Friday, November 17, 2017

A Bit Irish Baby Quilt!!

Since I shared my newest block from 100 Blocks Volume 16 yesterday, Today it only seemed fitting to share my finish from my Volume 15 block featured in the Fall 2017 edition of Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks.  It's called a Bit Irish and I just love it!!!

I just love the idea of the Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks magazine.   It takes the original blocks and then changes them around or combines them with another block to create all new quilt designs.  So fun!!!

This design came from my original Celtic Tricks Block that, as I mentioned,  was in 100 Blocks Volume 15.  I simply supersized the design and added a few more layers to make it a baby size quilt, all in one block :)   Isn't that just so fun!  And can you see the inspiration behind the quilt name ;)

And of course, because it is Jelly Roll friendly and the piecing is minimal, it goes together super fast.  It makes for a great "go to" baby quilt that is nice and easy for when you are in a pinch.   But it still has a wonderful interlocking design that makes it look like you spent a lot longer working on it :)   I just love quilts like that!!!

I used the pink and yellow prints from Lella Botique's Farmer's Daughter line.  I just love how it makes this quilt "all girl"!!!  But of course, this design would look super in an "all boy" layout as well.  Just pick blue and green stripes.   Or make it your own with your favorite two color layout.  The sky is the limit and picking your fabrics might be the part that takes the longest because there are so many great color combo's :)   

When it came time to quilt mine, I opted for an all over free motion that really adds to the All Girl feel.   It's my feathered swirl, and I just love it!!!   This is such a fun flowing design to quilt and really goes fast.  And my favorite 402 Pearl So Fine thread just blends perfectly.

And I wanted to give this baby quilt a bit more loft, so I doubled the batting, and made sure to keep my quilting at a mid size range.   And I just love how those petals just pop in the quilting.  So soft and such pretty flowing texture!!!

And that is A Bit Irish!!!   It finishes at 48" x 48" so it is great for snuggling up a sweet little wee one :)   And I just love the photography in the Quilts from 100 Blocks Magazine.    It is just precious!!!

And if you make your own A Bit Irish quilt I would love to see it!!!  You can email me a picture at, add it to social media with #happyquiltingwithmc, or add it to my Flickr Group :)  I can't wait to see your A Bit Irish baby quilts!!! 

Thanks for stopping in today and each and every day!!!

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

And I just realized,  this makes it a Two Finish Week ;)  Today's finish and the finish I shared on Monday :)  Yippee!!!

Linking up to Amanda's, Sarah's and Myra's :)


  1. Hi Melissa,
    Such a fun baby quilt! I can absolutely see a wee one wrapped lovingly in this. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. A beautiful quilt! The colors are so happy looking.

  3. This is so darling! I love the quilting motif and all of the fabrics you've used. :)

  4. What a sweet baby quilt! Love the quilting on it too :) xx

  5. Your quilts are always the greatest, this is one of favorites :)

  6. Super pretty in those colours! I love seeing a different pattern too.

  7. So where do we find the pattern?

    1. HI Sharon,

      The pattern can be found in this magazine, which can be downloaded online here or you can download just the individual pattern from Quiltmaker here But both are the same price, so it makes more sense to download the entire magazine :)

  8. That is a darling baby quilt and the perfect name for it. You can never go wrong with pink and yellow together!

  9. I love how the swirling quilting contrasts with the right angles in the pattern. Gorgeous Quilt! One lucky baby even if it's a simple design!

  10. A simple design that turned our gorgeously! It is perfect for a baby quilt, and the colors are so soft and great. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
