Friday, December 7, 2012

Scrappy Rainbow Star Tutorial

Well I finished my bee block and decided to take some photo's along the way :)  This is a great block to bust some of those scraps and who doesn't love working with rainbows :)   Enjoy!

To start - You will need some white yardage and scraps sorted by color.  Shown is my red pile, but you will need a pile of red, pink, purple, blue, aqua, green, yellow, and orange :)

We'll start by cutting squares from our yardage.  For a 16" finished block you will need (4) 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" squares and (4) 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" squares.  Now set those squares aside.  Note for size changes - If you want a larger 20" block do (4) 5 1/2" and (4) 6 1/2", if you want a smaller 12" block do (4) 3 1/2" and (4) 4 1/2" block.  Basically you are doing the math for a 16 patch block and on the second set of squares adding an inch :)

And now you are ready to start building some scrappy blocks.  So pick a color of scraps to start with and grab 2 scraps.  These do not have to be the same size, just make sure you have 2 straight edges. Use a 1/4" seam to sew the entire block.   Sew the 2 straight edges together and press towards either side.

Now time to start adding.  The basic thing you need to remember when adding is to have a straight line.  Now this could simply be to the right of the 2 scraps we just sewed, but I like my crazy patch to have lots of angels.  So,  just lay your ruler at any old angle along the two scraps and create a new straight line.  Then add a new scrap to the straight line created.  Always press towards the piece you just added.

Once again, create a new straight line and add a new piece.  When creating new straight lines, you don't have to cut an entire side, you can create new sides by cutting off portions, as long as the line is straight, you are good to add.

Also remember,  don't bother trimming pieces as soon as you have added them.  Often times, you find that having extra hanging over comes in handy when trimming because it allows for greater angles to be cut.

And lastly, if you find you have a long line you want to add to but want to keep the scrappy look, you can always sew 2 scraps together first and then add it to the straight line created.

Just keep making straight lines and adding until you have at least a 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" squares.  (If you are changing the size of your block, make your square the size of the larger white squares.)   You can spin your ruler at any angle to get it to fit.  (Also, as you get toward the outside of your block, don't be afraid to add bigger scraps as about 3/4" from the outside will be trimmed down. )

Once your block is large enough, cut a 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" square from it.  (And if you want to make more than one block, be sure to save those scraps you cut off, they make great starts for a new block.)

Repeat this process to make a total of (8) 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" squares, one in each of the aforementioned colors.

Now, cut all your scrappy squares once diagonally to create 2 triangles each.  Also, cut your white 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" squares once diagonally.

Match your triangles as follows.  One white triangle with 1 of each color triangle   And then match the remaining 8 triangles as so - aqua and green, yellow and orange, blue and purple, and pink and red.

Place each set of triangles with right sides together.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the long side.  If the color color combo's get a little off because of all the seams don't stress, that's why we trim down.   Press the seams towards the white of those triangles and open for the color color combo triangles.

Trim all of your newly formed squares down to 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" using the diagonal seam as a guide.  If you are unsure how to do this, see the 6th and 7th steps of this tutorial :)  (If you changed the size of your block, trim down to the size of your smaller white square.)

Now you are ready to layout your block.  Place your squares, including your set aside 4 1/2" white squares as follows.

Start your block by placing your 16 squares into pairs of 2, 2 sets for each row with right sides together.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the edge.  (You might want to pin due to the scrappy nature of the block.) Press the color/color seams open.  Press the color/white seams towards the white.

Now, you can sew those pairs into 4 quadrants.  Place the top pairs from rows 1 and 3 onto the bottom pairs of rows 2 and 4 with right sides together.  Take care when pinning to nest those center seams so you get nice points.  Sew a 1/4" seams along the pinned edge.  Press open.

Now sew the quadrants into 2 rows.  Place the right hand side quadrants onto the left hand side with right sides together.  Once again, take care to nest those center seams.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge. (See next picture for note on stitching).  Press open.

In order to get really nice sharp points, watch for the little white triangle made in the seam of your piecing.  Sew directly along the bottom of that white arrow to get a perfect point every time.

Lastly, sew your 2 final pieces together.  Lay them with right sides together taking care to once again, nest all of your seams.  That center seam is going to be awfully bulky but is the most important so take the time to line it up perfect.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge, once again, sewing along the bottom of your little white triangles in the seams.  Once your sewed edge is complete, go ahead and trim some excess out of your center seam.  Not more than 1/8" but just enough to allow you to lay it flat.

Now just press your seam open and give your entire block a good starching so it will lay nice and flat.  Now just enjoy your finished scrappy rainbow star!!!

Doesn't that center look so amazing!!!  I so love it!!!!

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and if you make your own Scrappy Rainbow Star Blocks I would love to see them!!  You can email me a picture at, post it to social media with #happyquiltingwithmc  or or add it to my flickr group here ;)  I can't wait to see your Scrappy Rainbow Star Quilt Blocks!!!    

And of course, you don't have to stop at just making blocks.   Here is a quilt my MIL, Barbara, made using 12 Scrappy Rainbow Star Quilt Blocks and then she just added in some basic stars in the sashing.    How awesome is that!!!    Have fun with those Scrappy Rainbow Stars!!!!
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Simply by Design - A New Pattern

Introducing Simply by Design, my newest pattern now available in my Pattern Shop :)    Simply by Design is just that.  Simple in it's design but yet so bold in it's statement.  Using monochromatic blocks makes this pattern a visual delight.

 This pattern  is suitable for beginners and up.  The pattern includes a coloring page so you can play with all of the color layout possibilities before you start to cut ;)

And I know we all love size options!!!!  The amount of blocks is the same for each quilt but the size of the block varies.  The pattern includes instructions for making 4 different size blocks ranging from 6 1/2" square to 15 1/2" square.   This allows you to make a Baby, Lap, Twin, or Queen size quilt.

This cover quilt is the Twin size and the fabrics are Simply Color by V and Co.  for Moda.   I have to admit, I have had this idea in my head for quite some time and was just waiting for the perfect fabrics to come along for it.  I instantly fell in love with Vanessa's Simply Color and knew it was perfect for this design.  

A little detail.  I used a pebbling free motion stitch on all of the colored blocks in matching colored thread and organic "straight" lines in the sashing.  I love the way the pebbles pop!!

So, do you want to make one for yourself??  My gal Leah from Burgundy Buttons can hook you up with a Simply by Design Quilt Kit  featuring the same Simply Color prints that I used!!!!  The kit is for the Twin size.  The kit also includes the pattern for free and the fabric itself is at a discount.   So pop on over and grab a kit for yourself and get quilting your own Simply by Design quilt.

I couldn't help by add this last picture.  It was so incredibly windy the day I had my little photo shoot.  I think I clipped that quilt to the rain gutter at least 30 times and caught it trying to blow across the yard at least 15 times.  I just kept waiting for a shot where it was actually lying flat.  (And in the end, I liked the one that it was blowing towards me the best :)

So this is my last new pattern for a little while.  Thank you to all of you fabulous readers and your continued support of Happy Quilting!!   Let's keep on quilting together :)  

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Herringbone and Monochromatic to finish out 2012

So it's more bee blocks today.  I can't believe that this marks the end of another year in bees.  I just love being part of them.  They provide opportunities to stretch your skills, be imaginative, and most importantly, make new friends.  So with the finish of these 2 blocks it's done with 2012 and looking forward to 2013.

For Joelle I made this fun Broken Herringbone Block using this tutorial.  This was a little tricky when we started building the block, but once you got going it made a lot more sense and went a lot quicker.  And don't you just love these happy prints!!  This is such a beautiful pattern and will make a stunning quilt!!

My second bee block is for Lisa.  She asked for anything with a ROYGBV theme.  I love rainbows!!!  So for starters I am making improv (or crazy patch, or making fabric, whatever you want to call it) monochromatic blocks which I will then piece into a basic star block design.  I am toying with the idea of making a little tutorial on how I make this block.  Are you interested??

And since it is Wednesday, why not add my little list to help me keep track :)  I am so excited to have 2 quilts in the finish stage.  Simply by Design I will show tomorrow (yippee for a new reveal) and Super Shabby Spin was mailed of yesterday to be published in a magazine.  So I can't show it until next spring.

So here's the rundown for the rest of the year :)  

Designing Stage

  • Circle Meets Square Quilt - This is getting pushed to 2013 for sure
  • Scrunchy Stripes - I think I might still be able to get this one done this year.
Piecing Stage
  • Jessi and Me Quilt 
  • Bee Block for Lisa
Quilting Stage
  • Solids Quilt for Free Motion
Completed Stage
  • Simply by Design
  • Super Shabby Spin
  • Joelle Bee Block

And here is what is on the list already for 2013 :)
  • Starburst Quilt-A-Long
  • Hugs Before Kisses
  • Read with Me
  • Ring Around

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Star and Woven

Yes, I am just posting my November Bee Blocks today.  I am officially 4 days late.  It felt so good to mail them this morning.  Sorry Pat and Jo for being a little behind :(

November had me working on 2 fun blocks!!  First, a Carpenter Star for Pat.  This is the second time I have made this block and  I love it!!  Thanks for your help in choosing the colors :)    This block was designed by Cherie and it is such a great block for working on technique.  She has a tutorial for it here :)

So many points, and if I do say so myself, pretty perfect points ;)  Not to shabby!!

Jo is making a Simply Woven quilt with solids.  These 2 blocks were fun and fast.  I think I might need to make one of these quilts.  Wouldn't it be so fun in Christmas fabrics!!

And that's November.  Now onto December's blocks.  Don't want to be late in the last month of the year  :)
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Monday, December 3, 2012

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day

It's Sew Mama Sew Giveaway day!!!  I love this day!!!  Now I know you have lots of places to visit so lets get right to it :)

Up for grabs is a Fat Quarter Bundle of 7 Wonders by Parson Gray / David Butler which is being generously sponsored by Julie of The Intrepid Thread.  Don't you just love these prints? One word, Stunning!!  Makes me want to go to the lake!  Wish it was a little warmer around here.

And for fun I will also be sending the winner 3 of my new patterns!!! I think any of these three patterns would look just amazing done in 7 Wonders  :)  


So what do you have to do for your chance to win???

Leave a comment here of your favorite item that Julie carries in her shop, The Intrepid Thread.

That's it.  Up to 1 entry per person.  Giveaway is open to international entries.  It will close on Friday, Dec 7th at 5pm and a winner will be selected randomly and announced shortly after.

Oh, and by the Way . . . If you are stopping by for the first time, Welcome!!   I am so glad you visited and hope you will come back often.  I have so much fun sharing my passion for quilting here.  If you would like, you can follow Happy Quilting and ensure that you catch all of the Quilty Goodness :)  I promise, I will make it worth your time with tutorials, giveaways, fabric eye candy, and lots of smiles :)
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