Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

 It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the Snuggle Up Buttercup Fat Quarter Bundle from Poppie Cotton  is . . .   Number #811 . . . Congrats  crissat28!  I have messaged you :)  

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.   Fat Quarter Shop is amazing and they never cease to amaze me with everything they have going on at their shop!!!     And did you know they have a 24 Hour Flash Sale every day with 2 Flash Sales on Tuesdays!!   And not only do they have a daily deal, they have a Fabric Basic, Pattern, and Notion of the Month!!!!   Laundry Basket Favorites are on sale for the Basic of the Month!!!  Also, all Just Another Button Company Products are on sale for the Notion  , and Elizabeth Hartman Patterns are on sale, So Great!!!   Save 20-30% off of all of them for the whole month of November!!  So Amazing ;) 

24 Hour Flash Sales at the Fat Quarter Shop!

And for today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Fat Quarter Shop is giving away a Red Barn Christmas Layer Cake by Sweetwater for Moda!!!!   This would make such a festive Halloween Quilt, it is the same fabric I used for my Starlite Sampler Quilt, and it is just so festive in Christmas Goodness!!!! 

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me when you start Christmas Shopping??

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Fat Quarter Shop love.   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYou Tube or at their Blog.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Fat Quarter Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, November 16th,  when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. I follow FQS on Instagram and blog.

  2. I usually start in October but I am late this year! The older my daughter gets, the harder my shopping gets! And more expensive!

    I follow FQS on everything!!

  3. I follow FQS. Love all the SALs.

  4. My christmas shopping doesn't start soon enough. It's my Christmas Stitching that starts early.

  5. Following Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook and Instagram

  6. I start early, but I think this year, because of the scare of not being able to get things, I started mid-october

  7. I just started Christmas shopping-I’d better get moving! I follow FQS on Instagram and have purchased from them many times.

  8. I do my Christmas shopping all year long.

  9. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook and get their newsletters.

  10. I start Christmas shopping in July!

  11. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Instagram and check their daily specials.

  12. I start my shopping mid November. And I shop all online now. No more with in-store crowds.

  13. I start my Christmas shopping in September.

  14. I follow the Fat Quarter Shop and I love their daily specials!

  15. Sometimes I'll start as early as September. This year the Master Gardeners printed a lovely calendar, and I stocked up in August.

  16. I follow Fat Quarter shop on Pinterest, Instagram, newsletter and follow their blog.

  17. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on IG, FB, Pinterest

  18. I start Christmas shopping when ever I see something that who I am buying for would like/want/need. Anytimevall year long.

  19. I do my Christmas and birthday shopping all year!!!! I have a couple of boxes under the bed 🎄

  20. Hi we shop for Christmas around the first week of November!
    Thanks for a great Giveaway!

  21. Following Fat Quarter shop on Instagram, FB,,newsletter and their blog!
    Thank You!

  22. I really don't do Christmas shopping...like giving random gifts during the year.

  23. I shop sometime in early to mid December. My family never makes up their minds what they want til the last minute!

  24. I follow FQS on FB and get their newsletter.

  25. I follow Fat Quarter shop on Instagram, YouTube, and their blog. Have purchased from them and right now am partial to Belle Isle.

  26. I follow FQS on IG, Facebook, YouTube and Jolly Jabber!

  27. I started Christmas shopping this past weekend. 😁

  28. I follow FQS on Instagram, Facebook, and on their blog.

  29. I stared Cristmas shopping first week in November 🎄🎄🎄

  30. I follow FQS receive their newsletter and but online from them

  31. My Christmas shopping has already begun! I shop regularly (throughout the year) and hide it all away until December. I am a regular shopper at FQS and receive their newsletter. I just received some new Lori Holt fabric from them this week - yippee!

  32. I usually start about now, but I have no ideas....my kids are getting older and harder to buy for :(
    Amy (ajolly@cpsk12.org)

  33. Love watching FQS Youtube channel. When I'm up late working or can't sleep I put it on tv and watch away. Of course...it always makes me want to buy more!
    Amy (ajolly@cpsk12.org)

  34. I'm always Christmas shopping. You never know when you'll find something someone will like. I kick it in high gear mid-September/early October so I don't have to deal with the large crowds/possible bad weather.

  35. No Christmas shopping started yet. No one will give me any hints on what they want!


  36. Love the new Aster quilt pattern they have in their new items page.

  37. I follow FQS on social media, but I always go to their shop when you do a giveaway. I like their All About Christmas Blue Ornaments Yardage- the colors and the print!

  38. I start December 26th!!!!!

  39. I follow fqs by email

  40. I try to get started in January every year just after I hear from friends about what was most appreciated among their family friends that year.

  41. I follow FQS on Blogger, get their newsletter and watch their YouTube videos.

  42. I like to start with the sales after Christmas but the last few years have been slim so haven't been able too. This year I started 2 weeks ago. It will be here before we know it.

  43. I follow FQS by newsletter, blog, youtube, and instagram.

  44. I usually start Nov.1. Love Fat Quarter Shop! Follow their blog, Instagram.

  45. I shop for Christmas all year, whenever I see something I think someone would like.

  46. I follow FQS on FB, Instagram and get the newsletter.

  47. I haven't started yet. Although there are only a few to exchange gifts with now, they are really hard to buy for.

  48. Start Christmas shopping? I am working right now to be able to get some presents for my kids. Not sure when I’ll start…

  49. I get FQS newsletter and I follow them on Instagram & their blog.

  50. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on IG and FB

  51. I am making Christmas gifts and have already started!!!

  52. I usually start in December, but am starting early this year and have a few things purchased already.

  53. I get the Fat Quarter newsletter and follow on Instagram.

  54. I started shopping for Christmas at the after Christmas sales LAST DECEMBER!! Thank you for you lovely blog - and the giveaway!!!

  55. I usually start around November 1st.

  56. I follow on the blog and share my money with them!

  57. I usually start Christmas shopping after Thanksgiving.

  58. I love Fat Quarter Shop!! I follow all the sites above, receive the newsletter, and shop there frequently.

  59. Every year I say I'm starting early and every year on our about the 20th I get most of the gifts... But I'm usually wrapping gifts on the 24th

  60. I used to start Christmas shopping early - then forgot what I all bought :)! Now I start much later - November/December-ish.

  61. I love following Fat Quarter Shop on instagram, newsletter, YouTube, blog and visit their website pretty much daily.

  62. I start my Christmas shopping the moment I see something I would like to get for someone. For example, this year I saw some Sesame Street Bombas socks that I wanted for my son, so I got them...way back in March.

  63. I follow FQS on YouTube, and I get their newsletter. I also visit their website almost daily.

  64. I start scouting things out and picking little things up in October! I am not a last minute person, save that time for baking!!

  65. I started with Christmas months ago. I make things for everyone. So far 8 quilts, placemats, cozys, 4 teddy bears. Etc.

  66. I start in October but if I am making a quilt I usually start it when the idea hits me!

  67. I used to be better at getting an early start, but in recent years I have gotten later and later and sometimes it is Christmas Eve before I am finished! 😬

  68. I usually start in September, to Christmas shop. Of course, I have been known to shop earlier if I find something that I just know will be the perfect gift.

  69. I follow Fat Quarter shop with their newsletter.

  70. I receive the FQ Newsletter. I am just always so blessed to sew gifts with my 92 year young momma. This year an ugly medical issue reared its head so it's been difficult. We used to bake and give items away...now we sew like wheelchair blankets, seasonal placemats special bibs for the nursing home my father was in. mamahen02@msn.com

  71. This year we already have begun Christmas shopping.

  72. I have started my Christmas shopping already! If I see something that would be perfect for one of my family on sale, I grab it while I can. It has really helped to whittle down the list a little less painfully.

  73. No shopping this year! We have decided time together is more important and less stressful!

  74. I keep my eyes peeled all through the year but doesn't start in earnest until at least October.

  75. I am an early Christmas shopper. If I am planning quilty gifts, that fabric is purchased and ordered during the summer.
    I start shopping in the fall and keep a list of purchases.

  76. I check FQS flash sales daily.

  77. I do Christmas shopping the entire year. If I see something on sale, I buy it.

  78. I follow fat quarter shop on Facebook and their newsletter

  79. I pick up presents for Christmas all year long. Or I try to do so. Some years it is easier than others. Nadine Willis rnwillis@velotech.net

  80. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on their blog. Nadine Willis rnwillis@velotech.net

  81. Christmas and birthday shopping is done throughout the year. In fact we just came home from celebrating Thanksgiving 🦃 Christmas 🎄 and November birthdays 🥳 this past Sunday. All in one day.
    My youngest daughter has her own business and from the end of October to the New Year is her busiest time so many years ago we decided we didn’t need to celebrate on “the” day (4th November Thursday or December 25th) it was about being together.
    The table is set for Thanksgiving with turkey and all the trimmings. A Christmas tree in the corner is decorated with all the gifts underneath. And of course there is birthday cake and ice cream for dessert. It’s such a fun day.

  82. We typically decorate around the 20th and it comes down on Boxing Day.

  83. I also follow FQS in all its forms. Blog, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Great content.

  84. I don’t do social media but I do receive FQS daily emails, the monthly as well as the special sew sampler boxes and always look forward to watching Kimberly’s tutorials.

  85. I start Christmas shopping when I get enough suggestions from the family! I pick up "friends gifts" whenever I see something appropriate. One of my gifts each year for some friends is homemade caramels and peanut brittle - I wait until December to make those.

  86. I "liked" Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook and subscribed to their newsletter - don't know why I had not done that before!

  87. I start Christmas shopping on Dec. 26th! That's when all the great deals go on sale, and I can pick up next year's neighbor gifts for half price.

  88. I already subscribe to the FQS, like them on Facebook, and shop their sales. They are amazing. My favorite part of their stores are their quilt-a-longs that have matching cross-stitch patterns. It's really fun to make both.

  89. Don't Christmas. give all the kids and grandkids $$$.

  90. I keep an eye out all year long for certain people on my gift list and I am a "maker" so that starts around July.

  91. I love FQS videos and flash sales. I will be gifting my "All the Trimmings" quiltvfrom their free sew along. My Christmas shopping in the last few years has been a homemade item with a bit of cash so I start early!

  92. I subscribe to FQS and enjoy so much about them every day.

  93. I usually start thinking about Christmas shopping in late October, but don't usually start buying until November!

  94. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on everything except Twitter!

  95. I think about Christmas shopping all year, but don't start until October.

  96. I get emails from FQS. I love their videos and their sales!

  97. I did buy a few things last week! I seldom buy things too far ahead.

  98. I love, love these fabrics! I follow FQS on FB and Instagram.

  99. I shop all year for christmas gifts.

  100. My sister used to have her shopping done before the end of January!! Me? Not so much. I start as soon as I see something that I know will appeal plus craft items. I usually start seriously in December!

  101. I have followed Fat Quarters Shop what seems like forever!! They have it all!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. I start shopping for Christmas throughout the year, the problem is sometimes I forget where I stashed it !

  104. I really like this fabric from the Fat Quarter shop.

    This was my first time visiting their website, just love it!

  105. I don't have a set day but this year I got it all done early and for the most part I am done.

  106. I follow FQS on Instagram and FB

  107. I usually start Christmas shopping when the sales start just after Christmas

  108. Well, this year I bought half of Christmas in January but generally I don't do much before Thanksgiving.Thanks

  109. I follow FQS blog, facebook and visit the shop regularly Thanks

  110. I started a few weeks ago cause I'm worried about shipping!

  111. I follow FQS on FB and through email. Great sales!!

  112. I started Christmas shopping last week

  113. My husband and I give cash to our adult children and SIL so that's easy. We do buy for our two grandsons and will, hopefully, shop before the craziness starts after Thanksgiving.

  114. I shop year round, picking things up when I find a great item for a particular individual.

  115. Love FQS! I receive their newsletter and follow on Facebook. And shop there more often than I should....

  116. I shop all year, whenever I see something I think someone will like.

  117. I start Christmas shopping around August.

    1. And I showed my love by liking, following, subscribing, clicking the bells, and signing up for the newsletters. lol And I have to say my favorite thing is the shop is the Stitching with the Housewives Long Sleeve T-Shirt, and the Hoodie, and the Yeti cup to match. lol

  118. I Christmas shop year round. I see something for the grandkids and grab it and put it aside until it is time to give. I’m always on the lookout for good books for them.
    I follow FQS by email and Instagram. Wonderful source for fabric, tools and patterns. The best customer service, too!

  119. When we bought for the kids when they were little I started usually 6-8 months before as stocking stuffers were the big focus. Nowadays we just buy for the grandkids (who are a preteen & a teen) and they are getting money, which is what they prefer. Although I will probably pick something up that is just FUN for each. Made an agreement not to buy for our kids (and they don't buy for us) as its just so much money, and we're all watching our pennies. Deb E mdenders@msn.com

  120. I follow FQS on Pinterest and have for ages....thanks for the giveaway! Deb E

  121. I pretty much Christmas shop all year long!

  122. I love FQS, & follow them every way possible!

  123. I've already started shopping....but just a little bit. More to come later. Thank you for this giveaway.

  124. I get the Fat Quarter Shop email newsletter. Thank you for this giveaway.

  125. If I find something throughout the year I get it and try to put it back. But, the real shopping begins usually in November. I don't do the Black Friday sales but do most of the buying online.

  126. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on Facebook and Twitter and try to catch them on YouTube, too. Love to see their videos!

  127. I follow them
    on Facebook!
    Carla from Arizona

  128. We deliver gifts at
    our family reunion in
    June, so have to have
    them done early. Then
    have to wait till Christmas
    to open them!
    Carla from Arizona

  129. I follow Fat Quarter Shop but regularly look in on Green Fairy Quilts and Thousands of Bolts.

  130. I don't have any particular system for Christmas shopping, it varies year to year. Sadly this year seems to be a procrastinating year!

  131. I generally start finding a few Christmas gifts here and there in late summer, but right now is when the rest of the Christmas shopping gets serious.

  132. I started my Christmas shopping last week!

  133. I try to do a little Christmas shopping all year.

  134. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on FB and You Tube

  135. I wish i could say that I shop all year long for Christmas. Sometimes I do, but not always. I get serious about it after Thanksgiving. But NEVER on Back Friday. I never shop then! I don’t buy that many gifts any more. We give money to our kids so I only buy for the grandkids.

  136. I follow Fat Quarter Shop on YouTube. I never miss any of Kimberly’s videos! I also shop regularly at the on line store. And yes, I would love to have this Sweetwater layercake for my very own!

  137. I have already started my Christmas shopping, which is fairly typical for me.

  138. I have bought (and made) a few Christmas presents already. Thank you.

  139. I receive Fat Quarter Shop's newsletter. Thank you.

  140. in November if I find something, but more officially in December

  141. i get the FQS newsletter and follow their blog

  142. I've already started Christmas shopping.

  143. FQS is one of my favorites. I follow them on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and subscribed to their blog & newsletter.

  144. I get serious with shopping after Thanksgiving but I also pick up items throughout the year as I see them.

  145. I follow FQS on Pinterest and YouTube.

  146. I usually wait till after Thanksgiving to get serious about Christmas shopping!

  147. I get the newsletter from Fat Quarter Shop.

  148. I begin shopping mid summer, or whenever I see something that's right for a gift.

  149. I start Christmas shopping in October.

  150. Thank for providing good information for site,Thanks for your sharing.
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Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
