Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Stacked Squares - New Happy Quilting Pattern!!!

 Today I am so happy to be sharing another one of my new patterns this week!!!     Here is Stacked Squares !!! This was originally a tutorial on the blog, but I was asked to teach in on a quilting cruise last month, so it needed to be written up into a pattern.   And now, we can all enjoy it with 7 size options as well!!!    

The Stacked Squares Pattern can be found in my Etsy Shop in both a Paper version as well as a PDF version.  And it is on Special for it's release with PDF Patterns at $5.50 and the Paper Patterns listed at $7.00!  The patterns are full color and the paper version is in book format.  

Stacked Squares  was designed to help me get control of my overwhelming low volume scrap drawer.  See, I make a lot of quilts with white backgrounds because it shows off the design!   But that means all of the beautiful Low Volumes in the line can't be used to piece the block or they blend away into the background to much.  Hence, an overflowing Low Volume scrap drawer.   Do you find yourself in the same situation??  If so, Stacked Squares is the quilt for you!!!     Doesn't that low volume background in the criss cross pattern just create so much fun movement.   I just love it!!   

I had so much fun digging through my print scraps as well!!   A helpful hint when making this quilt . . . Try to make sure your prints really "read" one color.  That way they don't blend into that super fun low volume background.  I picked Red, Navy, Aqua, Green, and Pink as my scrappy colors and then just dug through those color bin looking for scraps in those color parameters. And of course, I used scrap binding pieces to finish it off ;)  

I quilted this version of Stacked Squares with an all over loose feather design.  I was just going for something fun and whimsical to match that fun and whimsical background!!   It was the perfect fit ;) 

And like I mentioned . . . I taught this on a Quilting Cruise last month.   And for the cruise, I made a few extra "samples" :)   I made the "Cruise Kit" version, as well as a "Christmas Version".   I haven't quilted them yet, (Lighter in my suitcase as a flimsy :) and you know, as soon as I do, I will share them here.  I have to say, I am so excited to get the Christmas Version finished!!   I just love Christmas Quilts and I want this one on the couch for Christmas this year!!! 

And like I said earlier . . . the fun part of having this design in a pattern is all of the size options!!!  I just love doing quilt math ;)   You will find 7 size options in this pattern:  Baby, Child,  Lap, Twin, Picnic, Queen and King.  The fabric requirements are in both Scrap Yardage and/or Fat Quarters.   And I know, cutting scraps can take a little longer so I designed most of the quilt around 2 1/2".  That way it works for leftover Jelly Roll Strips as well, or you can use an AccuQuilt 2 1/2" Strip Die to really speed things up.  (My AccuQuilt is my favorite tool when working with Scraps!!!) 

And that is my new Stacked Squares quilt and Pattern!!!  And yes, my Happy Quilting Patterns have a new look, but they are still filled with full color - wonderful illustrations to guide you along each step of the way.   You are going to have so much fun making this quilt and get some major scrap busting done at the same time . . . Double Bonus!!!  And of course,  if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me ;)       

So are you ready to start making your Stacked Squres Quilts???  Pop over to my Etsy Shop, to pick up your Patterns.   Again, PDF Patterns are just $5.50, the Paper Patterns are $7.00,  until October 2nd :)    And while you are there, check out these other newly released and re-released patterns that are also on the same special ;)  Always good to save on shipping!! 

Oh, And when you make your Stacked Squares Quilt I would love to see it!!!  You can email me a picture at or add it to social media with  #happyquiltingwithmc ;)  I can't wait to see your Happy Quilting Quilts!!!

Thanks for popping in today and sharing this new finish with me.  I am so very excited and hope you all love this new quilt as much as I do!!!!  I'll be sharing more all week on these new quilts and patterns so be sure to come back and visit ;)

I hope you all have a Happy Quilting Day!!! 

P.S.   Just in case you heard "Quilting Cruise" and your ears perked up . . . I am teaching on another one in May to the Western Caribbean :)  It would be so fun to have you come quilt along with me on the sea!! 

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

   It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First we need to pick a winner from last week ;)  

The winner of the 3 Happy Quilting PDF Patterns is . . . .#289 . . .Congrats lauriewpetersen!!  I have messaged you ;) 



And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Poppie Cotton .      Poppie Cotton is an amazing fabric company started by my good friends Jina Barney and Lori Woods.  Their fabrics are just beautiful and are wonderful to sew with.   The quality is fantastic and I just love all of their pretty prints!!!   If you haven't sewn with Poppie Cotton yet, I highly recommend you check it out ;)  

And today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is an exciting one!!  Poppie Cotton is offering one lucky reader a brand new Garden Party Fat Quarter Bundle by Sheri McCulley.  Isn't this such beautiful fabric, and someone is going to win 21 Fat Quarters of it!!!!

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me what was the last Party you attended??

 ENTRY 2 - Lets show Poppie Cotton some Love!!!!   You can follow them on   FacebookYouTube or Instagram.  Or you can sign up for their newsletter or  visit Poppie Cotton and share your favorite fabric collection ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Poppie Cotton Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, October 3rd, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Monday, September 25, 2023

How They Shine - New Happy Quilting Pattern!!!

I am super excited to share all about my new pattern quilts this week!!!    So let's get right to it ;)  Here is How They Shine!!! I just got to teach this class at Garden of Quilts two weeks ago, and we had such a great time making these fun star blocks!!!    

The How They Shine Pattern can be found in my Etsy Shop in both a Paper version as well as a PDF version.  And it is on Special for it's release with PDF Patterns at $5.50 and the Paper Patterns are $7.00!  The patterns are full color and the paper version is in book format.  

How They Shine is such a fun quilt to make and is the perfect quilt for any occasion.   You could totally make a Holiday Version, or Wedding Quilt, or just about anything with this super versatile design.  Just change up the fabric and you will get a whole new look.   The quilt is made with HST's, Stitch and Flip Corners, and basic piecing so it really comes together quick.   And with the two layouts of blocks, you get some wonderful secondary patterns in the design.  

This version of How They Shine is made with the gorgeous Petal Song Fabric Collection by Corri Sheff!  I fell in love with these rich colors and gorgeous prints.   And since you use just one fabric in each block, it really shows off your fabric choices!!!   I really think you are going to love it and like I said, the sky is the limit on which fabrics you make it from ;)  

I quilted this version of How They Shine with one of my favorite's when I have a "grid" in the piecing.  I did some fun Wavy Orange peel that I echoed to add more texture.  I just love the way it makes these blocks just pop!!  I added a little curly q border around the outside of the quilt to make the "grid" work and it sets everything off just perfectly.  

And if you are wondering . . . haven't I seen this before, you are correct?   I shared the original How They Shine back in 2018 as part of the Fat Quarter Favorites book for Martingale.  But since Martingale has closed their doors, I know can release this How They Shine Pattern as part of the Happy Quilting Pattern Library and include multiple size options!!!  

So let's share those sizes.   You will find 5 size options in this pattern:  Baby, Lap, Twin, Picnic, and Queen.  So now you can make the quilts in just the right size for you, or make one in each size :)   I already have a baby size in the works, tee hee hee :)  

And that is my new How They Shine quilt and Pattern!!!  And yes, my Happy Quilting Patterns have a new look, but they are still filled with full color - wonderful illustrations to guide you along each step of the way.   You are going to have so much fun making these quilts ;)  And of course,  if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me ;)       

So are you ready to start making your How They Shine Quilts???  Pop over to my Etsy Shop, to pick up your Patterns.   Again, PDF Patterns are just $5.50, the Paper Patterns are $7.00,  until October 2nd :)    And while you are there, check out these other newly released and re-released patterns that are also on the same special ;)  Always good to save on shipping!! 

Oh, And when you make your How They Shine Quilts I would love to see them!!!  You can email me a picture at or add it to social media with  #happyquiltingwithmc ;)  I can't wait to see your Happy Quilting Quilts!!!

Thanks for popping in today and sharing this new finish with me.  I am so very excited and hope you all love this new quilt as much as I do!!!!  I'll be sharing more all week on these new quilts and patterns so be sure to come back and visit ;)

I hope you all have a Happy Quilting Day!!! 

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Saturday, September 23, 2023

New Happy Quilting Patterns!!!

 I am super excited to share that I am releasing 3 new Happy Quilting Patterns and I am also Re-Releasing 4 Happy Quilting Patterns!!!  

Yup, the Happy Quilting Pattern library is getting a whole new look.   Same great patterns in book format with full color and size options that you are used to.   Now it is just new printing so that I can start wholesale distributing my patterns!!!   Super exciting (and scary) but mostly exciting :)  I am just so happy that shop owners will be able to easily find my Happy Quilting patterns!!! 


I will be sharing all of the details about the new quilts, throughout the week . . . but for today, I just wanted to pop in a share a first look at these new and new-again Happy Quilting Patterns!!!  

 And of course,  they are on special for their Release and Re-Release!!!  For one week the PDF Patterns are just $5.50, the Hard Copy Patterns are $7.00, (hence why I am sharing them all at once, so if you want to bundle and save on shipping you can ;) 

 Both the Paper Copy and the PDF Versions of each of these 7 new patterns can be found in my Etsy Shop!!!  They will be on Special until the end of September ;)  

And be sure to pop back in next week for lots more pics and details on all these quilts!!! 

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Friday, September 22, 2023

Simply Jelly Roll Quilt Along - Week 2

 It's Week 2 of the  Simply Jelly Rolls Quilt Along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop.   This week we are making Caramel Blocks and how cute are they!!!   You can download the Week 2 - Caramel Blocks Cutting Guide Here

 I am just loving making the blocks in the Simply Jelly Rolls book !! I am using an Evermore Jelly Roll by Sweetfire Road and I just love that there were greens for the stems and pinks for the flowers, so cute!!! This is coming together quickly and I get more excited with each set of blocks completed!!!  

So are you joining in the quilt along star fun as well??  Be sure to share all of your Simply Jelly Rolls Quilt Along on social media with #SimplyJellyRollsQAL and check out Fat Quarter Shops post for Week 2  for lots more Inspiration!!!   

And that's it for Week 2 - The Caramel Blocks in the Simply Jelly Rolls Quilt Along!!!!   Can't wait to see what next week will be ;)  

Thanks for popping in today ;)  Have a Happy Quilting Day!! 

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