Thursday, March 28, 2013

Have You Seen Any Naughty Kittens??

Because it appear's that I have their mittens :)  Laura asked us to make some mittens using Lori Holt's wonderful tutorial for the March Beejeebers block.  She plans to use them in a wonderful "I Spy" quilt where you lay them all out in a mixed up order and then try to find the mates.  Super cute, huh!!!

Oh, and if anyone needs any extra thumbs . . . gotta keep it real ya know :)  I managed to cut my first set of thumbs 3/4" to short.  I guess that happens when you are reading a tutorial, listening to a book, and trying to sort out an argument over which movie the kids get to watch, all at the same time. Sure, we mom's can multi-task, you just don't always like the results you get from doing it :)


  1. What a cute I Spy quilt that would make!!

  2. Those are some cute mittens!! Isn't it fun when we get to play super, multitasking, and still rockin' the task at hand mom?!

  3. How cute. Those are the most cheerful mittens!

  4. Such a cute grandsons would love the "I Spy" game! Even at my age I still think of myself as a multi-tasking mom, only now my tasking has just changed to keeping my puppies (not my kids) happy while I sew.

  5. I multitask also but not so well! If all you have are extra thumbs, you're doing great. It's when you're a thumb short that you really have problems. Too bad you couldn't make 'em fit....I'd have given it heck trying, let me tell you. Have a great Easter,

  6. Oh, so cute! What a great idea for a quilt, too! And a great use of Terrain. ;)

  7. You might need to make some smaller gloves to fit your too small gloves for your "naughty kittens" who were arguing about what movie to watch!! :-D Yes, multi-tasking isn't always all it's touted to be!! LOL! Hope all goes well with you, and have a wonderful Easter with your family!! Hugs, Helen in Healdsburg

  8. Adorable mittens. I'm planning to make this as a Christmas wall quilt this year.

  9. Cute little mittens. I really like the dotty ones.

  10. I love that old "Three Little Kittens" story. And your mittens are so cute!

  11. Love the cute mittens. That would make a great quilt for a child.

  12. Great idea for an educational quilt. I wish I could find mittens in those beautiful designs!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
