Monday, April 6, 2015

Just Stitching Over Here

So I have been working on a few behind the scenes projects as of late.  Most of these will be shown at Market, so luckily I won't have to keep them all a secret for a long time.    But secret sewing means I can't show a whole lot of what I have be sewing except for maybe some trimmings.  Oh yes, that is Hello Darling by Bonnie and Camille trimmings and it is lovely!!  I won't be able to share this one for a little while after Market so it seemed only fair to share this little tease, right ;)

But, I can show you, that with all of that secret sewing, my Scrappy Single Irish Chain quilt that I am making entirely as Leaders and Enders is continuing to grow.  I now have all of the blocks sewing into rows!!!

And now those rows are lovingly stacked by the side of my machine to be ready for Leader and Ender sewing into blocks :)  At that point, I think I will just have to hurry and finish the quilt, so hopefully not to much longer before I can share the tutorial ;)   I really am having fun making this quilt while making all of my other quilts, it just seems like it is "free" sewing.  Every few days I just look at the pile and smile how it is growing ;)

Have you given Leaders and Enders a try yet??  I haven't been doing it long and already I almost have a whole quilt from them, so awesome!!!  They really are so very much fun!!!


  1. I love doing leaders and enders. It really is amazing how quickly a "bonus" quilt top can come together while you're focusing on other projects. Your Scrappy Single Irish Chain looks great!

  2. I love using scraps in my leader/ender projects. So far I've just been using 2.5-inch squares from my scrap bins or cutting them from left-over ends of jelly roll strips, but it's made one top and I'm working on another one! Looks like I now have a pattern for the 3rd if I do the scrappy Irish Chain! Goodness, you must be so organized to be able to keep the rainbow effect as you sew! I prefer the random "pick from the bag" method when I piece scrappy. As long as I don't have duplicate fabrics in a block, I'm good! Look forward to your tutorial!

  3. I love your leader/ender project! I just started doing this too, with the 4 patch challenge. Since it is a new concept for me, I don't always remember to do it but I am making progress. Can't wait to see your market sewing. I love all B & C lines.

  4. I have fallen hard already for the "Hello Darling" collection. I went ahead and reserved me some precuts and yardage from Shabby Fabrics because I know it will be one of those special collections. Can't wait to see your projects!!

  5. You are so productive. The leader/ender project is going to be great.

  6. Pretty trimmings. Good job on the progress of the Irish Chain.

  7. So pretty! I'm going to have try the leaders and enders.

  8. Thanks for the link to your explanation of leaders and enders. I have read about them but wasn't quite sure how they actually worked. I am going to try them as it looks like a great way to use up fabric scraps.

  9. I can't wait to see what you're making!!!!

  10. I am, indeed, using my 2.5" squares as leaders & enders. I am following this pattern: I'm really enjoying making this quilt along side all the other projects I'm working on!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
