed taking me and my little sister, probably 3 or 4 years old, along with him. While we were gassing up the car, my mother put all of the presents under the tree to make it look like Santa had come while we were gone. Since I had forgotten leaving my mother in the house to put all of the presents under the tree before she got in the car when we returned from the gas station, I believed in Santa for yet another year or so.

  54. I “liked” Thousands of Bolts on Facebook. Hope I win so I can buy something from them!

  55. My favorite Christmas memory was going to my grandparents and spending the day with Aunts, Uncles and cousins

  56. I get emails from Thousands of Bolts.

  57. I follow them
    on Facebook!
    Carla from Utah

  58. My first Christmas with my
    husband, he gave me a pair
    of diamond earrings!
    Carla from Utah

  59. My favorite Christmas was last year, I was told I would be a 1st time grandma in 2020.
    Was a wonderful gift in a crazy year.

  60. Memories of my children’s delight and excitement on Christmas morning when they were young are my favorites. Cotten.gloria@gmail.com

  61. I like the way TOB lists their fabrics by color. It makes it easy to look for fabric for a project. Cotten.gloria@gmail.com

  62. One of my favorite Christmas memories is one year on Christmas Eve it snowed, when we woke up Christmas morning there were several inches of snow, the sun was shining on the snow & it was just sparkling. None of our kids were coming until much later in the day, so we saddled up our horses & went for a ride in the snow. It was beautiful!!

  63. I already get e-mail newsletters from Thousands of Bolts

  64. Pick just one favorite? I have so many. My home growing up seemed to be the gathering place for so many during the holidays (or any time of the year for that matter). There was one man who was in the Air Force at the time. When he came home on leave for the holidays, he would always visit us and stay for hours. We always had so much fun and even late at night when he had to leave, we begged him to stay. Those memories stay with me. Now during this holiday season he is very sick and in the hospital. He needs our prayers.

  65. I get e-mail newsletters from Thousands of Bolts and I follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

  66. Favorite memory. 1983 in Chicago was -25, not wind chill actual temp on Christmas Day. My kids were convinced it was too cold for Santa. I agreed. That whole winter was brutal.

  67. I love Thousands of Bolts. Follow on IG and FB.

  68. One of my favorite Christmas memories involved a neighbor down our street who had a new dishwasher installed in her home for a Christmas gift. She had come home from work at lunch to let in the installers and then return back to work for the afternoon. When she returned after work her house was flooded to about a foot of water. Everything was ruined- Christmas tree, all the presents, furniture floating, everything! I happened by when she opened her door and water just rushed across her yard and into the street including a scared soaked wet cat. Many tears were shed but our family invited their family to spend Christmas Eve and Day in our home. They had no family close and we both had kids that were going to the same school. We shared our beds, food, fire, and gifts that night. It’s been 35 years ago and our families are still as close as ever even though we live in different states. I count that distraught unknown neighbor as one of my best friends and that Christmas a treasure.

  69. My favorite memory is decorating the tree and the house with my son. He always loved it so much.

  70. I have many but one is the first time I stayed up to decorate the tree with my parents (their tradition was Santa did it - like he didn't have enough to do!). I didn't remember anything the next day - I was so tired!

  71. My favorite Christmas memory is the joy i get from making gifts to give.

  72. My favorite memory was look through the big WISH catalog from a department store - either JCPenney or Sears (I can't recall). My sister and I would circle all the toys we wanted but of course we would only get one of our top picks.

  73. My best memories are the years when all our families were together at Mom and Dad's for Christmas. That was my Dad's favorite Holiday!

  74. I liked Thousands of Bolts on facebook.

  75. I follow Thousands of Bolts on FB.

  76. One of my favorite Chrismtas memories as a kid was waking up Christmas morning to find a beautiful doll dressed in a wedding dress. I think that was the pretties doll I ever owned.

  77. Favorite Christmas memory is watching the grandkids open their gifts.

  78. I follow thousands of bolts on IG.

  79. I loved the Christmas that I met the family of the man who would become my husband the following year.

  80. One of my favourite Christmas memories is giving birth to my son just a few days before Christmas. On Christmas day the nurses brought him in to my room in a huge Christmas stocking! We could keep it and we posed him in it every year after that until he got too big to get more that one leg in it...

  81. A favorite Christmas memory: I was 8 years old and we were visiting our paternal grandparents. I had a few little gifts to wrap and was frustrated to tears as I tried to wrap them. My father (a very hands-off father) came in and helped me.

  82. I get emails from Thousands of Bolts and have ordered from them. They have a great selection!

  83. Gingerbread is my favorite memory in the form of cookies!

  84. I'll check them out on Instagram.

  85. One of my favorite memories is receiving a hand made Rag doll for Christmas along with a little rocking chair!

  86. I follow Thousand of Bolts on Instagram.

  87. Christmas Eve at my Mom's house. All of us together, laughing and having a great time.

  88. I get their email and today I was checking out their sale looking for some neutrals :)

  89. A white Christmas at grandma's with all the cousins sleeping over.

  90. I visited Thousands of bolts and checked out the wide backing selection

  91. Favorite Christmas memory - when the kids were little and the joy/wonder/awe of the holiday spirit was in their eyes from Christmas eve thru Christmas day. I miss having little kids around during this time of the year.

  92. I follow Thousand of Bolts and love them!

  93. My favorite Christmas memory is baking with my Grandmother. She taught me to bake and every year we'd make all of the Christmas goodies. Especially miss her at this time of year.

  94. I follow Thousands of Bolts on FB and Instagram

  95. The first memory that came to mind was the year we got our young daughter a pink bicycle and traveled by plane to spend Christmas with my family. Needless to say,the bike stayed home but my husband drew a picture of it with crayons on a scrap piece of paper so she could "see" it on Christmas morning.

  96. When we were kids, on Christmas Eve, my mom and dad allowed us to eat in the living room by the light of the fire. We sang carols and got ready for Santa.

  97. They have a huge selection of wide backs . I liked many from Blank Fabrics.

  98. My daughters and I have great memories of gathering on their bed with our Advent read-aloud book, Advent wreath candles burning nearby, reading the next chapter of the riveting story.

  99. I'm always amazed at how many fabrics are available at Thousands of Bolts. And I love being able to search so easily by color.

  100. My favourite Christmas memory was when my husband spent a week building a cardboard biplane, and hung it from the ceiling to surprise me on Christmas morning with my gift - a stuffie bird wearing a pilot's helmet and goggles. The biplane's wingspan was about 4'! And it was bright red!

  101. Making Christmas cookies with my niece. A tradition of 12 years...except this year!

  102. I follow Thousands of nuts on Instagram.

  103. I follow inn Instagram! Rachael Goodin

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
