Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Big Swirl, Little Swirl

So this morning I have been free motion quilting away.  (yes, I should be packing, but I will procrastinate that until tomorrow morning ;)  Anyhow, this morning I have been doing swirls ;)  When ever I start quilting swirls, I tend do automatically quilt a small (but not micro) swirl.  I think this is because it is how I learned.  When I was quilting swirls on my domestic machine I would do what was comfortable without having to move out of the range of my two hands, which automatically equalled a small swirl.

So after quilting some small swirls this morning, I decided it was time to play with the scale a bit.  These are a set of matching quilts and the larger of the 2 is going to get snuggled a lot, so I wanted it to stay soft and cozy to snuggle in . . . . so I needed to quilt Big Swirls.  I can't tell you how many times I had to remind myself Big, Big, you are quilting Big ;)  I just keep wanting to go back to that small swirl ;)

Side by side gives you a better idea of the difference of scale ;)  Fun huh!!!  It was a good reminder this morning to play with scale more often in my quilting.  It can really add such a fun dimension to your quilting and it is so fun to quilt ;)   I really need to incorporate it more often ;)  

And now, I am off to bind these 2 quilts and I promise to share more of them next week when I get back from market.   That is if I ever get packed to go ;)

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!


  1. Both of your swirls patterns look wonderful. I us a domestic machine for my FMQ so I totally understand keeping the size of the pattern between your two hands.

  2. There IS a difference between the two! Glad you put the two together so we could see the difference. I love the large swirl: so pretty and comfortable looking! Have a WONDERFUL time in Houston!! What will you be doing? Do you have a booth? Is anyone going with you? Sherri McConnell is going too. What fun it would be if you were on the same flight!! Hugs,Helen

  3. LOVE it! I'm so afraid to FMQ so I just keep doing straight lines! These are gorgeous!

  4. I know what you mean about quilting a larger size of a design. My natural tendency is small. To make things bigger I have to continually remind myself bigger......bigger.....bigger. A quilting friend of mine who does long arming professionally said that she'll put an object on her quilt to remind her how big the design should be. I tried it with press on circular labels and that really helped.

  5. if only I could swirl!" Have a great time at market

  6. LOL Melissa, I have been 'fighting' this too lately. I am fairly new to FMQing, but whenever I would start quilting, my designs were always small. I recently made a wall hanging and had to keep telling myself 'make it big, make it big' while quilting it :) Your swirls are beautiful, both sizes! And, of course, they both have their places. Sometimes you want big, sometimes small.

  7. The big swirls look smoother. I like them. I try to do different scales and fall back into the one I'm comfortable with too. sigh


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
