Monday, June 26, 2023

He's Home!!!!

 So things have been a little quiet around here lately.   But that is a great thing, because I have been busy spending time with Family as we welcome home our Son!!!!  You might recall, but our son has been in Germany for the last 2 years serving a Mission for  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  We were gathered in the Cedar Airport 2 years ago with tear filled goodbyes, and last week, we got to gather again for tear filled Welcome Home's!!!  

It is so good to be all together again!!!   We are so proud of Spencer and all he did to serve the people of Germany while he was away.     I am going to cherish these next few weeks and make the most of us all being together!!!   Both Spencer and Jessi will be moving out at the end of the summer to attend University, but at least they will still be close by ;)     

So if things are a little slow, just know I am taking full advantage of this precious time. 

Happy Quilting!!!


  1. Congratulations Melissa! I know from experience what a happy day that is. My son served in the Frankfurt, Germany Mission but has been home for a few years now. My daughter served in Vladivostok, Russia. While it is wonderful to have them home, I do love having one out.

  2. What JOY! Congratulations and love that family.

  3. Awe that's really great ! I can't believe 2 years have passed so quickly. Enjoy your time together.

  4. So good to hear of your happy reunion. I know these two years have been long for you, but also must make you feel proud to know your son served so willingly.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
