Friday, October 26, 2018

Wool Ironing Mat & Giveaway

So when I was teaching up in Bryce Canyon earlier this year, there were a bunch of ladies that brought a Wool Ironing Mat to class to press their piecing.  I had never seen a Wool Ironing Mat, and asked them about it.   And oh my goodness, did they love their Wool Ironing Mats!!!   It has since, been in the back of my mind that I should try one out, but you know how things get busy and you forget ;)    Well, you can imagine how delighted I was when the good folks at Precious Quilting Tools emailed me to see if I wanted to try one of their Wool Ironing Mats ;)   Could it be more perfect!!

I was eager to try this mat out and see what all the Wool Ironing Mat excitement was all about.    And here was what I found over the last month of using it.  First off,  the mat is 1/2" thick so it makes it super easy to set it on any surface and press.  And the thought of having a portable pressing station that is super easy to pack and take with me when I teach.   So awesome!!! 

Second, because the mat is made of 100% Felted Wool, it is said to retain heat so that you can iron your fabric and it is like ironing from both sides at the same time.    And I was very happy to find that this was totally true.    Whenever I press seams open, I start from the back, and then give a quick once over on the front.

But when I flipped my pressing over, I found it really wasn't necessary.  My piecing was lying super flat and didn't need the once over.   I tried it with both my cordless Panasonic iron, and my pop up  Oliso iron and both had the same results ;)     And I also noticed that the wool held the fabric in place a bit, which was nice and handy and will help to avoid stretching.

And I loved that when my block was all done, even with so many matching points, it all laid super flat.   And you all know, super flat seams is a super good thing!!!  I will say,  I use a lot of steam, and when using steam on this Wool Mat, you get a bit of a wool smell.  However, it isn't a strong scent,  but if you have sensitivity to that, its a good thing to note.   Also,  I can't see myself using this to press long strip sets or yardage as it would be tedious to have to keep shifting the fabric over the mat, but for travel and pressing units, it is going to be amazing!!!

And that is my experience with my new Wool Ironing Mat and I am so excited to add it to my sewing room ;)    And the great folks at Precision Quilting Tools have allowed me to give away a second Wool Ironing Mat to one my readers!!!  
GIVEAWAY ENDED - All you have to do for your chance to win your own Wool Ironing Mat is leave me a comment at the end of this post that tells me if you like Ironing.    (my husband thinks it is quite odd that while I will press for 2 hours every night, I procrastinate ironing the Sunday shirts like nobody's business.  Pressing is fun, Ironing is a chore, tee hee hee ;)     The giveaway will be open until Monday morning when I will announce a winner here on this post ;)  

And it's that simple!!!   Thanks again to the wonderful folks at Precision Quilting Tools for sponsoring this giveaway.   And if you don't win, but still want to try out a Wool Ironing Mat, you can find them at Precision Quilting Tools  or on Amazon, or most likely at your local quilt shop ;)

And the Winner is  . . . 156 . . . Mom C .  Congrats, I have emailed you ;)

Thanks for popping in today and I hope you have a very Happy Quilting (and Pressing) Weekend!!! 

P.S.  In case you are wondering, The quilt blocks shown are from a new pattern I have in the works ;) Can't wait to share more!!! 

** This post contains affiliate links. 
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  1. I too have been wanting to try out these mats - one question, is there any smell from the heated wool? Those of us that make 5 and 6 inch blocks I think would love this!

  2. I use to have to iron all my school clothes. They were all 100% cotton and hung on the line to dry. I dreaded it then but look back on it with an almost homesick feeling of wanting to do that ironing again.

  3. I actually do like ironing - when I'm not rushing. I remember when my kids were little, I would iron their clothes on Saturday night for church on Sunday. I would spend the time praying for them and other family members as I did their clothes. It can be very peaceful! Thank you for the giveaway. I've been wanting to try one of these!

  4. I completely agree with you! I abhor ironing clothes, but enjoy pressing my finished blocks! Also not a fan of ironing yardage and backings :)

  5. I don't like ironing, but it's a necessary evil of quilting lol

  6. Cant wait to see your new pattern! I have been wanting one of these wool mats for a while! I like that it retains heat to help your iron out!! I dont mind ironing anything honestly! However I will usually avoid clothes that need to be ironed! LOL!

  7. I love pressing my blocks almost as much as I like sewing them up!! However, as much as I love pressing, I hate to iron clothes and almost never do!

  8. I am like you, get the pressing done for a quilt while the "real" ironing languishes right beside me .

  9. I only use my iron for quilting/sewing projects.

  10. These wool mats look incredible! The perfect size too.

  11. I love ironing! When my husband was in the Army, I always enjoyed ironing his uniforms. The smell of spray starch is one of my favorite smells and brings back so many memories.

  12. I’m just like you! I love ironing quilt blocks to see how beautiful they turn out but I am not a fan of clothes ironing! I, too, have been seeing these wool mats all over Instagram and would love to try one!!!

  13. Thank you for the great review and for the sweet giveaway! I would love to try one of these wool mats. I love the idea of really flat seams. I don't really mind ironing too long as it doesn't have to be perfect. Pressing for quilting is like a bit of reward along the way as you get to see the fabric looking pretty after it's pressed.

  14. I love pressing my blocks and seeing them come to life! I would love to own this wool mat!

  15. I don't like to iron and do whatever I can to avoid it. Pressing quilt blocks is another matter entirely though.

  16. I have been wanting one of these ironing mats. I don't think I've ironed any clothes in years but I use my iron everyday while quilting.

  17. I iron my husbands work shirs after drying them. They look so much neater. I press all my blocks, tops and backs with light sizing or steam. I'd love to try a wool mat.

  18. Love the mat! I love ironing..both quilt blocks and clothes. I find it very relaxing.

  19. I like ironing sometimes. I love the look of ironing though. I just recently learned about these mats and have really been wanting one!

  20. I actually quite enjoy ironing, once I get everything set up to do it! I suppose that comes from when I was a child and had my very own little electric toy iron. (Not something very child safe, in fact I'll always remember the zap I got when my fingertip went between the outlet and the plug!! OUCH!!!) I'm also a starch fiend. It sounds as if that wouldn't be necessary using this wool mat, but it is something I would be willing to give up!

  21. I don't like to iron, growing up I had to do a lot of it. But I don't mind pressing blocks though! Funny isn't it. I would love to try out one of those mats!

  22. Only if you can keep it secret...YES-but only QUILTING fabric!!!

  23. I do like pressing quilt units and also ironing clothes. I think I'm the odd one out on that. When I was a kid we didn't have a dryer so most of our clothes needed to be ironed, & it was one of my favorite chores. cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  24. HI,I enjoy ironing and fresh smell of clothing.Enjoy pressing my quilt blocks too. Thanks for sharing a neat giveaway! msstitcher1214(at)gmail(dot)com

  25. I like ironing blocks but don't like ironing finished quilt tops! or backs!

  26. Never heard of this! Id love to win one...

  27. I hate to iron clothes - my husband does that! But I do like pressing my blocks.

  28. I love pressing but not ironing, I, too, will procrastinate that job. Just like mending vs sewing, the mending I might as well toss, it takes so long to get to it.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I've been wondering about these mats! I'm intrigued.

  31. I don't mind ironing once I have the space cleared to set up the ironing board. I have read about and actually seen these wool ironing pads and really want to try one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I enjoy the ironing for quilting as it makes blocks and quilts complete. For ironing clothing, shirts don't bother me as they look so much better and are not really that difficult.

  33. I love ironing! I even iron my sheets since they are 100% cotton. Call me crazy, but I can relax while I iron.

    Sandy A

  34. I don't mind ironing for quilting/sewing projects, but I don't iron clothes!

  35. Ironing? Noooooooooooo! Pressing my blocks? Yesssss! What a sweet thing for the folks at Precision Quilting Tools to offer a mat to one of your readers :) Off to check out their website.

  36. At 81, I grew up ironing EVERYTHING!! I hated ironing! I love the ironing I do now because I love quilting .... I don't iron any more except when sewing or quilting~~ (or unless I can't avoid it ... seldom). LOL

  37. I am lucky enough to have a very large laundry room, and I can keep my ironing board up all the time, so I don't mind having to iron something, but I don't particularly enjoying ironing. Mostly, I just make sure to buy clothing that doesn't need ironing. Pressing while quilting, however, is a different story. I love pressing my seams and seeing those pretty blocks come together.

  38. I have no love of ironing. I learned by ironing dads handkerchiefs and pillowcases Mom made sure I learned to iron clothing. But now I never buy anything the has to be ironed Pressing my piecing is rewarding though I love a nicely pressed quilt block

  39. Ha! Like you, I enjoy pressing but way!

  40. I do lots of sewing in the winter and enjoy getting warm as I iron. Winters are so cold.
    Thanks for giveaway, The wool Matt seems a great way to press those seams as you sew each quilt block.

  41. I used to procrastinate ironing shirts but I now have a place to keep my ironing board set up so I get it done pretty quick. I’d still rather press quilt blocks than iron shirts, though!

  42. I like ironing! Of course, for some reason, ironing when quilting always seems more ‘fun’ than ironing clothing.

  43. I think that you are correct. Pressing yardage or blocks is fun because you can see the potential of what is to come. Ironing is just tedious and boring.

  44. Like to iron blocks, hate ironing dress shirts!
    What a fantastic giveaway!! Sooooo want to win this one!!

  45. I would love to try out one of these wool mats! All I have heard are rave reviews. And no, I am not fond of ironing.

  46. I definitely hate ironing clothes and tableclothes and fabric out of the dryer. But I don't mind pressing quilt blocks. This looks fantastic and perfect for dining room table sewing! Thanks for the chance to win. :-)

  47. I LOVE to iron!!! I bought an alpaca wool mat locally. She said it works just like the wool one. Haven't tried it yet Thanks sooo much for the giveaway

  48. Hiya Melissa,
    I DO NOT like ironing at I don't do
    I do, however, enjoy pressing seams and trying to get them as flat as possible.
    Thanks for all you do to keep your lovely blogs posts going...I read every one.
    Quilty Huggs!
    snausages 22 at yahoo dot ca

  49. I love to iron but then I grew up when we ironed everything and I mean everything. I find it very relaxing. I would love to try one of these wool mats - thanks for the giveaway.

  50. I used to love ironing -- put on a great old movie, and go to town! But for the last several years, I procrastinate. I had 3 shirts that needed to be ironed hanging on a lamp in my sewing room for six months. Eventually, I put them back in the closet, because the seasons changed and I didn't need them anymore.

  51. In high school, Mom and I would do ironing for people. Kept me in gas money. Now I will put it off until the moment it just HAS to be done. But, once you get started, you can zone out and all of a sudden, it's done!

  52. I always iron when I am sewing. I iron my clothes as needed!

  53. I don't iron, at all! If necessary, this is my husband job 😊. But I like to press quilt blocks! This ironing mat sounds amazing 👍

  54. I find ironing very relaxing...I watch something on TV or listen to a book. I have always ironed pretty much everything we wear. I am so glad that you reviewed this wool's currently on my XMAS list but I wasn't sure I would like it. Now I am convinced I would! One question: does the table below the mat become warm or "humid"? I don't want to ruin my craft table!

  55. Ironing was my favorite household chore until I started quilting. Then, all I could think and dream of was piecing. Now I have two ironing boards, one downstairs in my sewing area and one upstairs for clothes.

  56. I love ironing. I love washing new fabric and then ironing it.

  57. I have read about these and have been wanting to try one. Thanks for the chance. My clothes ironing tends to stack up until I have a big stack. I guess that is because I don't like to iron clothes although my ironing board stays up all the time.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Pressing quilt blocks yes, ironing no. I would love to have one of those ironing mats.

  60. I occasionally use my iron to do clothes, but I use my iron several times a week when I am making a quilt.

  61. Ironing isn't my favorite chore ! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  62. I don't even buy clothes if they are going to need to be ironed! But it is a necessary part of quilting and I love quilting so.... I press on.

  63. I love pressing! I love ironing! Am I weird?

  64. Ironing is one of the few household chores I enjoy!

  65. I agree with you, pressing a quilt block is fun, ironing my husband's shirts--not so fun!!

  66. I only iron household things if I have too but I don't mind ironing quilt things at all

  67. I hate ironing so much that I usually refuse to iron, and delay even pressing my quilt tops. But I'd love to try this new wool pressing mat. Thanks for your blog! It's on my Feedly list!

  68. I do not like to iron either! My husband only likes to wear button down the front shirts, so I have to iron weekly. I keep putting it off until I have a huge pile of shirts to iron and then it takes me a couple of hours to finish. It is my least favorite chore. I would love to try this mat.

  69. I don't like ironing at all. I only iron if I absolutely have to.

  70. I HATE ironing - don't much care for pressing either, but that mat might make it more bearable, especially if it halves the time it takes (2 sides at once)!!

  71. I am with you, I don't like ironing either, but I love pressing quilt blocks. My pressing really needs help, so I would love to have a wool mat.

  72. I used to have to iron my dad's shirts when I was young, and then had to iron my work clothes once I got older ~ I NEVER liked ironing!! But I love to press as I'm making a quilt, so go figure. :) Thanks so much for the chance to win a wool mat ~ I've heard tons of good things about it! (fingers crossed!)

  73. I have been wanting to try a wool ironing mat! Since we are both retired, the only ironing/pressing I do is for quilting.

  74. I only use my iron for quilting, I don't like ironing enough to do it unless I absolutely have to! Thanks for the review of the wool mat, I've been thinking about buying one, but haven't decided on the best size.

  75. I don't do much ironing any more that isn't sewing/quilting related. I got to try one of these wool mats at a recent retreat and really enjoyed it for pressing blocks. Thanks for the chance to win!

  76. I quite enjoy ironing. That said, I don't like doing it for much more than an hour at a time.

  77. I just ironed the sheets for my guest bedroom for the company that is coming this weekend. Not a chore as they look so pretty! I always press my quilting seams so that I get a nice quilt block.
    yoyopattycakes at hotmail dot com

  78. Nope nope nope. Ironing is awful and tedious and boring. Pressing seams on blocks, however, that's almost fun. 😊

  79. I don't mind doing either one. A lot of my friends love their wool mat.

  80. I don't mind ironing my quilt projects. This wool mat would make it even more pleasurable.

  81. I really don't like ironing, but if you don't want to look at those TV guys in the commercial it is necessary. Thanks for the chance to win this wool mat.

  82. I don't mind ironing (or the laundry in general). I love the smell of my scented pressing spray!

  83. No, I have to say ironing yardage particularly is my least favorite part of quilting.

  84. I dont iron clothes but I press a lot!

  85. I've been wanting to try one of these too. I like the results of ironing but not the doing it part so much.🙂

  86. I don't mind ironing fabric or quilt blocks, but don't enjoy ironing shirts!

  87. That looks awesome! I don't like ironing clothes. I can't say I love pressing/ironing for quilting either, however, there is something satisfying about how pretty the fabrics look all smoothed out.

  88. I press a lot and I iron a little bit. I like ironing because it is meditative but I don't have much time to iron clothes so I try to get them out of the dryer really quickly so I don't have to.

  89. I have always enjoyed ironing. Don't have to do clothes much any more but I like the pressing part of quilting. I would love to have one of these wool pressing mats

  90. Thanks for the chance to win! Hmm, given the number of pressed pieces of clothing in my house, I'd say that I don't like to iron clothes. But I do like a well pressed shirt, just as I like a clean kitchen. My key frustration with pressing is seams that don't lie flat. I usually stack old SAT study books on them while they cool, so these new wool mats seem like the perfect solution!

  91. I love to iron. Flat crisp blocks makes quilting fun.

  92. I like ironing fabric. Not so much clothes!

  93. I like ironing quilt blocks and my strip sets but not clothes. I usually iron only enough of a shirt that's going to show like the button area. Thank you for the giveaway.

  94. Like you, I love pressing and hate ironing! Therefore, I love wash and wear fabrics - I empty the dryer the second it stops so I do not have much ironing to do. On the other hand, I could press quilt pieced units all day, every day!

  95. I don’t mind ironing but can’t say that I love it. �� I’ve been wanting to try this one!

  96. I love to iron! My Mom was a big ironer, of everything! Before polyester & blends, almost everything needed to be ironed! I love the look of freshly ironed fabrics! Thank you, Susan

  97. I guess that I must be an odd duck as I don't mind ironing or pressing. I guess that it's because In the day almost everything had to be ironed. There was the RC Cola bottle with the shaker cap to damped the clothes that were spritzed and then rolled and prepared for ironing. I didn't have to rest while Paul Harvey was on the radio if I would do some ironing. And at that age, I felt I was too old for naps! I would love a chance to win the Wool pressing pad.
    Jayne Jacobson

  98. I rarely iron, but it’s okay if I have to - just don’t ask me to do it when you’re supposed to be out the door 10 minutes ago!!!! However, my dad worked retail and had to wear a shirt and tie each day, which meant MOM had the job of ironing his shirts every week. I LOVED watching her carefully iron each and every one of them so meticulously. A wonderful memory of a wonderful woman.

  99. Ironing board is out all the time but mainly for quilting. But it is up if I ever need to iron something on my way out the door. Would you recommend this size?

  100. I like to press quilting fabric. I don't iron clothes.

  101. I do enjoy ironing, but I don't miss having to iron 10 uniform shirts every week.

  102. I so agree... pressing is fun. Ironing is a pain.

  103. Actually, I like to iron/press/whatever. Except when it's really hot weather!

  104. I agree pressing I don't mind ..ironing is a chore

  105. I hate ironing! I do iron my new fabric after washing and my quilting projects. But clothes not really. The mat looks and sounds wonderful.

  106. Not really find of ironing, but part of the process.

  107. Ironing? Well, I like to turn on a movie or an audio book and iron away! Pressing is a little different, because it is so easy to tweek my "probably slightly off grain scraps from 50 years of sewing" and end up with a not-so-square block.l So I would love to be the eager recipient of a wool mat to see if that would help....and if not? Well perhaps I will dig into the wool bin and make one -- what would you use for the 1/2 inch of padding? Eager to hear from anyone with an idea for we "non-winners" Or is the pattern out there already? By the way I love your patterns and easy to follow!

  108. Haha, heavens no, I don't like ironing! Well, I do like pressing my blocks but once they're all together in a quilt top, that's a chore. I told my husband when we got married that I would not be ironing his 100% cotton shirts.

  109. I do not like ironing. When my husband was in the Army, I would not even press his uniforms. When it comes to pressing seams for quilting, I see it as just part of the process and I do not mind it. I have even manned the ironing station at guild sewing days, so that those who can sew faster than me can keep on sewing.
    The wool mat looks like it would be perfect for pressing small projects or to take to a class. Thank you for a chance to win.

  110. I do not like ironing, but don't mind pressing.

  111. I love to iron although I don't do as much as I used to. The pressing mats look wonderful, thanks for the chance to win.

  112. While I love pressing a quilt block, ironing clothes is the pits! I also don't enjoy pressing long strips, entire quilt tops, or bias binding that I have made. Basically, I need the immediate gratification of a small block. The wool mat intrigues me! May have to go buy one for myself, regardless!

  113. My chore as a child was the ironing (my mother's least favorite). She started me about 5 or 6 ironing pillowcases and my dad's hankies. I never saw the point in that! I finally moved on to his shirts. Needless to say, I don't ever buy any clothes that need ironing but I will stand and iron fabric for hours on end!

  114. I don't mind ironing, but do less of it than I used to.The wool pressing mats look like they would be very handy for block pressing--would be fun to try one!

  115. Can't say I am very fond of ironing clothing, but I love to iron my fabric. Love the beautiful colors & just touching the fabric makes me feel good!!

  116. I must love ironing as I can't live without doing it continually with my quilt projects.

  117. I love the entire process of making a quilt including pressing (and I even like clipping threads)! But do I iron clothes??? And people who iron jeans just need to do some therapy. :)

  118. well cant say i like ironing clothes but I do love to press my quilt blocks!
    when you put them side by side one pressed one not wow can one tell the difference!

  119. Thanks Melissa for the opportunity to win one of these mats. I've been eyeing them up, but the price has been defeating me. haha. I detest ironing and don't particularly like pressing, either, so any way I can make this part of my life easier, I will definitely look at it. haha

  120. Wow, Sunday evening ironing... that is an activity from my past when I wore blouses to work and my husband wore shirts. I never minded ironing and would watch tv while I working my way through the laundry basket. Now, however, I find it a pain when something is wrinkly and I realize that I need to the dreaded chore. Once I get going on it, it isn't too bad but it isn't something I look forward to and tend to procrastinate.

  121. I absolutely will not iron clothes unless it's a special occasion. You want your shirt un-wrinkled, then put it on the dewrinkle cycle in the dryer. That goes for my clothes too! But when it comes to ironing in the craft room (which is the only place my iron and ironing board are ever located) is something I'd be willing to do on a daily basis! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  122. I generally do not iron clothes. They have to incredibly creased for me to bother but I always iron my quilt blocks every step or use a roller if lots of smaller pieces

  123. The only thing I iron is quilt backs. I love to press patchwork and insist on having a flat, well pressed block. It makes it so much easier to put the whole quilt together.

  124. I love pressing the blocks to see if they really come out the corr3ct size!

  125. I e been wanting one of these since they came out! I just might find one under the Christmas tree from Santa! Lol would be awesome to win one!!

  126. Ironing is okay... Until I have to iron yardage! I don't like ironing large pieces, but man, the satisfaction of a smooth piece of fabric or block is nice...

  127. I don't do much ironing anymore. I don't even like pressing blocks, but I do love the finished product.

  128. I think pressing blocks is rewarding because it makes such a difference in the quality of your piecing. I don't mind pressing shirts either; I save this for the end of a day when I'm too tired to think about anything too complex. It's a simple job that I can cross off my to-do list while watching a favorite show.

  129. I Love pressing my fabric...spay starch too! I do have a guilty pleasure, I do like to iron my pillow cases!

  130. I don't mind pressing blocks, but hate ironing clothes. I saw the wool ironing mat at the sewing expo recently. I was waiting for others to tell me their expereinces before I plopped down the money to buy it.

  131. I don't like to iron, although I like the finished product. I like to see a nicely pressed quilt block or top, but that's not the same as ironing. I'm interested in trying a wool mat. Thanks for the giveaway!

  132. I don't mind ironing, but I wouldn't say I like it either.
    I used to have to iron my father's handkerchiefs when I was little!
    I've heard there is an odor, but if you use something that smells good like flatter, it helps!
    Enjoy the weekend!

  133. I am not one to love to iron! I do iron all the time with my quilting so this looks like a wonderful mat! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  134. I only iron while I sew....and avoid ironing at all costs otherwise!

  135. I love ironing. I think it is the scented spray statch. When my Mother became ill, I just couldn't do complicated quilt patterns. So I ironed all my fat quarters, I used a gallon of Best Press a month.

  136. I only like ironing quilt blocks!

  137. This would come so handy right now in the middle of making grandbabies quilts

  138. This would come in so handy just set it up next to sewing machinr

  139. Yes. I’m one of those people that likes ironing. I like my clothes to be neatly ironed and I like pressing my quilt blocks too. There’s just something about how nice and neat they look when you’re done!

  140. I love to iron freshly washed fabric. Also perfectly pressing blocks, ahhh!

  141. I looooove anything that includes an iron when it comes to quilting, but I purposefully don't buy any clothes that need any kind of ironing!

  142. I love to iron! When I was young the only thing I was allowed to iron was handkerchiefs and pillowcases. Now I iron whenever I can!

  143. I’d love to have the wool mat. I enjoy pressing quilt blocks.

  144. I love a crisp pressed quilt block but do not like ironing.

  145. I love the look of something that has been ironed but I hate ironing. Ironing for quilting is another story.

  146. When I was a girl,I earned $ by ironing the work shirts for my dad and brothers. I find myself ironing fewer items each year. Yippee for the slightly wrinkled look.

  147. Ironing clothes not so much...but give me some quilting fabric and I’m a happy camper.

  148. Love pressing my nice quilt blocks & still IRON some of my clothes...on occasion. Had to iron little boy shirts at the dry cleaner I worked at in High School in the 60's. Ugh!

  149. I love ironing/pressing quilt blocks BUT not laundry!!! I would love to try a wool mat!

  150. I love to iron for quilting only and now mostly only scraps not yardage. I’ve become so lazy!!

  151. I do love ironing, but I'm always looking for a better way!

  152. There is nothing like the smell of a freshly pressed shirt. While I procrastinate ironing clothes, once I get going, I love it. My mom had a mangle and I would press pillowcases, sheets, tablecloths, handkerchiefs, and when I got good enough, shirts. Learned to love that smell.

    What I don't like as much is pressing individual blocks. I like to sew up a bunch and then press them all at once.
    Thanks, love to try the mat.

  153. I get great satisfaction from ironing. I have had a wool ironing mat on my radar for quite some time but just haven't been able to justify the purchase. Maybe for Christmas if I don't win.

  154. Crazy me, I like both doing laundry and ironing. House cleaning, not so much.

  155. I'm with you - love pressing quilt fabric; don't love ironing. I press and starch my fabric before starting a project. I think the stiffer fabric gives me better results in cutting and sewing. And I really like the smell of starch. I use Faultless Spray starch - good results and a very good price point!

  156. I don't mind ironing/pressing things I've pieced. I don't care for ironing clothes or ironing large pieces of fabric, but I do it when I need to! Thanks for the chance to win.

  157. I agree with you whole-heartedly! I like looking neat, so will iron our clothing - when necessary! I do love to have my patchwork blocks lay flat and would be ecstatic if I were to win your wool pressing mat giveaway! I've looked at them online and at all the sizes offered. This 17"x17" mat appears to be just right for me. Thanks.

  158. I used to have to iron my parents and brother's clothes for hours, every Saturday afternoon. In our unairconditioned house in Satellite Beach, Fl, it was hot enough in summer to iron up a sweat in my bikini. Glad those days are gone forever!

  159. I love ironing anything I'm quilting but not always clothes.

  160. I used to be the ironer at my house when I was growing up. My mother worked everyday, so I did the handkerchiefs and pants, blouses etc. I find it more difficult to remember to press, not iron fabric patches, so you don't stretch them. poladydwd at yahoo dot com

  161. I love to press my blocks but do not iron any clothing:-) -michele

  162. Having an ironing mat would make life so much easier. I don't mind ironing. I can take it or leave it.

  163. I actually like to iron because I like the finished look so much. I really love the way my pressed blocks look!

  164. I don't love ironing, but doing it well is a necessary evil. Would love to try out this mat and see how it works.

  165. Ironing is not my favorite thing. I learned though it is essential when making a quilt. I would love this mat.

  166. I do like ironing like you my quilts and projects come first. I will wait until the last minute to iron someones clothes.

  167. I don't mind ironing. Once I get going, it's fine, it's just the getting started that's tough. I would love to try one of these mats.

  168. I have been so curious about these mats, thanks for sharing your thoughts... and the giveaway! I'm not a big fan of ironing, but I so love the way cotton clothes look once they're ironed.

  169. I do Not like to iron. I rarely buy 100% cotton clothing for this reason; however, when sewing, I will iron every seam. I would love to have this wool mat since it sounds like it would make that pressing chore much easier.

  170. I grew up ironing everything from sheets to clothes - the old days. Now I iron when making quilts. Mat sounds like something I'd enjoy.

  171. I hate ironing, but a quilting necessity

  172. I actually do love ironing! ( No one seems to understand why.) I've been hearing about these mats, I enjoyed your post about them.

  173. I don't mind ironing. I love seeing the shirt or pants go from wrinkled to looking so neat and wrinkle free.

  174. Don’t mind ironing as long as I can watch recorded Masterpiece specials!! Kathy

  175. Once I get to it, I do love ironing- something about making order out of chaos! Thanks for the opportunity to win the mat- have been reading great reviews!

  176. I don't love ironing, but i don't hate it either. If it needs done, i'll do it. We don't have a lot of clothes that need ironing, though.

  177. Pressing, ironing, hate it all! But I have heard great things about those mats. I remember being "allowed" to iron my Dad's hankies when I was young - now that was a con job if I ever saw one! (at) rogers (dot) com

  178. I totally agree that there is a difference between pressing and ironing! As an Air Force wife for over 26 years, I did a lot of ironing of uniforms, then we moved on to shirts (and ties)...not so fun! But pressing for quilting? Totally different story. The only pressing I don't enjoy is when I have a huge piece of EPP with tons of seams and I haven't pressed it in small pieces first...note to self! I am trying to remember to press as I go and it is so much better. Thanks for the giveaway!

  179. I love ironing. I love making cloth all smooth and perfect.
    I love ironing quilt blocks too

  180. I love long as there is no deadline!! haha

  181. I have been wanting to try one of these mats since I first saw them. I am appreciative of your review. I enjoy ironing but would rather press. Ironing most often equates with work, and pressing, quilting or playtime. Thanks for offering a giveaway.

  182. I'm not a big fan of ironing. Except my grandbabies little dresses. Those are just so darn cute and look even better free of wrinkles :)
    Thanks for the opportunity to win! I've heard of these mats. I love that you've found it seems to get a block pressed on both sides at one time.
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  183. I’m kind of odd as I love Ironing and pressing. I also love clean,white,bleach smelling laundry.

  184. Nope! I don't always have a good place to set up the board, I'm in Texas so the iron just adds to the hot. and just nope. :)

  185. I really don't mind ironing at all. This would be perfect for ironing blocks and smaller units. For long strips I use a big board that I draw a straight line on with a permanent marker. It makes it really easy to iron nice straight strip sets without ironing a curve into them.

  186. Thanks for the review of the wool ironing mat. I have heard about them a lot lately. I let my ironing build up until I buy new fabric. I wash and iron the new fabric and also iron a few of the clothes at the same time. Thanks for the chance to win.

  187. Have put the large wool mat on my Christmas list already. Think the mat would be great for quilting. I also do not like to iron shirts, etc. but take great pride when quilting! I also do not like to mend clothing but love to quilt.
    Thanks for sharing info on your wool ironing mat. You've sold me on how great they are.

  188. This is what I am wanting to buy. Everyone loves them that has them. Would be awesome to win because I do not iron, but I do press my quilt blocks. Who irons anymore?

  189. Ironing time is thinking time, and I do like it.

  190. Loving those quilt blocks, Melissa! I do not like ironing, no ma'am! I don't mind pressing when sewing, but ironing garments that are just going to wrinkle in the first minutes of wearing, I'm out the door!

  191. As chores go, ironing is not that bad. I don't iron a lot of my clothes but when I do I like the transformation from wrinkled to crisp. I am dying to try a wool mat - put it on my Christmas list.

  192. I only like pressing my quilting. All other ironing feels like work. I'm curious about the wool mat! I wonder if I could felt an old sweater and use it the same way!

  193. Truthfully ironing is not my favorite part of the Quilting process but I am all for something that makes the process easier.

  194. I was at an applique retreat recently and the wool pressing mat was the rage! After trying it--its on my wish list! Yes, I like pressing my work shirts and, of course, my quilting projects too. Thanks for sharing the product evaluation!

  195. I actually enjoy pressing. I still recall the little water sprinkler bottle Mom used to use and then fold the clothes to let them get a little damp before pressing. Guess the scent just takes me back to the 60's and those hair up in curler days and last minute pressing jobs.

  196. I iron because I like the results, not because I enjoy doing it. But one of my quilting BFFs just LOVES to iron!

  197. I don't mind pressing projects. When it comes to shirts, I am terrible.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
