Saturday, January 1, 2011

With a New Year comes a New Challenge :)

During my usual morning blog hop last week I  came across a post ( this one if you want to go over and read it)  at Heather's House of A La Mode blog that talked about how she loves, loves, loves to get comments but isn't always so good about leaving them.  It could not have rung more true with me!!  I have always tried to respond to comments but have come up shallow on leaving them.  I wouldn't classify myself as a lurker but I could so do better!!!

So I decided to make a goal of it.  So from that day until New Years I decided I was going to leave comments!!  Now, that isn't to say I left a comment on every post I read (I really do read a lot) but I made a point, that whenever I was reading something and thought a "comment" to write it down.  So each time I read and thought "oh, that is so cute" write it down.  Or "Oh, what a great idea" write it down.

And I have to say, I am loving it!!!  It really doesn't take much more time and all, and it really helps to connect you to other quilting bloggers out there!!  So with that, I am extending the Challenge to myself for the year of 2011.  You should be hearing from me on your blogs and if you don't get on my case :)

And I saved a little surprise for last :)  This quilt was selected to be in the January header at Sew We Quilt / Stash Manicure.  I am so excited!!  Pop on over and see the beautiful new header when you get a sec :)


  1. Congrats on being on the SM header again! And I just love this new pattern of yours - it looks great in the blues, too!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Congrats on getting your quilt in the header at Stash Manicure, it is gorgeous, I love your moda bakeshop version too! I have been trying to leave more comments after reading Heather's post too :)

  3. Congrats for being included on the banner! Your quilt is really pretty. I love seeing different versions of quilt patterns I like. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Congrats on the banner quilt! I thought I recognized it. :)

  5. Love your new header, love your quilt at Stash Manicure and I too need to leave more comments thanks for the giving me a clue!

  6. Congratulations on the header, what a great way to ring in the new year!

  7. Congrats on your quilt header. I try to comment on each blog I follow.

  8. I was so happy for you when I saw Stash Manicure this morning! Yea for you!
    You know, I've been thinking this very thing myself, and I'll join you in working harder to comment more!

  9. I'm the same way! Sometimes I feel like such a lurker, and you've definitely inspired me to comment more often (case in point!) Thanks Melissa, and Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year ! and congratulations on your banner quilt. (ps I love it !)
    I really enjoy your blog, and try to comment when I pass by. I have recently started my own blog, although I am only a beginner come on over and leave the very first comment !!

  11. Congratulations on another great quilt being showcased over at SM!

  12. I love the blue quilt pattern, its eye catching!

  13. You have a very classic quilt. Simplicity, but stylish. A design that would be flexable in different color pallettes and fabric lines. I love those kind of quilts. I think you will grow with your new goal. I not only try to comment on the blogs I follow, but I tend to browse the blogs each follows - great reading with the morning coffee. Inspires me for the day.

  14. Congratulations on sharing a spot on the 'Sew We Quilt' January banner. It truly is an honor!

    Isn't that the truth.....everyone loves to get comments. I find I'm blog hopping and say I'll go back a comment later and later never happens. I'm a 6 month blogger and I'm finding it takes a lot of time and thought. I struggle with my posts but it is getting easier and I've found leaving comments often times gets new followers. I, too, am trying to comment more does make smiles:)

  15. Congratulations. I love that quilt. I'm not usually into piecing, but I'd like to try that one. I know what you mean about commenting. I try to read as many blogs as I can, but because of time constraints I don't often leave comments. I'm going to try to do better this year too.

  16. Such a beautiful quilt -- I love the blues! Happy New Year!

  17. Congrats on being a poster girl. I love your blue quilt :-)

  18. It's a good goal to leave more comments. I'm pretty good about leaving comments. Like you, I leave one when I think I have something to say.

    It is a good way to connect with other bloggers. There are a few people that I've connected with and we email outside of the "blog" world now.

  19. Heather's post hit home with me too! Congratulations on you quilt making the banner. Very pretty blues!

  20. I haven't popped over to read Heather's post yet; but I do comment often. I read well over 100 blogs and when I see something or read something I like; I comment. I don't comment on every new quilt I see; but I do comment on things out of the ordinary.

    And I reply to comments on my long as they are set to accept reply. If they are a no reply blogger...well then they usually don't get a comment back at them.

    Congrats on your quilt on the banner.

  21. Congrats on having your quilt on the banner! I hopped over from Stash Manicure and am now your 300th follower. You are so talented!

  22. Hi Melissa, hey, I am your 300th follower ~ congratulations on 300. Just want to congratulate you on your quilt being in the header at SWQ/SM. I love this one!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
