Monday, February 5, 2018

Weekend Fun!!

I had such a fun quilty weekend!!!  I woke up on Saturday morning to find that my Stamp Collecting quilt had surpassed 1000 likes on Instagram.  Which I know, is just a number, but it is the first time I have reached that particular number so that just put a huge smile on my face to start the day.  Seriously, I just can't say thank you enough for the sweet response you all have given me for my Stamp Collecting quilt ;)   Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

And what better way to follow up such a great start to the day than some fabric shopping!!!!  Quilted Works, a fantastic store in St. George, was holding their Super Bolt Sale (Get it, Super Bowl, Super Bolt :)   So Barbara, Jessica and I (I was so excited my daughter wanted to come along, train them young ;)   took a quick trip down the I-15 and got there in time for the stores opening and a fun little dash to their amazing bolt sale!!!!   Meaning, you buy the whole bolt, but at prices of $2-$4 a yard, who wouldn't want to take the whole bolt :)

Which was of course, a wonderful excuse to seriously stock up on some quilt back goodness!!!  Since I was stocking up for quilt backs, I tried to keep the prints pretty basic so they would be easier to mix and match with other lines.  This is most of the bolts I picked up sans a few Low Volume and Red/Black/and White prints that I store in a different spot ;)  Aren't they just so pretty all in a pile :)  I was just thrilled to score some favorite prints and designers!!!

And I was having so much fun playing with fabric, that as soon as I got all of those bolts put away, I went right to cutting.  It was just the motivation I needed to get cutting on the almost 600 strips I needed as the triangles and hexagons have been done for 3 weeks and I was totally procrastinating the strips.      

But it turned out good that I procrastinated cutting them, because once again, Fat Quarter Shop just happened to send the perfect tool for this project in my January Sew Sampler Box!!!  The Lori Holts Cute Cuts 1 1/2" x 6 1/2" ruler made this job so much easier ;)  It was the exact width I was cutting my strips and even the exact length on 99 of them.  Paired up with my Matilda Rotating Cutting Mat (honestly, one of the best quilting purchases I have ever made)  allowed me to make quick work of the red and pink scraps and before I knew it, my tape tally marks were up to 99 in each pile.   So awesome and so happy to have this done!!!

And ya, this was just in time, because I leave for this retreat on Wednesday!!!  I am so excited to go teach at Bryce Canyon and to even have time to squeeze in a class to take :)  It's going to be so fun!!

I hope you had a very Happy Quilting Weekend and are having a wonderful start to your week!!!

** This post contains affiliate links. 


  1. Love your Stamp Collecting Quilt! Makes me want to start my own!

  2. 'thanks for sharing your adventure news and pictures.
    Nice fabrics, yes, this leader ender quilt turned out superbbb
    and well done on the cutting!

  3. So glad your finger is better, for all the gorgeous fabric cutting. Awesome on all the likes for your beautiful stamp collecting quilt. What lovely bolts of fabrics you got on sale - a real eye-candy shelf. Enjoy the retreat!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
