Thursday, October 23, 2014

To Market!!!

So I finally got my bag packed this morning, and I think it is quite possibly the largest suitcase in the house ;)  I had a few little extra thins (2 quilts) to take along with my clothing so I needed a little more space ;)  But one of them won't be coming back so that will leave lots of room for fabric from Sample Spree, win-win :)

I will try to share some pics while I am at Market, but I am not as technologically advanced as most, so they will most likely come in the evening when I get back to the hotel ;)  Houston, here I come!!!!


  1. Welcome to Houston! I hope you have a great time. The weather is BEAUTIFUL, so get out and into Discovery Green on any breaks you have. Take a snack or grab lunch there. Safe travels!

  2. HAVE a fun time!!! Cant' wait to see the goodies you pick up!

  3. Have a blast!!!!! Looking forward to pictures of all the wonderful things that happen at Market!!

  4. Have a great time. A nice reward for all of your hard work this year.

  5. Have fun! Any pictures at anytime is better then none for us non- goers. ;)

  6. Oh Melissa, send lots of pictures!

  7. have a lovely time, remember to take photos and spend spend spend!

  8. Have fun. Looking forward to your follow up post.

  9. How exciting for you. I have always wanted to go..... have fun!

  10. Have fun, and don't try and fill that suitcase at spree on the way home, trust me, it'll be over weight ;o)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
